[閒聊] 4/23 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 4/23 Daily Horoscope 作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:2

Someone in your life, most probably a family member, knows exactly how to make you angry or upset. It comes from knowing you so well and understanding yourvulnerabilities. They know just what to say or do to get your ire up - but this is a reminder that you don't have to fall for it. This may be someone who just loves to get into a verbal scuffle, but if that's not how you want to spend your day, then ignore it and walk away. Ignoring it gives you the powerful upper hand, Leo.
你生命中的某個人,很可能是家庭成員,確切地知道如何讓你生氣或沮喪。 畢竟他們是如此了解你並了解你的弱點,因此知道該說什麼或做什麼來激怒您

但提醒一下,您不必為此而墮落。 這可能是一個喜歡打架的人,但如果這不是你想要度過一天的方式,那麼忽略它並走開。忽略它會給你強大的優勢,大獅們。


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dearTryInG 04/22 21:10QQ好準,好不容易跟家人在同一個國家能碰面了,對

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puraurora 04/23 03:27我已經選擇無視好一陣子了 連社群都很少發言