[閒聊] 你最喜歡哪首TWICE的主打歌?

看板KoreaStar標題[閒聊] 你最喜歡哪首TWICE的主打歌?作者
時間推噓推:278 噓:0 →:102





1.Like OOH-AHH
2.Cheer Up
7.Heart Shaker
8.What is Love
9.Dance The Night Away
10.Yes or Yes
12.Feel Special
14.I Can't Stop Me
17.Talk That Talk
18.Set Me Free



-What is Love?

-我最近真的很喜歡Alcohol Free



-我覺得Alcohol Free是她們最傳奇的一首歌 它適合任何季節

-我知道大家對於Fancy有很多分歧的意見 但我真的很喜歡這首歌

-Alcohol Free以及Dance The Night Away

-我滴酒不沾 但我已經醉了~~

-Like Ohh Ahh 我覺得用這首歌形容TWICE非常貼切

-我無法在Dance The Night Away、Feel Special以及Talk That Talk做抉擇

-我無法在這些歌曲當中選出一首 但是最近我真的很喜歡Talk That Talk!

-TT、Feel Special以及Alcohol Free

-我真的很喜歡Feel Special的歌詞...

-我過去喜歡TT以及Likey 但是在最近我更喜歡Feel Special

-Fancy以及Likey 儘管在最近我比較常聽Talk That Talk

-我喜歡在夏天聽Alcohol Free以及在冬天聽Heart Shaker
不過我最近更常聽Talk That Talk

-Likey、Yes or Yes以及Feel Special


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

c8895665 03/25 13:54KK最愛

c8895665 03/25 13:54Feel special

yui30407 03/25 13:54Fancy有到意見分歧喔?我的最愛耶

yui30407 03/25 13:55但其實選最愛其實有點難,選最不喜歡比

yui30407 03/25 13:55較容易

donna841213 03/25 13:56Knock knock 和heart shaker

wel1103 03/25 13:57What is love?

maxheartttw 03/25 13:59Yes or Yes跟fancy

levirrrrr 03/25 13:59Dance the night away 入坑曲

celya6223 03/25 14:00More and more

mikiworldpea 03/25 14:02都喜歡 我選不出來

jetun0718 03/25 14:03alcohol free跟yes or yes

IKEA9 03/25 14:04Heart Shaker 和 What is Love 這兩首絕對

IKEA9 03/25 14:04是真正的冠軍之爭!

Miseryz 03/25 14:04最愛yes or yes ,從歌曲、MV和舞台編舞

Miseryz 03/25 14:04三項都極具特色

ecAlice 03/25 14:05heart shaker 和what is love

pilodee 03/25 14:07WiL? FS

StressND 03/25 14:09feel special

pf775 03/25 14:10早期的歌真的比較好聽

f12341076 03/25 14:11feel special

PrinceAlex 03/25 14:11WIL YOY KK 聽了都會超級開心

Septembre 03/25 14:15knock knock

emily67890 03/25 14:15yes or yes!!!!!!!!!

Toro717 03/25 14:16Yes or yes

Toro717 03/25 14:16FANCY

Toro717 03/25 14:16Feel special

saluawu 03/25 14:17Feel Special

malaimomo 03/25 14:19alcohol free 和dance the night away

malaimomo 03/25 14:19!

chaechae 03/25 14:19硬要選一首歌的話就是Feel Special,地

chaechae 03/25 14:19位特殊的一首歌

dearyous 03/25 14:21太難選 不同心情時會有不同的最喜歡XDD

nancy0803 03/25 14:22Fancy

jansy 03/25 14:22最有意義能觸動的一定是Feel Special…

iamjimhaha 03/25 14:23fancy最好聽

Ningvolley 03/25 14:23LOA是夢開始的地方,KK、HS有戀愛的

Ningvolley 03/25 14:23心動感,FS會想哭療癒系的歌,ICSM、S

Ningvolley 03/25 14:23MF有大人感的愛,DTNA、TTT聽就對了

nckukath 03/25 14:24WIL, AF, FS這三首

iamseanx 03/25 14:24likey跟talk that talk!!

