[情報] 24.2 已知問題

看板Hearthstone標題[情報] 24.2 已知問題作者
時間推噓 X 推:6 噓:7 →:4

The team is aware that some old Adventures cannot be accessed by players who
own some, but not all, of the wings to those Adventures. The team has
identified the issue and expects a fix in the next major patch.

有些舊的單人冒險如果沒有全開會無法進入 下次大patch會修

The team is aware that the Hearthstone Track XP Boosts are not being
represented in Daily and Weekly Quest amounts. The team has confirmed this isa visual-only issue and the Quests are still awarding the correct amount. Theteam is investigating the solution to this visual bug.

此僅為顯示bug 經驗還是會正確的加成

The team is aware that the Journal notification is unable to be dismissed
with this patch. The team is investigating the issue.

任務提示不會消失 處理中

The team is aware that Battlegrounds characters that can have more than one
Quest (Denathrius) or Quests and Secrets at the same time (like Akazamzarak)
are unable to mouse over the extra Quest to see progress. The team is
investigating the issue.

有秘密或多個任務的時候 會沒有辦法看到額外的任務進度

The team is investigating disconnections from Battlegrounds servers, causing
some players to be unable to re-enter until after the game at issue has

戰場現在斷線就連不回去 要等該賽局打完
造成斷線的英雄為: 布魯坎 塔維西 芬利 阮大師 目前都暫時禁用

- 戰場任務被沒收的之後更新會還你



※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國)
PTT 網址
※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 08/31/2022 06:04:49

rongyaya 08/31 06:44斷了

AAROC104 08/31 06:57打兩場斷兩場 都連不回去==

jjooee1428 08/31 07:41吃掉戰場週任務不算問題是吧 還有鬧鬼驚嘆號按不掉

鬧鬼驚嘆號就是任務提示那個 週任務的已知 只是還沒列上去

jjooee1428 08/31 07:54讚讚 小印度公司今晚加班囉

swallow0327 08/31 08:57剛剛又斷,不只這四隻會斷線吧==

swallow0327 08/31 09:01...我剛剛那場直接被沒收了,打完沒加分也沒紀錄

Jotarun 08/31 09:06我也是==

wold82502 08/31 09:07線燒完就直接卡住...重新連線又連線不了 連續兩場了

※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 08/31/2022 09:12:25

jq663098 08/31 09:12斷了不能回去還要等打完 笑死

Aggro 08/31 09:12我的強迫症又要發做了…

swallow0327 08/31 09:12白癡遊戲,來去上班了

jamescyt 08/31 09:17這品質還改成不能用金幣買XD

ws870325 08/31 10:32這樣好意思逼人課金 笑死先不講平衡性連正常玩都很

ws870325 08/31 10:32

rogerHi 08/31 10:56亞服爛兩年都不修還要人課金真的很好笑

magamanzero 08/31 14:08大型公廁現場 (?)

CRChen 09/01 01:42色違任務?