[閒聊] 5/14 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 5/14 Daily Horoscope 作者
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If you did not know how to lay down a tile floor, would you try? Most people probably would not. But then again, there are so many tools online for learning to do just about anything that you might be brave enough to give it a go. And as long as you can do so without risking anything, why not? That's the way you happen to approach life, Leo. If there is a new task you would like to takeon, don't be so independent that you don't ask for help. Seek out a source oran expert to guide you, and it can be a great experience.
如果不知道如何鋪設瓷磚地板,你會嘗試嗎? 大多數人可能不會。 但話又說回來,網上有很多資源讓你學習做任何你可能有勇氣嘗試的事情。

只要動動手指並不冒任何風險,何樂而不為呢? 這就是你碰巧接近生活的方式,大獅們。

如果有一個新的任務,你想承擔的話,不要太獨立。 尋找資源或專家的建議,這可能是一次很棒的經歷。


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lkrichard 05/13 21:13參考資料 尋求前輩心得建議 承擔新任務 謝謝