[情報] 4/23(四)DailyHoroscope
You may have a grand vision for a future venture. Our dreams keep us going, and you may be especially passionate about something you are now planning, Leo. If you have some downtime now, rather than just dreaming about that venture, start creating a solid strategy and plan.
By laying the foundation for it while you are freer to be creative and to think deeply, you will be more knowledgeable and more prepared when you can finally take those first steps, which will maximize your chances for success.
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※ 編輯: enetorac ( 日本), 04/23/2020 01:08:09
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/20世界就在你的指尖,而且你擁有你所需要的力量來規劃你的未來。親愛的阿牛,儘管它是 個鼓舞人心的想法,但可能也有點嚇人。思考你的整個未來是個非常龐大的任務。所以與 其去思考你的餘生,不如開始計劃未來一週的生活。你想要在下禮拜之前實現什麼目標呢 ?開始思考這個問題並寫下你的計劃,正是這樣的規劃能夠為你帶來一個美好的未來。 ———5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/31有件正在飛速發展中的事情帶來了新的冒險或計劃,阿牛。這並不是你所預期的,但這確 實是個好消息。儘管你可能還沒準備好進展的這麼快,但你需要後退一步,認知到你是多 麼幸運才能讓事情發展的如此順利。或許你覺得自己還沒準備好,但如果你準備出一種什 麼事都難不倒你和靈活的方法來迎接這件事,你就能夠走上正軌。這是件好事。 ——4
[情報] 01/06 the daily horoscopeYou may be finding it difficult to continue along in a venture that has not ye t shown any signs of success. Those bits of inspiration are the carrots that k eep tempting you to move forward, and when they aren't there, it can be harder to remain ambitious. This is where you need to tap your imagination to visual ize what can and will be after you have leaped over every hurdle and confronte3
[情報] 0925 DailyHoroscopeGetting caught in a snowstorm when you aren't wearing snow boots or a warm eno ugh coat can leave you feeling very uncomfortable. An unexpected happening in your life may have left you with the equivalent feeling. But the good thing is that in the future, this dilemma is preventable by being prepared, Capricorn. A new venture is beckoning. It could leave you caught in a proverbial snowsto1
[情報] 11/17 Daily HoroscopeAn unexpected problem that pops up in the midst of an otherwise smooth-running endeavor can be a lot like an unexpected thunderstorm hitting you while you'r e peacefully cruising along. If you are driving a car, you might want to stop for a moment or two, turn on the windshield wipers and the defrost, and then g et back on the road, better prepared. You may have been thrown off balance by1
[情報] 03/08 the daily horoscopeYou may feel that a venture you became involved in some time ago is no longer interesting or exciting to you. You do get bored somewhat easily, dear Gemini . And maybe because of the restlessness you feel, you are considering seeking out something new to do instead. But you have already invested yourself in thi s, and you might as well flesh it out fully. Even though you have reached a po- It is natural to experience doubts about something you believe in. Even if you start out in a new venture feeling inspired and certain that good things are meant to be, dear Gemini, damaging, doubtful thoughts can creep in and disarm your motivation. But the key to success in a current endeavor is distinguishin g between doubts that are grounded in logic and the doubts that are grounded i
- As you embark on a plan to increase your financial security or to ensure that a current venture is as successful as it can be, you may be overlooking the re sources you have all around you. Some of those resources may be achieved throu gh people you already know and who want you to succeed. You may even be overlo oking your own raw talents, Gemini. With just a little bit of work and passion
- You probably realize that a venture you are getting involved in could go off i n the wrong direction if everything doesn't go as planned. If you are okay wit h that risk, Leo, then why not go with it? Even the seemingly safest choices w e make can't always be always fully predictable. And great success often comes with risks. But if you do choose to go forward knowing this, just be sure you