
時間推噓51 推:51 噓:0 →:75

才一場球的決勝期被冰就搞到這樣 之後讓教練不敢放他下去
我不知道他有沒有意識到 他在做跟Rambis一樣的事情



一個明星球員可以用場上的表現贏得自尊 但還有另一件事情叫做自重


Russ場上的問題 這篇外電用比較數據化的方式說明比較清楚
The Truth Behind Russell Westbrook: He Hurts The Lakers With His Turnovers
And Lack Of Defensive Effort

Russell Westbrook背後的真相:他的失誤和防守缺乏努力傷害了湖人隊

Russell Westbrook’s Offense

Russell Westbrook的進攻

The Lakers rank first in the NBA in pace this season at 100.8 possessions per48 minutes versus last year when they finished 16th out of 30 squads. There
is no question that Russell Westbrook has been the driving force behind the
Purple and Gold’s evolution from a plodding team to the fastest organization
in the league.

But does the way Russell Westbrook pushes the pace actually help the Lakers?

湖人隊本賽季以每48分鐘 100.8 次的pace在NBA排名第一,而去年他們在30支球隊中排名第16。毫無疑問,Russell Westbrook把紫金軍團從一支緩慢的球隊推升為聯盟中最快的球隊。

但是Russell Westbrook真的幫助了湖人隊嗎?


The Los Angeles Lakers are second in the league in transition opportunities
with 21.5 per game, but they only manage 1.09 points per possession, landing
the Purple and Gold in the 48th percentile. Genuine Lakers fans already know
the reason their hometown squad lands in the bottom half of the league in
transition buckets; because they turn the ball over too much in the open
court. The Purple and Gold are seventh in transition turnover frequency,
coughing up the rock 13.1% of the time.

洛杉磯湖人隊以每場21.5次的轉換快攻在聯盟中排名第二,但他們每回合只得到1.09分,排在第48個百分比。 真正的湖人球迷已經知道他們的球隊落入聯盟下半部的原因;

Russell Westbrook often pushes the ball up the floor too fast and recklessly,looking to attack the basket even when the opposing squad is back. He
repeatedly goes at hyper-speed, a true tunnel-vision player, lacking the
floor sense to know when to pull it back and set up the Lakers half-court
offense. Too often, he pushes things to the edge and makes unforced errors,
and NBA fans know what happens when one player coughs up the ball in
transition; it almost always leads to an easy basket the other way.

Russell Westbrook經常將球推得太快和魯莽,即使在對方球隊回來的情況下也想要攻擊籃框。他反復以超快的速度推進,視野跟隧道一樣的球員,缺乏球場地板意識,不知道何時將球拉回來建立湖人隊的半場進攻。他太頻繁把狀況推到邊緣,並犯下非受迫性失誤,NBA球迷知道當一名球員在轉換進攻中丟失球會發生什麼事情。通常會導致對手用很簡單的方式得分。

Russell Westbrook Racks Up Assists

Russell Westbrook取得助攻

The best part of Russell Westbrook’s game is probably his passing ability.
He averages 8.3 assists per game, good for sixth in the league, which is
impressive. Factor in the fact that he plays alongside LeBron James, who is
20th in the association with 6.6 dimes per contest, making Westbrook and LBJ
the only duo in the top-20, and you can see the LA native is finding his
teammates with pinpoint passes even though he shares the rock with James.

Russell Westbrook比賽中最好的部分可能是他的傳球能力。他場均8.3次助攻,排名聯盟第六,令人印象深刻。考慮到他與LeBron James並肩作戰的事實,LeBron以每場6.6助攻在聯盟中排名第 20,這使得Westbrook和LBJ成為前20名中唯一的二人組,你可以看到這位洛杉磯本地人正在通過精準的傳球找到他的隊友 即使他與James分享球權。

The Purple and Gold as a whole attempt an excellent 17.4 wide open (no
defender within 6 feet) three-point shots per game. Russell Westbrook createsmuch of that shooting space.


Because of Russell Westbrook’s excellent drive and kick game, the Lakers
feature seven regular rotation players—T. Ariza, A. Bradley, C. Anthony, A.
Reaves, W. Ellington, L. James, and M. Monk—shooting better than league
average from beyond the arc.

由於Westbrook的出色表現,湖人隊七名球員—T. Ariza、A. Bradley、C. Anthony、
A. Reaves、W. Ellington、L. James 和 M. Monk—三分線的投籃命中率高於聯盟平均

Westbrook is seventh in the league in assist points created at 20.9 points
per game.

