[遊記] 尼泊爾Ghorepani(Poonhill Trek)五日行

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推荐的尼泊爾健走旅行社:「Himalayan Abode travels and Tours, Treks and
Expedition」(Google Map 搜尋:「Himalayan Abode Trekking & Tours」)
Recommended Nepal trek travel agency:「Himalayan Abode travels and Tours,
Treks and Expedition」(Google Map search for:「Himalayan Abode Trekking &

這次一個人到 Nepal 旅遊12天,旅程中有5天參與了「Ghorepani(Poonhill Trek)」山區健走行程,這5天的體驗絕對是來 Nepal 最美好的回憶。最重要仍要感謝旅行社老闆
Prabin 和 Nabin 兄弟在行前及那幾天的諮詢服務,以及嚮導 Bhuban 帶給我的美好感受。
This time, I went to Nepal alone for 12 days. During the trip, I participatedin the mountain trekking tour in "Ghorepani (Poonhill Trek)" for 5 days. This5-day experience is definitely the best memories of coming to Nepal. The mostimportant thing is to thank the travel agency’s owner Prabin and Nabin
brother for their consulting services before and during the trip. And the
wonderful experience that my trekking guide, Bhuban, has brought me.

Why I booked this trip from TripAdvisor at that time was that this trekking
itinerary was perfectly fitted with my travel plan. Next, the Chinese
introduction of this tour is written in great detail. Then, the “fixed price
” included all the items which was clear and easy to understand for me, so I
didn’t have to pay extra attention to other details. The last reason is the
most important that the comments from other travelers are very good and
positive. I booked the trip about three months before my departure and paid
online with my credit card. To my surprise, they’ve provided a very
efficient and helpful online service whenever I have got any questions about
my trip and I asked online. Their responses were quick and clear even after
so many days from my booking.

旅行社的 Nabin 事前在網路上告知我抵達 Nepal 當天,他們會在機場等候接送我到市區,讓我非常意外的是這項服務不在旅遊契約內。當天在機場接待我的是 Prabin,而他也是一位熱情好客又有趣的人,隨後就和他一同搭車回到 Kathmandu 的辦公室。
The owner of the travel agency, Nabin, has informed me through the internet
in advance. He told me that they will wait at the airport to pick me up to
the downtown when I arrive. I was very surprised because this service was notincluded in the tour contract. I was welcomed at the airport by Prabin that
day. And he is also a hospitable and interesting person. Later, I took a taxiwith him back to Kathmandu's office.

回到辦公室後,Prabin 再次和我詳細解說行程,同時還熱情的請我喝奶茶,過程中他一直強調「happy、family」等詞彙,好像擔心我感受不到他們的服務熱忱。隨後我專屬的嚮導 Bhuban 也來辦公室會合,嚮導 Bhuban 不斷和我確認東西是否帶齊。
After arriving at the office, Prabin explained the schedule to me again. At
the same time. He also warmly treated me to drink milk tea. In our
conversation, he has always emphasized repeatedly the words like "happy,
family". He seemed to worry that I could not feel their enthusiasm of their
service. Then, my personal guide Bhuban came to the office to meet us.
Bhuban, kept confirming with me whether everything was taken.

因為陽光照射高山白雪會反光刺眼,在我沒有準備墨鏡的狀況下,嚮導 Bhuban 還帶我去街上採買,甚至還幫我談價,就連之後在山區健走採買紀念品時,嚮導 Bhuban 也都會幫我談價,他深怕我買貴了。
The brightness of sunlight reflected by large areas of snow or ice can cause
snow blindness, which is something that I have never experienced in my nativecountry. So tour guide Bhuban took me to the streets to buy sunglasses
because I didn’t bring any with me. Bhuban has helped me to negotiate the
prices when he took me to buy the sunglasses. The rest days of my tour, he
never stopped helping me to get a better bargain, even when I was shopping
for the souvenirs in the mountain area. He was worried that I might be
charged like a cash cow by some local shops.

抵達 Nepal 第一天,當天夜晚就要搭乘夜間巴士至 Pokhara,在大家還沒吃飯的狀況下,嚮導 Bhuban到外面採買食物和泡麵,並且煮了麵湯和大家共享,依舊是不在旅遊契約內,但卻讓人暖心的舉動。
On the first day I arrived Nepal, I had to take the night bus to Pokhara.
Bhuban went out to buy food and instant noodles for us, because we were so
hungry after a long haul bus ride. He cooked soup noodles for us to share.
This wasn’t the service in the tour contract, but it made me feel really

在這五天的體驗中,真心覺得嚮導 Bhuban 是非常棒的人,沿路所見的解說都非常清楚,他也會時常注意我的腳程是否跟上,他也時常詢問我的狀況是否還OK。每當我們抵達投宿茶房時,他第一件事都是先幫忙我確認房間,三餐吃飯也都幫我張羅得很好。而我在山區需要購買瓶裝水時,有些偏僻地方的售價較高,他也會建議我到沿路上其他店家購買,是一位真心為客人著想的人。
In these 5-day of experience. I truly think that Bhuban is a great person
after spending five days hiking with him, and he is a very experienced guide
who thoroughly explained everything along the trek. He often paid attention
to my walking pace, and often asked me if I was okay. Every time when we
arrived at the hostel, Bhuban always went to the front desk ahead of me to
confirm the room and helped me to arrange all of my meals. When we were in
some remote area, the bottled water was very pricy. Bhuban would suggest me
to buy water later at other shops or stores along the way. He is a good guy
who truly thinks of his guests.