iamseanx 03/25 14:25alcohol free也很讚

haruko0420 03/25 14:25Feel special 第一名

mariandtmac 03/25 14:25好難選 yes or yes跟what is love吧

aheng 03/25 14:26Feel Special

janice123 03/25 14:26最愛TTT 會循環聽的歌

pierides47 03/25 14:28日專的主打也好聽

kuangfeng29 03/25 14:29科學家…日文的話喜歡KuraKura, Fa

kuangfeng29 03/25 14:29nfare

a000114 03/25 14:29Feel special但最近都在聽TTT

Fukudome 03/25 14:30Alcohol Free

yukihira 03/25 14:31Feel Special

jacky16839 03/25 14:32Cry for me

ayumi0128 03/25 14:33ICSM、FS、TTT、SMF!ICAM心中第一!

neo74214 03/25 14:35YES OR YES 唯一

ChubbyFluffy 03/25 14:37What is love跟DTNA選不出來!

much0810 03/25 14:37Feel Special

cutesoda 03/25 14:37FELL SPECIAL

cutesoda 03/25 14:38日文的話是perfect word

cutesoda 03/25 14:38world才對

gabiihair 03/25 14:41Feel Special > TT > Alcohol-Free

AhCheng 03/25 14:41太難選了...不過如果真要選就剛出道的前

AhCheng 03/25 14:41面那三首!!

AhCheng 03/25 14:42然後Sane的Shy Shy太印象深刻了

p58077919 03/25 14:44Fancy音樂很好聽

ingridpan123 03/25 14:46Feel Special

jasmin960 03/25 14:46What is Love?+ Heart Shaker搭配MV真

jasmin960 03/25 14:46的很棒

quagmire 03/25 14:48以韓文歌來說 TTT>WIL>FS

quagmire 03/25 14:48日文歌最喜歡Kura Kura這首我聽一整天都

quagmire 03/25 14:48沒問題

quagmire 03/25 14:48其實我覺得TWICE最被低估的是收錄曲 Bsi

quagmire 03/25 14:48de我喜歡的可以講一大堆XD

soledadverde 03/25 14:48好聽度是YOY TTT

soledadverde 03/25 14:49意境是Feel Special

yang122 03/25 14:50Likey

KoreanDream 03/25 14:509.少打一個A~這首真的很棒,我最喜歡

KoreanDream 03/25 14:50I can’t stop me!

