[情報] 4/17(五)DailyHoroscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 4/17(五)DailyHoroscope作者
時間推噓 1 推:1 噓:0 →:1



You may be waiting for just the right moment to say something, and after all, timing is very important. You need to speak up for yourself, and perhaps draw a line too, Leo. But are you sure you are waiting for the right moment rather than waiting because you are afraid of the ruckus that speaking up might cause?
If so, it is certainly understandable. But think about the internal anxiety you will be causing yourself if you remain silent. Don't put it off any longer. Say what you need to say if you really feel the need to. You will benefit from the heightened articulation right now.




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e52155 04/17 12:14所以不要猶豫,就說出我要請假回家玩動森嗎?

nice2loveu2 04/19 22:59所以一樓說了嗎?