我們不論在準備入山時,或者是途步途中看到石建神龕,嚮導Bhuban總不吝嗇停下為我祈福,希望我能在這趟旅程中感受到平安喜樂。路途中看到許多不同的白雪山峰時(有些是聖山),他也會停下來解釋我們在這神聖環境所處的定位,即是人與自然、神之間的相處平衡關係。每當我聽到他說完這些,再對照自己所處的環境,都讓我感受到這趟健行滿滿的正能量,而他也一直強調我們就身處在「God Garden」。
Bhuban never stopped praying for us no matter when we were ready to enter themountain area or when we were just walking on the way to a stone shrine. He
hoped that I can feel peace and joy in this journey. We have been through
many snowy peaks on the trek, some of them are holy mountains. At this
moment, Bhuban will always stop to explain which role we are in the balance
among human beings, the mother nature, and God. Every time after his
explanation and prayers, I can always feel full of positive energy. And then,when I compared about the situation I was in, I can see why he kept saying
that we were in the “God Garden”.

嚮導 Bhuban 是一位幽默風趣的人,因為我自己沿路的話不多,他也擔心我是否有被冷落的感受,甚至詢問我是否會覺得無聊?如此貼心。而且他還時常提醒我要拍照,甚至時常主動說要幫我拍照,對於第一次來訪的遊客而言,這絕對是最棒的事情。
Bhuban is actually a humorous man, however, I am a man with few words. He
often asked me if I felt bored on the trip. He is so cheerful. He often
reminded me to take more photos and often took photos for me. For a first
time hiker, this is the best travel tip to me.

to Lumbini & Lumbini to Kathmandu),當時在網路上回覆我的 Nabin 說沒問題。當我抵達 Nepal 後,Prabin 和我確認行程並建議我可以搭乘國內航班會比較舒適,雖然我堅持坐便宜的巴士,但他們為我設想的心意也感受到了。
Before heading to Nepal, I have already asked the travel agency to help me
purchase two bus tickets online(Pokhara to Lumbini & Lumbini to Kathmandu).
And the ower, Nabin, has replied me “okay” through the internet. However,
after I have arrived and confirmed my itinerary with Prabin, he suggested
that it would be more comfortable if I took the domestic flight. Although I
insisted on taking a cheap bus, but I have felt their considerate service.

山區健走行程結束後,嚮導 Bhuban 也積極幫我處理巴士訂票及聯絡事宜,而我在巴士資訊不完全清楚的狀況下,Nabin、Prabin 和 Bhuban 能幫我搞定巴士,對我幫助非常大。山區健走行程結束後,嚮導 Bhuban 與我道別,代表旅遊契約正式終止的狀況下,我在
Bhuban helped me to book my next bus tickets and helped me to arrange
everything after our trekking tour, because I had no information of the localbus service. They have been very kind and supportive to help me all the way.
My trekking tour finally came to the end, I said good bye to Bhuban which
meant our service contract was ended as well. I successfully got tickets and
took the bus in Lumbini and Pokhara. Their efficiency is really reassuring.
At the end of the journey, I have given Bhuban some extra tips, and thanked
for his help and service these days.

而在旅遊契約結束後,我分別在 Pokhara、Lumbini 和 Kathmandu 獨自旅遊行動。然而就在我待在尼泊爾的最後一天,Nabin 也專程到投宿旅社和我會合,因為他們曾經說過要載送我到機場搭機,當然這項服務也沒有包含在旅遊契約內,而且這天已是旅遊契約終止後的第六天,他們為客戶真心服務的誠意,我感受到了。
After the tour contract ended, I traveled alone in Pokhara, Lumbini, and
Kathmandu. On my last day in Nepal, Nabin came to the hostel to meet me,
because they have promised me that they would take me to the airport. Of
course, this service was not included in the tour contract. And that was six
days later after my tour contract was expired. I can feel their sincerity in
serving the customers.

我們準備搭計程車去機場時,Nabin 特地為我圍上一條寫滿經文的黃巾在脖子,那是一條類似西藏的祈福「哈達」,如此的離別祝福既讓人驚訝且感動。此刻是肺炎流行之際,離別時 Nabin 還不忘叮嚀我要戴口罩、勤洗手和勿接近人群。好多感謝說不盡,還是要說這趟來 Nepal 最棒的事情,就是遇到他們三人,如果沒有他們的安排,這趟旅行不會這麼完美。
When we were going to take a taxi to the airport, Nabin unexpectedly wrapped
a yellow scarf with Buddhist scriptures around my neck for me, it is
something called “Khada” in Tibet for blessing someone." What a surprising
but touching farewell blessing I have ever had. That was the moment when the
news kept broadcasting the coronavirus outbreak. Nabin reminded me to wear mymask, wash me hands more often, and stay away from the crowds. I can’t thank
them enough. If you ask me the best thing about this trip, I would say
traveling with them is the best. This trip wouldn’t have been so perfect
without their kindly help.

推荐的尼泊爾健走旅行社:「Himalayan Abode travels and Tours, Treks and
Expedition」(Google Map 搜尋:「Himalayan Abode Trekking & Tours」)
Recommended Nepal trek travel agency:「Himalayan Abode travels and Tours,
Treks and Expedition」(Google Map search for:「Himalayan Abode Trekking &


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marpha02/12 18:45如果只到poon hill難度不高,可以考慮自己走

idleidle02/12 22:34想輕裝去攻~~過夜要多準備太多東西了~~

idleidle02/12 22:34推錯文~

jyekid02/13 22:34poon 可以自己走啦

twnail02/08 07:04poon hill 我是自己去申請,自己找車自己走

twnail02/08 07:04有旅行社辦到好,專車接送確實方便不少只是價位文章沒提及