[外絮] Excel twitter
Today we part ways with our LEC Assistant Coach @nelson_sng on mutual terms.
Wishing you all the best for the future
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[閒聊] PSG FBPSG Talon 2022年教練團陣容 我們歡迎 CorGi 程品倫 加入 PSG Talon 擔任主教練! CorGi 自2014年便踏入電競賽場,有豐富的職業資歷 在2019年加入 LPL 隊伍 EDG 擔任教練 更在2021年與 EDG 一同拿下世界冠軍,並獲得 LPL 最佳教練的提名 (鼓掌)50
[情報] Evan Turner 成為綠賽助理教練10-year NBA veteran Evan Turner is finalizing a deal to join the Boston Celtic s as an assistant coach, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium. Turner is expe cted to focus on player development. Evan Turner 將擔任綠賽的助理教練27
[情報] 籃網新助教 Igor KokoskovThe Nets are expected to hire Mavericks assistant coach Igor Kokoskov to serve a s an assistant to Steve Nash on the Brooklyn bench, league sources say. Nash had pursued Kokoskov when he first got the job after their time together in Phoenix 據消息人士透露,籃網預計將聘請獨行俠隊助理教練Igor Kokoskov擔任Nash的助理教練。28
[外絮] T1 Twitter(Moment/Asper離隊)來源: Today, we part ways with 'Moment'. We truly appreciate his contribution to the team and wish him the best of luck in the future. Today, we part ways with 'Asper'. We truly appreciate his contribution to the24
[情報] 近期一些消息1. The Milwaukee Bucks are hiring Josh Oppenheimer as an assistant coach, sources tell ESPN. Oppenheimer had previously worked for the team as a member of both the Larry Drew and Jason Kidd coaching staffs.23
[閒聊] 乳摸:G2將簽下前HKA助理教練Nelson消息指出G2夏季賽會簽下Nelson Sng作為戰術教練 Nelson曾待過的隊伍包括HKA、AFR、LNG等 -- -LOL 他和G2的品牌形象很符合。23
[情報] Spoelstra擔任美國男籃Select Team總教練USA Basketball says Heat head coach Erik Spoelstra will serve as head coach of the 2021 USA Select Team. Gonzaga coach Mark Few and Mavericks assistant coach Jamahl Mosley will serve as assistant coaches. 熱火隊總教練Erik Spoelstra擔任2021年美國男籃Select Team總教練13
[情報] Jason Terry將成為爵士隊助理教練The Utah Jazz are finalizing hiring NBA G League Grand Rapids head coach Jason Terry as an assistant coach on Will Hardy’s staff, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium 猶他爵士將聘請Jason Terry擔任助理教練 加入Will Hardy的教練組8
[外絮] 100T 推特 Reapered離隊Today we part ways with @Reapered Within 3 splits, Hangyu was able to reinvent 100T League of Legends. Making three LCS Finals appearances, and coaching this team through our first Championship Title.
[電競] 2024德瑪西亞杯 小組賽Day4 !樂透66
[閒聊] 寧王:現在環境讓許多選手太安逸53
[閒聊] 亞洲統神-FB45
Re: [閒聊] HLE團長採訪(Zeus簽約deadline關聯)25
Re: [閒聊] HLE團長採訪(Zeus簽約deadline關聯30
[閒聊] 為啥LPL跟LCS開高價挖不走Faker4X
Re: [閒聊] HLE團長採訪(Zeus簽約deadline關聯)13
[情報] HLE官宣教練Shine加入6
[閒聊] 現在戰隊練習生的面試還是各測試一輪嗎3
[實況] NLXD/貝果干(戰棋好手1
Re: [閒聊] 寧王:現在環境讓許多選手太安逸24
[閒聊] LOL牌位面試求職有加分嗎8
[戰棋] 夜曲帶中婭沙漏,觸發後會無法回魔?