Russell Westbrook以場均20.9分的助攻得分排在聯盟第七。

Russell Westbrook’s Shooting Numbers Are Bad

Russell Westbrook糟糕的投籃數據

Russell Westbrook has struggled from distance this season. He comes in at
104th out of 118 qualified guards who’ve attempted 3.5 three-point shots per
game, with a disastrous 30.2% average. If you’re an NBA fan, you already
know he can’t shoot from beyond the arc.

What you probably didn’t know is he’s been equally bad close to the rim.
Westbrook is connecting on less than 60% of his 5.8 shot attempts at the rack.

Compare Russell Westbrook’s shooting numbers from 0 to 3 feet versus the
other Western Conference top playmakers:

Russell Westbrook本賽季一直在外線掙扎。在場均出手3.5次三分球的118名後衛中,他排在第104位,命中率30.2%。如果你是一名NBA球迷,你已經知道他不能在三分線外投籃。



- Russell Westbrook: 59.9% from 0 to 3 feet
- Stephen Curry: 58.6% from 0 to 3 feet
- Chris Paul: 73.3% from 0 to 3 feet
- Donovan Mitchell: 71.7% from 0 to 3 feet
- Ja Morant: 68.4% from 0 to 3 feet
- Luka Doncic: 76.9% from 0 to 3 feet


- Monte Morris: 77.5% from 0 to 3 feet
- Dejounte Murray: 71.4% from 0 to 3 feet
- D’Angelo Russell: 61.5% from 0 to 3 feet
- De’Aaron Fox: 69.9% from 0 to 3 feet

The only playmaker he shoots better than at the rim is Stephen Curry, the
best three-point shooter of all time. All the other setup men hit at a much
higher clip than the Lakers point guard.

Westbrook唯一贏過的球員的叫做Stephen Curry,但他是全NBA最好的三分射手

Russell Westbrook Is A Turnover Machine

Russell Westbrook是個失誤機器

Russell Westbrook averages 4.8 turnovers per game, second in the league.

Russell Westbrook平均每場比賽失誤4.8次,在聯盟中排名第二。

Westbrook is not at the center of the Lakers’ offense. Every opposing squad
game plans for LeBron James and Anthony Davis. The former Bruin routinely
makes unforced errors. Watch a Lakers game and you’ll see him dribble the
ball off his foot, pass the rock to nobody, and lately, he’s begun to jump
before he swings the ball, sometimes realizing he doesn’t know where his
teammates are on the floor.

Westbrook不是湖人的進攻核心。LeBron James和Anthony Davis才是。Westbrook經常犯非受迫性錯誤。看一場湖人隊的比賽,你會看到他運球運到腳上,將球傳給任何人,

The numbers show that Harden, Doncic, George, and Young are incredibly
beneficial to their team’s success despite their turnovers, while Westbrook
does more bad than good on offense.

數據顯示,儘管有失誤,Harden, Doncic, George和Young對球隊的勝利非常有幫助,


- James Harden’s Estimated Plus/Minus: +4.2, 95th percentile
- Luka Doncic’s EPM: +2.8, 92nd percentile
- Paul George’s EPM: +2.6, 90th percentile
- Trae Young’s EPM: +4.3, 95th percentile
- Russell Westbrook’s EPM: -0.7, 57th percentile

Westbrook often goes at warp speed on the court, doing before thinking. He
doesn’t need to go full throttle for the Lakers to find success. He’d be
better off playing in control and minimizing his pointless mistakes.


Russell Westbrook’s Defense

Russell Westbrook的防守

Russell Westbrook averages 11.7 defensive field goal attempts per game, but
only contests 3.6 shots per contest.

Think about that, Russell Westbrook defends nearly 12 shots per game but onlygets his hand up and genuinely challenges a little over three attempts per

Russell Westbrook一場會有11.7次防守對手投籃,但他只會有3.6次是真正上去防守。


Those numbers are damning.


Really focus on Russell Westbrook as he plays D, and two things will stick

He rarely gets a hand up towards the ball as a shooter launches (Lakers fans
are nodding). Instead, he tends to stand flat-footed and lazily put his hand
toward his assignment’s chin.

He seldom closes out hard on an open three-point shooter (Lakers fans are
still nodding with a tear in their eyes). Westbrook closes out, but not with
a purpose. He usually meanders toward the three-point line because he has to,like a 10-year-old who slops a sponge across his dad’s car, getting enough
soap on there so his old man doesn’t yell at him, but nothing more.

