[情報] 三張進入滾石年度專輯的K-POP專輯

看板KoreaStar標題[情報] 三張進入滾石年度專輯的K-POP專輯作者
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時間推噓55 推:55 噓:0 →:35

第九名J-Hope " Jack In The Box"

作為第一個發行個人專輯的防彈少年團成員,J-Hope以Jack in the Box創下標準,這是一張10首曲目的概念專輯,以重述Pandora盒子的神話開始。 那個神話般的混亂容器中的最後一件物品是希望,Rapper以希望命名自己——如果這種不斷增長、無休止的創意處
女作有任何跡象,那麼這是一個恰當的描述。 今年早些時候,他告訴《滾石》雜誌:“
我真正想說的是,這張專輯充滿了我的靈魂和真誠。” “這樣一來,這是一張獨特的專
The first BTS member to release a solo album, J-Hope set the bar high with Jack in the Box, a 10-track concept album that opens with a retelling of the myth of Pandora’s box. The last item in that mythical, chaotic container was hope, after which the rapper named himself — an apt description, if this growly,
endlessly creative debut is any indication. “What I really want to say is that the album is filled with my soul and my sincerity,” he told Rolling Stone earlier this year. “In that way, it’s a unique album, and the album is very m
eaningful because, in terms of musicality, it’s going to act as a stepping stone for J-Hope to go forward.” After a debut like this, J-Hope’s fans (new a
nd old) can be pretty sure they won’t be disappointed with his future offerings. —B.E.


Jisoo、Lisa、Jennie和Rose長期以來一直將K-pop作為“Lovesick Girls”統治,但隨著
Born Pink,他們被炸成了搖滾皇后。 它簡短而甜美——20分鐘內有八首歌——但Blackp
ink一直需要喋喋不休地穿過整個明星姿勢的衣櫃,充滿著高能量的自信。 “Pink Venom”用於日落大道的華麗金屬雷聲,而“Shut Down”是那些帕加尼尼的陷阱節拍和古典小
提琴迴圈的the ladies boasting。 但Killer是“Yeah Yeah Yeah”,充滿了Strokes-st
yle的吉他和憤怒的荷爾蒙。 Born Pink是迄今為止Blackpink有史以來最不可否認的音樂。——R.S.
Jisoo, Lisa, Jennie, and Roshave long ruled K-pop as the “Lovesick Girls,”
but with Born Pink, they blow up into rock queens. It’s short and sweet — e
ight songs in 20 minutes — but that’s all the time Blackpink need to sashay
through a whole wardrobe of star poses, blazing with high-energy confidence.
“Pink Venom” goes for Sunset Strip glam-metal thunder, while “Shut Down” i
s the ladies boasting over a trap beat and a classical violin loop from Paganini. But the killer is “Yeah Yeah Yeah,” full of Strokes-style guitar and rag
ing hormones. Born Pink is the most undeniable music Blackpink have ever made— so far. —R.S.

第46名NewJeans " New Jeans"
毫無疑問,Minji、Hanni、Danielle、Haerin和Hyein今年的第一張EP引起了轟動。 單曲《Attention》、《Hype Boy》、《Cookie》和《Hurt》在不到13分鐘內打卡,每首單曲都具有
獨特的聲音和新鮮的視覺成分,嚴重傾向於90年代的流行美學,非常適合這個樂隊,並保證重播。 NewJeans是最新一代K-pop團體的一部分,有了NewJeans,他們有著強大的基
礎來發展和成長。 這只是一張一口大小的迷你專輯,但它讓我們想要更多。——K.K.
There’s no question that Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein made a splash this year with their first EP. Clocking in at just under 13 minutes, the singles “Attention,” “Hype Boy,” “Cookie,” and Hurt” each feature a uniq
ue sound and fresh visual component, leaning heavily into a Nineties pop aesthetic that suits this band well and guarantees replays. NewJeans are part of the latest generation of K-pop groups, and with New Jeans, they have a strong foundation to evolve and grow from. It’s just a bite-size EP, but it’s left us
wanting a lot more. —K.K.


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※ 編輯: yutan0802 ( 臺灣), 12/02/2022 14:23:49 ※ 編輯: yutan0802 ( 臺灣), 12/02/2022 14:27:49

LesBleus 12/02 15:30Born Pink真的很耐聽,恭喜BP!

pf775 12/02 15:36現在的韓國歌都是拼湊不耐聽

chith 12/02 15:44BP的歌 真的很讚

chith 12/02 15:44只可惜是聽一次少一次

Demons 12/02 15:47NJ真的讚

s82112523 12/02 15:48有newjeans欸 推推

blacktail 12/02 15:55推BP ~

mnyan0503 12/02 16:04NewJeans讚讚 四首都很神

stella1013 12/02 16:15推J-Hope也推NewJeans!!

carolefan 12/02 16:27BP是怎麼了嗎?不然為什麼聽一次少一

carolefan 12/02 16:27次?

