[情報] 4/27(一)DailyHoroscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 4/27(一)DailyHoroscope作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:1



Being a Leo could be quite stressful. After all, everyone expects you to be "on" all the time. They know you are the one to turn to whenever there is a problem to be solved. They know from experience that they can turn to you when they feel down and are lacking confidence because you will build them up with encouragement, and you will radiate warmth and happiness.
Although all of this may come naturally to you, having so many depend on you can take a toll. Seek out some private time today and just relax and be as carefree as possible.




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monikaj 04/27 16:54想跟貓咪一樣當廢物~

e52155 04/27 16:57想跟貓咪一樣當廢物~

wosati 04/27 18:11想跟貓咪一樣當廢物~

zippy 04/27 19:04當不了廢物。。。形象放不下

hersnoopy 04/27 20:00想跟貓咪一樣當廢物~