Russell Westbrook在防守時只會做兩件事:



Overall, Russell Westbrook allows his assignments to shoot 46.7%, one of the
worst marks among the Lakers’ regular rotation players, and the Purple and
Gold are 1.9 points worse per 100 possessions on defense with their starting
point guard on the floor.

總之,Russell Westbrook的投籃命中率為 46.7%,這是湖人常規輪替球員中最差的成

Russell Westbrook’s Rebound Numbers Are Inflated

Russell Westbrook的籃板數被誇大了

Russell Westbrook averages 8.1 rebounds per game, fourth among all backcourt
players in the NBA. His numbers are bloated.

Russell Westbrook場均8.1個籃板,在NBA所有後場球員中排名第四。他的數字是膨脹的

Most head coaches don’t emphasize offensive rebounding in today’s modern
NBA. In fact, nearly every squad preaches a “get back on D” approach, which
means players don’t flash to the rim for put-back attempts or offensive
rebounds because that can leave them vulnerable to a transition attack if
they don’t manage to lock down the board. Nowadays, most players rush back
on D after a shot attempt, preparing to lock down their rim.

"get back on D",(應該是指這種 )

Russell Westbrook uses this “get back on D” strategy to tack onto his
rebound numbers. Go to a Lakers game, and you’ll see him fighting his
teammates ferociously like a grizzly bear straining to secure a jumping
salmon for the chance to pull down an unchallenged defensive rebound. If
there are Lakers players around the free board, chances are Westbrook is
going to nab it.

Russell Westbrook使用這種"get back on D"來增加他的籃板。去看一場湖人隊的比賽,你會看到他像灰熊一樣兇猛地與隊友作戰,努力抓住一條跳躍的鮭魚,以爭取機會拉下一個不受挑戰的防守籃板。 如果無人爭奪的籃板球周圍有湖人球員,Westbrook很有可能會抓住它。

Russell Westbrook’s Overall Defensive Numbers Aren’t Good

Russell Westbrook的整體防守數據並不好

Dunks and Threes rates Russell Westbrook in the 29th percentile on D.
Westbrook’s defensive box plus/minus is at -0.6, meaning he’s more than
half a point worse than a league average player on the less fun end.
He clocks in at 295th out of a possible 558 players in defensive rating.

Dunks and Threes 將Russell Westbrook的防守評分排在第29個百分比。

Russell Westbrook hasn’t brought consistent value to the Lakers through the
first half of the season. All he has to do is slow down, stop making silly
mistakes, and give more energy on the less fun side of the ball, and he’ll
help the Purple and Gold inch toward championship contender status.

Russell Westbrook在上半賽季並沒有為湖人隊帶來穩定的比賽水準。他所要做的就是



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jetloading0001/29 22:01Rambis :我只看的到今天下半場的龜

jetloading0001/29 22:01非賣品

jetloading0001/29 22:06推整理外電

jimli01/29 22:07他會說喔 然後下一場比賽繼續老樣子

smartpon01/29 22:08籃球智商真的太低了…由衷佩服KD與雷霆

TreJones01/29 22:10這篇明明是文字,卻好有畫面

TheoEpstein01/29 22:11辛苦了,這篇真的很不錯。

Ryo556601/29 22:11防守那段XD

nedekwn01/29 22:12整篇看下來我真的一直點頭 囧

jetloading0001/29 22:12最後那段 在比賽中不那麼有趣的地方投入更多心力很

jetloading0001/29 22:12中肯 AR:那些都我在做啊......

Ryo556601/29 22:13每場對手12次投籃龜竟然肯認真守3次太棒啦

TheoEpstein01/29 22:13我一直點頭點到後面是含淚點頭 (完全如文章所寫)