chith 12/02 16:30他們發歌的頻率 每次回歸我都當最後一次了

chith 12/02 16:30QQ

bleach1991 12/02 16:33J-HOPE這張專輯短而美 BEAT很享受

pokiman 12/02 16:40newjeans 的歌我還是天天聽

sunny61629 12/02 16:55推號錫 NJ

mapletree 12/02 17:01純論個人喜好,今年最讓我無限循環的就

mapletree 12/02 17:01是NewJeans,曲子太對我這個老人家口

mapletree 12/02 17:01味了

c98518 12/02 17:04New jeans真的好聽...

eric00169 12/02 17:06Hype Boy真的好聽

jjkchi 12/02 17:10推號錫Newjeans~

Peterpan80 12/02 17:12推推 Jhope

mhhe 12/02 17:25New Jeans歌真的超級好聽 到底是什麼曲風這

mhhe 12/02 17:25麼讚

vince4687 12/02 17:26沒有ATEEZ可惜 NEWJEANS很值得 BP今年

vince4687 12/02 17:26那張差一點

dda 12/02 17:28Newjeans真的威 還第一張而已

tim19990312 12/02 17:31NJ這張背後兩位製作人250和FRNK功不

tim19990312 12/02 17:31可沒喔

MOONDAY79 12/02 17:38NJ真的是開啟新世代女團,很喜歡她們

MOONDAY79 12/02 17:38的概念

pokiman 12/02 17:44Hybe當初還反對NJ用這些歌出道還好閔熙

pokiman 12/02 17:44珍堅持也挺住

niiiiina 12/02 17:48NEWJEANS歌好聽也耐聽

karary123 12/02 17:48Bp跟new jeans 兩張都還在聽 好聽好聽

HCU0501 12/02 17:48希望NJ下一張的妝髮造型可以跟這張不同阿

JGatsby 12/02 17:53Pink Vemon我覺得很好聽

aoichichi 12/02 18:08推NJ

sodavoxyi 12/02 18:10推號錫 JITB很讚

dacinwin 12/02 18:11我路人 超愛NewJeans這張

riceball230 12/02 18:11推NJ

volermer 12/02 18:11推號錫!!!好喜歡JITB <3

amos9909 12/02 18:18推BLACKPINK

yujuismylove 12/02 18:20Born pink的英文歌是真的好聽

Ivan001122 12/02 18:21但可惜J-HOPE專輯只有一張紙做成平面

Ivan001122 12/02 18:21的盒子和幾張貼紙、小卡,很可惜啊..

Ivan001122 12/02 18:21.可是團專重新包裝合輯出版都是厚厚

Ivan001122 12/02 18:21一疊呢

shan535 12/02 18:48推BLACKPINK

matchatriang 12/02 18:49推NJ

JSeung 12/02 19:06NewJeans這張是真的很神

z83420123 12/02 19:06250和FRNK都是BANA的 BANA長期和SM有大

z83420123 12/02 19:06量合作 李成洙也稱讚過BANA是最值得信

z83420123 12/02 19:06賴的 A&R之一

z83420123 12/02 19:07應該就是閔熙珍的SM人脈延續下去

z83420123 12/02 19:07所以找BANA來幫忙製作NJ首張EP

z83420123 12/02 19:08BANA真的是很有趣的公司 旗下很多藝人

z83420123 12/02 19:08自己作品都堅持自己的取向 沒有為了更

z83420123 12/02 19:08熱門向市場妥協 但另一方面又會幫idol

z83420123 12/02 19:09去寫歌

s990228 12/02 19:19拜託牛仔褲下一張也不要有rap

softflame 12/02 19:49真的 rap幾乎都是尷尬又扣分

OREbuffer 12/02 20:17推號錫推NJ~

velownica 12/02 20:24Hype Boy真的有夠中毒

yui2143 12/02 20:53期待NJ下次回歸

coralforest 12/02 21:06NewJeans真的到現在每天都會聽一遍

coralforest 12/02 21:06Attention開頭的“欸欸~欸~欸”左

coralforest 12/02 21:06右聲道環繞 真的很難離開腦袋 哈哈

yutan0802 12/02 21:06嗯 嗯嗯

ssjs88 12/02 21:13樓上兩位好有立體音效果

faye8626 12/02 21:17推J-Hope 跟 NewJeans

may917118 12/02 22:50推號錫的Jack in the box,個人風格很

may917118 12/02 22:50強烈

maedchen 12/02 23:27恭喜號錫,首次十首全自創無合作的sol

maedchen 12/02 23:27o專便獲得外媒的高評價,好感動QQ

EasyIsBeauty 12/03 00:00個人評價 J-HOPE NJ>>>>>>BP

rairobin 12/03 00:30推BP 真的神好聽

hopevirus302 12/03 00:39推號錫!儘管知道專輯曲風不是大眾

hopevirus302 12/03 00:40取向,還是堅持要展現出j-hope的另

hopevirus302 12/03 00:40一面,挑戰自己並獲得樂評高評價,

hopevirus302 12/03 00:40為他感到驕傲QQ

MinionFans 12/03 00:48推推BP全專 尤其好愛Hard to love~

vogue81 12/03 00:50推號錫 New Jeans

hsygchieh 12/03 00:51推號錫~

andiiiknow 12/03 01:12推J-hope

jenny75 12/03 01:31推號錫!!!

pttnew 12/03 02:10NJ歌真的讚….

Idxrose 12/03 03:01我也超愛NJ

sunsanglamor 12/03 13:50BP 推推