lucksun 03/25 14:51只有我喜歡Fancy,Signal, 跟ICSM嗎

deeproad 03/25 14:52Fancy

mikiworldpea 03/25 14:52硬要選的話 The Feels

kevinker 03/25 14:53耶斯歐耶史

sushi6168 03/25 14:54fancy+1 日文kura kura 這首被低估了

※ 編輯: HarunaOno ( 臺灣), 03/25/2023 14:55:24

a31324285 03/25 14:55yes or yes

Ann301521 03/25 14:55韓Feel Special 日Celebrate

nrtbf 03/25 14:56What is love每次聽心情都很好 Feel Spec

nrtbf 03/25 14:56ial無法取代的感動 兩個都好喜歡

applesea 03/25 14:56WIL HS 科學家

applesea 03/25 14:57還記得當初WIL被唱衰

applesea 03/25 14:58因為後勁不好很快掉下去,但沒想到WIL

applesea 03/25 14:58 的後勁在後面呢

qq23 03/25 15:02What is Love? & Feel Special

Cindy971201 03/25 15:04Fancy+1 越聽越好聽

SnakeK 03/25 15:06What is Love

cha0304 03/25 15:07非粉最喜歡What is love

yy047 03/25 15:08What is love吧 MV經典 MAMA那個舞台也很讚

berry5277 03/25 15:08首推當然是Feel special ,然後Twice

berry5277 03/25 15:08的夏日曲都是神

littledos 03/25 15:09Breakthrough

kkevish 03/25 15:09fancy開始的都很愛

PureH 03/25 15:12Feel special~聽這首就會想到她們即使身處

PureH 03/25 15:12逆境,仍勇往直前的堅強,令人心疼又佩服

kades 03/25 15:14韓文Fancy 日文Doughnut

ayuro 03/25 15:15Talk that Talk是Feel Special之後我的心

ayuro 03/25 15:15中神曲

kaeun421 03/25 15:17我喜歡What is Love跟Likey,但覺得Fee

kaeun421 03/25 15:17l Special、Fancy、Alcohol Free比較耐

kaeun421 03/25 15:17

annatzang 03/25 15:18TT TtT Signal 無酒精 FeelSpecial

cloudal 03/25 15:18太難選了,我無法選擇

annatzang 03/25 15:19Cry for me Perfect world 兩首好像

annatzang 03/25 15:19不是主打但也很喜歡

edimax 03/25 15:19Fancy

PatrickStump 03/25 15:21KK、heart shaker、Likey

chenyu0937 03/25 15:24Likey!!Fancy也超愛

Wooper 03/25 15:25TTT

wispelle 03/25 15:26含Fancy在內往前都很愛,之後只愛perfec

wispelle 03/25 15:26t world

coyakiki 03/25 15:27沒最喜歡的一首,只有很多喜歡的~

JuneSixth 03/25 15:31Fancy

sharon852608 03/25 15:33全部都喜歡除了Signal XD

v0060814 03/25 15:33Alcohol Free

orcgary 03/25 15:37除了科學家其他都喜歡

sfxcvgys 03/25 15:37like ooh-ahh

summerrain86 03/25 15:41Heart Shaker

chloefish 03/25 15:41KK WIL likey

iamwhoim 03/25 15:44Likey

h332563145 03/25 15:44好難選 但大家不太愛的Signal我喜歡

h332563145 03/25 15:44近期TtT跟SMF我也喜歡

Turas 03/25 15:45TT

gigi1012 03/25 15:45最喜歡I can't stop me!真的超愛這首

gigi1012 03/25 15:45的旋律

annatzang 03/25 15:47SMF也喜歡 本來無感 越聽越上癮

annatzang 03/25 15:48TWICE的主打良率真的很高 基本上可以

annatzang 03/25 15:48說都喜歡

l145678p 03/25 15:51Likey! Fancy! feel special!

Keney99 03/25 15:51都喜歡

l145678p 03/25 15:51Talk that Talk也很愛

Cynthia17 03/25 15:54What is love?

p47603986 03/25 15:54What is love?

sunsirr 03/25 15:55feel special 目前最愛 無 取代

q1214951 03/25 15:56Feel special

njmsjmdct21 03/25 15:57AF FS Likey 剛好都是大猩猩的作品

lalafly 03/25 15:58最喜歡的是出道曲 第二喜歡的是more & mo

lalafly 03/25 15:58re

Bubble88 03/25 15:59喜歡dance the night away~

lalafly 03/25 15:59不過好像都沒看到有人選more & more OAO

heykuoheyhey 03/25 16:01what is love

pudin0116 03/25 16:01Fancy!

s5689 03/25 16:03I cant stop me

selina061517 03/25 16:03Heart Shaker

Empty13 03/25 16:05太難選了!硬要選的話Feel Special

bluecat5566 03/25 16:07DTNA

Ashen19 03/25 16:08AF、DTNA、Signal

chenrita54 03/25 16:09當然是Feel special

kid1412sonic 03/25 16:09KNOCK KNOCK

aoe7250350 03/25 16:10Knock knock

icelatte 03/25 16:10what is love heart shaker跟knock knoc

icelatte 03/25 16:10k

saroku123 03/25 16:11YOY

roselight 03/25 16:127

mmmzmz 03/25 16:13Feel special神曲 第二名就很難選了

Aaso 03/25 16:13結果幾乎都選舊歌

whoandwho 03/25 16:14Scientist

AllenHuang 03/25 16:16非粉 選Knock Knock

ak7757 03/25 16:17TTT

eeyoyo 03/25 16:19Alcohol Free 夏天聽很讚

sivhd 03/25 16:20無酒精很棒

lluunnaa 03/25 16:22cry for me

tran628 03/25 16:23feel spcial

bigzuo 03/25 16:23Talk that talk、Alcohol-free、Heart sha

bigzuo 03/25 16:23ker

a82380 03/25 16:27Feel Special

nene80726 03/25 16:28Yes or Yes

hownever 03/25 16:31TT、 Fancy

coldwin 03/25 16:31應該是Yes or yes,但Heart shaker也很喜

coldwin 03/25 16:31

Mjts33 03/25 16:33Feel Special

Faniii 03/25 16:35Talk that Talk!