jimli01/29 22:14AR的數據不好看 但有看球就知道他細節有多好

jimli01/29 22:14某方面來說龜很現實 只有有數據的東西他才重視

jetloading0001/29 22:17看AR數據 會覺得是個非常無聊的球員

jetloading0001/29 22:17但認真看過他比賽 絕對很容易被這樣的熱血態度跟聰

jetloading0001/29 22:17明圈粉 然後還只是個菜鳥

jetloading0001/29 22:17就像前幾場瓜賽後再度說的:AR就是總知道自己該在

jetloading0001/29 22:17何時何地出現。

A791101/29 22:17看了會想哭

TheoEpstein01/29 22:18瓜跟詹都知道AR這樣的球員對團隊多重要

johnnyvose01/29 22:19龜最大的問題真的就是防守太慘和失誤過多,然後本來

johnnyvose01/29 22:19外線就差,這季連切入都不見了

smartpon01/29 22:19AR真的很棒,真的不要再相信一堆明星了

glen01/29 22:19因為Russ在比賽中有太多問題 是box score表面上看不到

glen01/29 22:20這篇外電是用不少進階數據把他的問題浮現點出來~~

smartpon01/29 22:20看龜打球就是會一直浮現,乾他在打三小的想法

Pushyong01/29 22:20沒有追live真的不會知道他的防守到底多可怕

BignoZe01/29 22:27看來全世界的湖迷都看到了龜的問題

BignoZe01/29 22:28龜真的有夠爛 面試騙到之後就不演了

l2l01/29 22:32笑話說 龜龜防守虛應故事 像小孩只是隨便應付老爸要他洗的車


sc7912901/29 22:33不知道龜到底在快什麼

zombierick01/29 22:34龜像是跑車,但是煞車時常壞掉那種。

LBJKO01/29 22:39看比賽就感覺 球落下後 就往前衝了,然後湖人就其他人

LBJKO01/29 22:39跟著 攻守轉換 湖人就會三分噴出去了...

LBJKO01/29 22:39那種其實不是很好的投籃節奏Orz...

r49139607601/29 22:51點頭到脖子斷了!

james123774101/29 22:54這些資訊球團怎麼可能不知道,更讓人不解看影片出

james123774101/29 22:54身的我哥在想什麼?

BignoZe01/29 22:56我哥就要兼顧政治問題 龜一冰就爆氣 藍鼻屎硬要DAJ上 把

BignoZe01/29 22:56愛將全部交易走

matsuwu01/29 23:00這篇就非常理性的把我們眼睛看到的東西寫出來。詹湖酸跟

matsuwu01/29 23:00龜龜本人根本不會看

matsuwu01/29 23:01龜龜真的很屌,我是第一次看到這種文,能夠腦海出現具體

matsuwu01/29 23:01的畫面,知道那些長什麼樣子

matsuwu01/29 23:02KD搭的龜龜是巔峰龜,即使有失誤,但是投籃命中率是很漂

matsuwu01/29 23:02亮的。

matsuwu01/29 23:03龜龜的衝刺,每次都失誤然後瞬間被得分。不止前後差四分

matsuwu01/29 23:03,氣勢和節奏直接爛掉。

※ 編輯: glen ( 臺灣), 01/29/2022 23:15:18

ltmps01/29 23:14西河的問題不是無法改,但就是改不了。

BignoZe01/29 23:16西河本人看起來有沒有改的意願

Deathclaw01/29 23:31對 那段比喻簡單說就是虛應故事 放上海綿+泡泡=洗車

ksuenjjr01/29 23:32推翻譯,辛苦了!

