Re: [情報] 21.2版本已知問題與修復狀況

看板Hearthstone標題Re: [情報] 21.2版本已知問題與修復狀況作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:1

9/8 UPDATE: In Patch 21.2, we introduced a new system that made it so that
new Battlegrounds Heroes would be guaranteed to be offered each game during
their early access period (as long as anybody in that lobby had BattlegroundsPerks). The system was supposed to randomly split the offerings between all
people in the lobby with early access, but we’re now aware of a bug that is
making those offerings not random. We’re disabling the new system and going
back to the old early access system for the rest of this early access period
(ending September 14). We expect that the new system will be fixed and ready
to use again in time for the next new Battlegrounds Hero/Heroes.


但分配系統有bug以至於不是隨機 因此先取消此一機制




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mapulcatt 09/09 05:50笑死 難怪無口一天能選到十幾次軟大師

toby629a 09/09 10:22對岸有人說分數最高的一定會選到

michaelchen109/09 12:47難怪我都選不到大師= =

BoyoChen 09/09 20:01一樓說的是真的嗎