[外絮] Rekkles 推特回覆網友質疑他「拋棄」歐
You abandoned Europe when they needed you most and went ring chasing with T1, you’re no better than Kevin Durant.
然後,FNC 在我的 2 年合約到期 4 個月後決定讓我坐在替補席上,並試圖在幾週後讓我離開(未能在較早的時間這樣做)。
T1 再次拯救了我,他們正在盡一切努力,不僅在我人生中持續的艱難時期支持我,而且還盡可能地幫助我,以確保 2025 年對我來說是一個好的情況。
G2 not only benched me at the end of 2021 during the 1st year of my 3 year contract, but they also made sure that under no circumstances would I go to another LEC team for egoistic reasons (financial / easier competition).
KC saved me and also did everything they could to help me get back to LEC at the end of 2022 (removing buyout if I agreed to not receive half of my salary for that year).
FNC then in turn decided to bench me after 4 months of my 2 year contract, trying to get me out after a few weeks already (failing to do so at an earlier time).
T1 saved me once again and is doing everything they can to not only support me during a continuous tough period of my life, but also help me as much as they can to make sure 2025 is a good situation for me.
The villains were / are within the region I "abandoned".
Sent from BePTT on my Samsung SM-M127F
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