hungyuan 03/25 16:37ICSM

kid98425 03/25 16:37喜歡Likey~ 但一開始聽Twice是從TT開始

eurekani12 03/25 16:38feel special/ dance the night away

joy55 03/25 16:38最喜歡KNOCK KNOCK,聽了心情好

momoko5116 03/25 16:44Alcohol free

lilweiting 03/25 16:46Knock Knock、Heart Shaker

mia20031226 03/25 16:48路人粉最喜歡knock knock,串流隨機

mia20031226 03/25 16:48播放時都不會跳過

xd12345xd 03/25 16:49ICSM

allkobe 03/25 16:49Yes or Yes 跟 What is Love

Lancelord 03/25 16:50TT, what is love?

mogumoo 03/25 16:51What is Love?

mogumoo 03/25 16:52Like OOH-AHH、Knock Knock 也喜歡

Yabe0000 03/25 16:53What is love

Yabe0000 03/25 16:53 feel special

Yabe0000 03/25 16:53yes or yes

Han831 03/25 16:55真的好難選….. Fancy

maggie556628 03/25 17:02heart shaker和 yes or yes!

OooopsDB 03/25 17:07唯一支持Cry for me

lazeena 03/25 17:09What is love 跟 I can't stop me!!!!

nakinight 03/25 17:10Feel special 跟 I can’t stop it

enjoy31401 03/25 17:11TTT跟DTNA

faye8626 03/25 17:15AF跟TTT

tearsforfear 03/25 17:16ICSM

ohbravo 03/25 17:19knock knock, heart shaker, DTNA!

fsderid 03/25 17:19Feel Special

etudiant 03/25 17:22喜歡alcohol free 這首真的很神..

yuan0117 03/25 17:26WHAT IS LOVE,FANCY

yuan0117 03/25 17:26ICAM

bovobago000 03/25 17:28Dance the night away 跟 What is Lo

bovobago000 03/25 17:28ve

sphinx1031 03/25 17:29對主打的愛都還蠻平均的 就那科學家還

sphinx1031 03/25 17:29好而已ww

sphinx1031 03/25 17:30Set me free音源輸科學家我不能接受ww

jaxer70179 03/25 17:32feel special

Louismax 03/25 17:35Heart Shaker 每次聽都暈爛 戀愛感爆棚

sw1216ws 03/25 17:36Talk That Talk. FANCY. Heart Shaker

shortround 03/25 17:37Knock knock

tung0926 03/25 17:37Heart shaker

sherii57928 03/25 17:38推TTT很好聽舞台也很好看

chi1242 03/25 17:40Feel special

FaBie 03/25 17:49turtle

Jonghwa 03/25 17:50I can’t stop me

yayiisme 03/25 18:00Fancy是全新風格、Feel special觸

yayiisme 03/25 18:00動人心

demonic01127 03/25 18:00Feel Special

kalvin 03/25 18:00TT

js9840716 03/25 18:01最愛I can’t stop me!

Preu 03/25 18:03Heart Shaker

swiverose 03/25 18:14絕對是like ooh-ahh 沒有死亡高音+rap

swiverose 03/25 18:14不尷尬 / Likey也不錯

gold97972000 03/25 18:15Feel Special

hsx1002 03/25 18:18太難 忍痛選What is love

doS16 03/25 18:20Feel Special

intro 03/25 18:24Feel Special!但全都好喜歡

dropscat 03/25 18:29Feel Special 無酒精也很愛

chisrvl 03/25 18:32歌單只留Knock Knock

retry3965 03/25 18:32FANCY

chuchulala 03/25 18:36反而覺得Scientist可以無限循環!

