[情報] 03/27 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 03/27 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:0

Ideas are swirling through your mind right now, and your thoughts may be
captivating and colorful. You are often great at coming up with brilliant
ideas, but you sometimes become so swept away by thoughts of what could be
that you take on too many ideas at once. This time, narrow it down. What
appeals to you the most, Leo? Choose one or two goals and get started. Stick
with it. Don't let other thoughts intrude until you accomplish your mission.
Stay focused. That will be your key to success.

這次,縮小範圍。 Leo,什麼最吸引你?
選擇一兩個目標,然後開始。 堅持下去。在你完成任務之前,不要讓其他想法侵入。
保持專注。 這將是你成功的關鍵。


常常到leo版看M大分享 覺得這星座運勢寫得蠻好

. . ▁▃▆█◣
. █◤▇▅▃
◢█◣◢█◣ 手牽著手,

◤σ 生活就是如此愜意。


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yuanfan 03/27 17:43謝謝

minicha 03/28 01:09感謝L大熱心 :) 不好意思昨天沒發

BigCat 03/28 01:25

puraurora 03/29 04:35誰翻譯都不是義務 有人翻我們就很感謝了 謝謝m大l大