ksuenjjr01/29 23:36Vogel絕對有看到啊,問題是龜冰不得,腦熱把他冰起來他

ksuenjjr01/29 23:36會更熱需要安撫

lakb2401/29 23:44西河唯一比較好的點就是持球進攻能力了,今天下半場可以

lakb2401/29 23:44看得出來,但是缺點卻是看了大半個賽季,季初的期望到現

lakb2401/29 23:44在只剩下失望而已…………只能拼命提醒自己明年夏天就結

lakb2401/29 23:44束了

kart01/29 23:48詹從一代騎末開始常常會提到make a winning play,在場上做

kart01/29 23:49好能贏球的事或細節這些數據展現不出來的東西。當初球哥就是

kart01/29 23:49投籃不行但是能做出winning play的球員,現在的AR也是。龜就

kart01/29 23:49完全是相反。所以我真的很訝異老詹還能跟他相處那麼好 = =

kart01/29 23:50老詹之前提到失誤內容的談話大概是最重的話了,但是我還真希

kart01/29 23:51望能更重一點 @@

BignoZe01/29 23:51因為龜有通過詹的面試XD

lakb2401/29 23:58Jordan選秀眼光更爛,詹皇只是遇到一次詐騙而已應該還好

lanchenchen01/30 00:07一直看一直點頭,滿滿的畫面

matsuwu01/30 00:17老漢就兄弟大於一切,而且你看湖人每個大佬到現在都還在

matsuwu01/30 00:17幫他說話,他真的技能點數全點衝刺+人和,剩下一點點點

matsuwu01/30 00:17數點爆擊。

BignoZe01/30 00:18龜出現在三國時代 估計也是一個劉玄德龜

lanchenchen01/30 00:20這篇跟總版瓜哥那篇應該都被龜派無視了,都是別人硬

lanchenchen01/30 00:20黑,龜龜沒有輸。

BignoZe01/30 00:23我覺得滿多龜迷滿理性 龜雖不適合湖人 但龜是好球員 應

BignoZe01/30 00:23該不用戰球迷啦

TheoEpstein01/30 00:28禰衡吧,怎麼可能劉玄德

lanchenchen01/30 00:29沒有要戰啦,我也認同雷霆龜很猛,然後他去別的球隊

lanchenchen01/30 00:29一定發揮的比現在好,今天推文都有說,而且下半場龜

lanchenchen01/30 00:29爆擊是有點讓人振奮沒錯,但就不是湖人的解答。

matsuwu01/30 00:31我是不覺得看到現在還有所謂的「龜迷」,原本有應該都失

matsuwu01/30 00:31望透頂了吧。

matsuwu01/30 00:31現在海南幫他說話的99%硬酸的居多。

ksuenjjr01/30 00:31我想不出哪隊需要龜

ksuenjjr01/30 00:32有龜迷啦,相信他們也是含淚看球...看自己喜歡的球星被

ksuenjjr01/30 00:32檢討一定不好受

matsuwu01/30 00:32龜龜就走完合約,如果願意領個兩千萬打替補,應該蠻還不

matsuwu01/30 00:32錯。畢竟還是有喂餅跟外傳能力。

ksuenjjr01/30 00:34龜替補出發上場多衝擊籃框的確不錯,可是他的自尊心不

ksuenjjr01/30 00:34允許

matsuwu01/30 00:35他現在領4000萬又一定要上場+拿球。我也想

matsuwu01/30 00:35不到哪隊需要他,那這樣還能算好球員嗎

lanchenchen01/30 00:35必須說,不理性的其實很多XD 親身感受。我希望龜開

lanchenchen01/30 00:35心但我更希望湖人跟湖迷開心,所以能夠好聚好散最好

lanchenchen01/30 00:35,不能的話其實大部分人應該也麻痺了,佛系看球不要

lanchenchen01/30 00:35傷身就好。

ksuenjjr01/30 00:35其實隨著年紀越來越大他也該意識到不能只靠體能球了

lanchenchen01/30 00:36扣掉失誤、不看防守、手感好的龜2千萬的話是好球員。

ksuenjjr01/30 00:36其實再怎麼討論龜換牆發生的可能性都很低,不過龜不改

ksuenjjr01/30 00:36今年真的就附加賽能不能贏都很難說了

alex8032701/30 00:39視野跟隧道一樣的球員 形容的真好...

alex8032701/30 00:41龜兄只要外線都跟今天後面一樣穩可以懲罰內縮的球員整

alex8032701/30 00:41隊就動起來了...

srwalan01/30 03:11防守跟進攻的腳步速度、積極度落差,真的讓人搖頭,我哥

srwalan01/30 03:11應該都是忍痛在搞比賽計畫,希望身體不要悶出病來。

SBIt01/30 04:0610歲小孩那段簡單來說是「裝忙」

mimimaster01/30 07:21推 這篇完全寫出龜怎麼傷害球隊

dydark01/30 07:31推翻譯

lovefather01/30 07:40龜這種型就讓他去坦隊全力刷就好了,根本不適合有戰績

lovefather01/30 07:40壓力的球隊好嗎!KD對巔峰龜最後都忍不下去了,何況是

lovefather01/30 07:40退化龜

ken72033101/30 07:59非常好的外電,大家都知道就龜給高層不知道

TheoEpstein01/30 08:03教練團知道啦,再上去高層Rambis就不知道他們知不知

TheoEpstein01/30 08:03道了....

Eddward01/30 08:30籃板那段…全世界NBA球迷應該都知道吧 連隊友都搶爆就對

Eddward01/30 08:30

babyface197701/30 09:07一邊看一邊內牛滿面

Sessyoin01/30 09:15

ken72033101/30 10:22龜這個約走完我看也不可能有人高薪想找他了...會給年

ken72033101/30 10:22輕球員壞榜樣

lwei78101/30 22:48龜和AR 剛好相反

harrybbs01/31 20:40切入很猛 放籃手感墊底

harrybbs01/31 20:41就是花式送球權機器

Qorqios02/01 00:21謝謝

SCLPAL02/01 17:19假洗車的意思吧lol?