kaokls 03/25 18:36只可以選一首嗎? 選不出來拉

etjhong 03/25 18:44Knock Knock

phoebeF 03/25 18:46都喜歡,但是最愛I can’t stop me

Mavis 03/25 18:49選擇障礙,我選不出來

heart115 03/25 18:50Knock Knock

mercinana 03/25 18:50Alcohol Free跟TTT

legacy708 03/25 18:51都不錯,但最喜歡fancy

ROMEOCACKER 03/25 18:52dnta、yes or yes、what is love

ilovehomura 03/25 18:56喜歡scientist

yunari26kb 03/25 19:02TTT

MFFL 03/25 19:07KK、YOY、fancy、set me free

fishello 03/25 19:11Knock knock、Heart shaker

akiraje 03/25 19:11Feel special Yes or Yes Talk That Tal

akiraje 03/25 19:11k

Mues 03/25 19:13DTNA FS

clwwimmida 03/25 19:14前期:出道曲、Cheer up、Heart shake

clwwimmida 03/25 19:14r

clwwimmida 03/25 19:14後期:Fancy、Feel special、ICSM

clwwimmida 03/25 19:14夏日曲DTNA和無酒精也都很愛 TWICE真

clwwimmida 03/25 19:14的不好聽的主打很少XD

cc52099 03/25 19:20Knock Knock!

bear60 03/25 19:22icsm fancy dtna 敲敲…很多但後期主打喜

bear60 03/25 19:22歡的只停留在icsm

beejoe 03/25 19:25我覺得韓國人現在應該是都覺的是“前”一

beejoe 03/25 19:25首或兩首 XD

sixteen 03/25 19:27Feel Special!

try0905 03/25 19:28Heart shaker

canallchen 03/25 19:39ttt,moonlight,the feel,

koiyami 03/25 19:40Feel special

Lisongga 03/25 19:45Cry for me, the feels, Moonlight Sunr

Lisongga 03/25 19:45ise想放進去

fabulousme 03/25 19:49喜歡LIKEY

onebuck 03/25 20:00很難選 除了信號 是我少數不太喜的以外

alan012287 03/25 20:04What is love

dxwinner 03/25 20:09Feel Special 跟DTNA

jullei 03/25 20:17沒有不喜歡的

dawnA 03/25 20:19feel special !

fidelity77 03/25 20:24Heart Shaker

tracy0426 03/25 20:27what is love

solan0716 03/25 20:30Heart Shaker, YES or YES跟 Talk tha

solan0716 03/25 20:30t talk,不過其實都喜歡好難選^^

Dcupgirl 03/25 20:31Cheer up

songmeng 03/25 20:33最近最愛的是TTT

howter 03/25 20:33JYPE看到沒 快放twice開唱吧!

nacheong17 03/25 20:34最愛出道曲、Knock Knock、Talk That

nacheong17 03/25 20:34 Talk!但其他也都很喜歡><

EMILYJR225 03/25 20:38最愛Yes or Yes

CandyYen 03/25 20:41DTNA, Feel Special, what is love~

ctrliam 03/25 20:45Dance The Night Away,Fancy,Feel Spec

ctrliam 03/25 20:45ial,More&More,Alcohol-Free,都是最愛

ctrliam 03/25 20:45曲!!

ctrliam 03/25 20:45TWICE真的每首主打都超神,要選出最愛太

ctrliam 03/25 20:45難了QWQ

ayu4684 03/25 20:56超喜歡DTNA

superich 03/25 20:58CU跟DTNA

min4045 03/25 21:00Feel special、Alcohol-free

hsiaochin 03/25 21:02Yes or yes

some7259 03/25 21:03每一首有每一首的好 但我選Fancy 入坑曲

some7259 03/25 21:03

tsurutake 03/25 21:15The Feels

cathrinz 03/25 21:15YOY

smile00823 03/25 21:15每一首都喜歡 最喜歡就是ICSM 跟TTT

puffer3635 03/25 21:18I can't stop me從剛發歌直到現在都

puffer3635 03/25 21:18還能天天循環的程度

yatasi 03/25 21:19what is love

gi1234g 03/25 21:32fancy 最愛 沒有之一

fal7531 03/25 21:40Fancy!

cc0314 03/25 21:42Fancy

Lachdanan 03/25 21:44Heart shaker!!!

role5901 03/25 21:45Alcohol free跟DTNA

neiko 03/25 21:48perfect word/Alcohol-Free/DTNA

pamela03 03/25 21:49KK WIL YOY永遠的TOP3

mrjheng 03/25 21:52Alcohol-Free

llillyllilly 03/25 21:58Knock knock

ptes 03/25 22:07WIL跟TTT 日文Kura Kura 跟fanfare

wuyi51 03/25 22:07Feel special! 但早期最愛knock knock

weni9 03/25 22:21I can’t stop me , alcohol free , the fe

weni9 03/25 22:21els , TT

ppppq 03/25 22:53我最愛ICSM!

