Re: [問題] 為什麼沒隊伍把Faker挖去中國?

看板LoL標題Re: [問題] 為什麼沒隊伍把Faker挖去中國?作者
時間推噓27 推:29 噓:2 →:24







#1aTubkqu (LoL)

According to sources close to the LoL leagues globally, Faker reportedly received considerable interest from the following teams: LNG Esports, Weibo Gaming, T1, Team Liquid and FlyQuest.



Still, these two offers from Weibo Gaming and LNG Esports weren’t the most appealing for the legendary Korean mid laner. Sources close to BLIX.GG can’t provide an exact monetary value to the offers, but both teams were willing to apply the salary exceptions allowed by the Chinese league to Faker’s salary.


According to sources close to BLIX, FlyQuest made Faker an offer where the mid laner would be paid annually between $3,000,000 and $5,000,000 USD, plus bonuses. But BLIX can also confirm this offer was lower than Team Liquid’s offer.



Multiple sources confirm the offer Team Liquid made was higher than the FlyQuest figures previously mentioned. In addition, sources close to the environment claim that Faker was seriously considered playing for Team Liquid



Sources also confirmed the contract Faker currently has with T1 is similar in value to Team Liquid’s offer. And T1 looked at options for Faker’s replacement in the eventuality he decided to take Team Liquid's offer.


Some time ago rumors surfaced that Faker received offers that reached $20,000,000 USD annually. BLIX.GG's sources cannot confirm this rumor, but they are awareof a proposed offer in China, prior to the implementation of the salary cap, that exceeded $10,000,000 USD.




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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 11/04/2023 22:49:54

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 11/04/2023 22:51:29

swbthj 11/04 22:54李哥現在應該不缺錢 他想要的是能奪冠的隊伍吧

fin123 11/04 22:56去歐美人設會爛掉吧 搞不好世界賽都進不去

uv5566 11/04 22:57合約總值 再LCK商業利益得到>LCS

ZEALOTGO 11/04 22:57Faker認真考慮是他自己說的嗎?

ZEALOTGO 11/04 22:58還是只是乳摸?

PeterHenson 11/04 22:58faker S5 S6應該邀約也不少

zxc906383 11/04 22:58情報源講的 本人沒說過

zero9613719 11/04 22:59去北美確實是他自己說的 不過是「考慮去」

puppy4ever 11/04 22:59實不相瞞 我也有開一張給他

ZEALOTGO 11/04 22:59謝謝,感覺他本人不會講這種話

KusoJontaro 11/04 22:59歐美等他打算退休再去吧

HungDa 11/04 23:00錢差不多情況下當然選能贏的隊伍

tavern 11/04 23:00拳頭應該滿希望Faker退休前能去NA打個一年的

tom0000p 11/04 23:00歐美轉回韓國還要被抽ㄧ大比稅金 不太賺吧

ilove640 11/04 23:01自己說也不奇怪 不然要說我絕對不走 T1你隨便賤價沒

ilove640 11/04 23:01差嗎 當然每個都願意考慮= =

maple2378 11/04 23:02NA只能開跟T1差不多 那當然留T1阿

maple2378 11/04 23:03留在韓國還有一堆廣告代言可以接 又能顧及形象

maple2378 11/04 23:03更重要的是李哥還想要第四冠 去NA=自費武功

zxm50191 11/04 23:04去NA就純養老,待個一年身手都會退化到練不回來

PeterHenson 11/04 23:05之前有一年不是拖到Joe Marsh來韓國才續約嗎

good5755 11/04 23:06這樣看來年薪起碼500萬鎂以上

a8785007 11/04 23:06看看 Bang

darren2586 11/04 23:08他就算領一千萬鎂,手機還是蹭熱點啦

tindy 11/04 23:08就算是裝的也要裝作有興趣 以後才有隊伍繼續開價

chigo520 11/04 23:11隔壁某個3000萬以上的也是蹭

GenjiEd 11/04 23:13為啥LOL電競不像其他運動賽事會公布選手薪資阿?

GenjiEd 11/04 23:13雖然這樣Chovy感覺會被噴更慘

pttyeon 11/04 23:19沒有t1勝出是讓faker承諾讓家人在t1工作

pttyeon 11/04 23:20還有當股東不知道是不是真的 也可能不是合約期內

amos30627 11/04 23:30TL到底為啥那麼有錢啊

amos30627 11/04 23:32每年陣容幾乎都算北美前三貴的

amos30627 11/04 23:32fly有錢是剛換新老闆

kevin50263 11/04 23:33LPL一堆陰陽合約 怎麼可能公布

KerLae 11/04 23:34薪資上限

YuniQLo 11/04 23:44faker真想來 我看騰訊工資帽後面直接加個faker條款

nothingsun 11/04 23:45應該是沒有人不缺錢吧 不然比爾蓋茲怎麼不免費送我

nothingsun 11/04 23:45windows

sausalito 11/04 23:49比爾蓋茲可能不缺 但微軟員工缺啊 FAKER有員工嗎

david884050511/04 23:52陰陽合約是什麼ㄚ

fabdawn 11/04 23:55微軟是上市公司 要對股東負責阿 怎麼比

qd6590 11/04 23:58我覺得他只是在抬價而已 根本沒想去美國 他就是LoL

qd6590 11/04 23:58神主牌 喊水會結冰那種

edison3333 11/05 00:07FAKER待在T1的商業價值還是比較大吧?

doomsday072811/05 00:25李哥有拿股份 合約價值實際更高

babosa633 11/05 01:04tl Faker 無違和轉換

your025 11/05 01:12電競沒公佈薪資就產業市場不夠大...

your025 11/05 01:13NBA、MLB等都是產業夠大薪資最後才被迫公開出來

chy19890517 11/05 01:28也不能說抬價,神主牌讓人隨便喊,你要下面的幾個吃

chy19890517 11/05 01:28什麼?喊價用意本來就不只有拉人,至於李哥說「考慮

chy19890517 11/05 01:29」,跟你講,就算PSG去問他也是回「考慮」拉==

cha122977 11/05 06:17陰陽合約就是對外公佈的合約和實際的合約不一樣

cha122977 11/05 06:18常見於逃漏稅和規避法律/限制

g9911761 11/05 09:34T1放走李哥 感覺韓國人會開車撞倒大樓

gan126 11/05 09:59Messi也去美國踢球啦 就看Faker想不想而已