huangcyi 03/25 22:57KK!

arainclhs 03/25 23:00Feel special 在我內心很辛苦的時候

arainclhs 03/25 23:00剛好出了這首,哭得稀裡嘩啦

sherryimayda 03/25 23:04Heart shaker是我的入坑曲!但是最

sherryimayda 03/25 23:04愛超難選

aroni 03/25 23:14YOY KK Fancy

jasonshiue 03/25 23:19選項有夠多好幸福

Bbjae126 03/25 23:21What is love是我開始聽她們歌的開始

rock8655 03/25 23:30太難選了啦

picachuln 03/25 23:36

Same 03/25 23:57近期TTT

youwilldie 03/25 23:59Feel special 唯一 讓我感受到力量

telescopy 03/26 00:01有好幾首捏~但最近期是Feel Special

pinkcbaby 03/26 00:38What is love!

larons 03/26 00:42Fancy 絕對是

kaido 03/26 00:49Knock Knock 甚至覺得現在的Twice也沒有那

kaido 03/26 00:49時候舞台的感覺了~

kaido 03/26 00:51KK看MV每次都有種啊 好青春的感覺

hanxiet 03/26 00:55Feel special

candlelalala 03/26 00:56TWICE出道是我真正開始認真關注KPop

candlelalala 03/26 00:56的時候,聽每首主打都會想起當時的

candlelalala 03/26 00:56自己,所以好難選最喜歡的,因為每

candlelalala 03/26 00:56首都是獨一無二的人生片段呀~

asdfg567 03/26 01:00Feel special

ILNARA 03/26 01:38現在來聽的話 KK AF 很常就哼到底XD

ILNARA 03/26 01:45對了 TWICE以前的歌 還有很多新的reaction

nothing0524 03/26 02:03what is love 跟 yes or yes

madjack 03/26 02:23Alcohol Free

white28 03/26 02:39還沒轉型前signal,轉型後more&more

tarimasu 03/26 02:51不算粉但文中提到的都哼得出來XD特別喜

tarimasu 03/26 02:51歡的是Feel Special、What is love、TTT

zora9794 03/26 05:52OOH-AHH,Heart Shaker和Talk that Talk

zora9794 03/26 05:52無法抉擇 日專超愛Celebrate

yusheng0423 03/26 07:04超愛入坑專輯yes or yes

ruruw 03/26 07:16Feel Special

juicyfruit 03/26 10:30主打what is love非主打珍貴的愛情

winteryoyo 03/26 10:38花此拉ㄈ 和烏阿誒

ESTABIEN1128 03/26 11:32Feel special

sdgfdhgkl 03/26 12:15TTT ICSM FS

Meowcc 03/26 16:34Feel Special

Childishan 03/26 16:53無酒精很棒

Childishan 03/26 16:53Talk that talk

Childishan 03/26 16:53TT

PTDxxi 03/26 18:02More and more

garrickhsu 03/26 18:14What is love?

Hirano 03/26 18:43Feel Special

ocf001497 03/26 19:38Feel Special

chihpy 03/26 20:04Fancy

ponyo0828 03/26 21:49Signal 但是這好像是大家最不愛的哈哈

ponyo0828 03/26 21:49 我喜歡到還學會了整首歌怎麼跳

nooooon 03/26 22:28Alcohol free跟DTNA

baoda 03/26 23:24最近是TTT

MOONDAY79 03/27 01:27Feel Special,這是我第一首狂刷TWICE

MOONDAY79 03/27 01:27各種舞台和cover的歌

jkl85621 03/27 10:57Cheer UP

Eddward 03/27 11:47LIKEY最頂

homepig99 03/27 15:27LIKEY的Jihyo 最項

aplover 03/27 17:54I can’t stop me

cynthiasx 03/27 19:09Feel Special 現在聽又聽哭了

docoke 03/28 06:06Heart Shaker! 聽到心情就很好

a3649bbs 03/28 10:27TT (MV太好看

ionchips 03/28 11:01很多喜歡但一瞬間會回憶是Feel Special

owowowo 03/28 19:15全部都可以