[情報] T1年底受邀去德國打表演賽

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時間推噓27 推:28 噓:1 →:6




Introducing Red Bull League of Its Own

It’s the same League of Legends action that you all love, but with a twist

Matchups you’ve never experienced before with EUs finest taking on the Korean TITANS @T1LoL!

Berlin , December 09, 2023


The Velodrom in Berlin, Germany, will be ground zero for Red Bull League of ItsOwn, an invitational that brings together different worlds of the League of Legends landscape for an event like no other. South Korean powerhouse T1, already in a league of its own, will be taking on top teams from across Europe, giving fans an incredible spectacle to witness.


Look forward to the local rivalry of BIG and Eintracht Spandau as they compete against each other for the chance to take on T1, and prove the might of Germany’s League of Legends scene. You will also be able to witness Germany’s biggest League of Legends streamers, NNO Old, compete against Lee ‘Faker’ Sang-hyeok and his legendary team.
Stay tuned for more teams to be announced


BIG、Eintracht Spandau先互打


此外由德國實況主組成的NNO Old也會和T1打



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lucifiel161809/11 16:23會被4-1嗎

darren2586 09/11 16:23持槍搶劫Faker,Faker反問能不能跟他借熱點

nyybos8812 09/11 16:27德國後勤會下課嗎?

tomlee1130 09/11 16:28德國友誼賽正夯

ian1996426 09/11 16:34紅牛有料喔

ccccc2758 09/11 16:34德國教練要準備滾了

ZhaireSmith 09/11 16:37那時候幾個被thank you了

lay10521 09/11 16:37有人要滾了嗎

S0323109 09/11 16:38好險 BO5 不會發生 1-4 的情況

keroro39 09/11 16:40搶匪什麼也搶不到

yuton 09/11 16:47搶匪可能還會自掏腰包買可樂跟Faker一起喝

Mistysnow 09/11 16:48搶匪要先搭車穿越國境

diefish5566 09/11 16:49搶劫Faker什麼都沒拿到 Faker看他可憐給他一張簽名

z23061542 09/11 16:56搶劫Faker發現Faker連漫遊都沒有

y12544 09/11 16:56要搶劫Faker得先過Oner這關

NocturneBoy 09/11 17:00搶劫faker發現只剩一罐還沒喝完的可樂QAQ

Texsogood 09/11 17:01搶劫faker還會被faker借wifi

amsmsk 09/11 17:03faker: 可以借我wifi叫人來接我嗎

bhmtkkk1234 09/11 17:04不是 搶劫是發生在法國欸= =

eason91007 09/11 17:06德國現在應該是足球哏吧

c7e767a4 09/11 17:15說甚麼呢 李哥說不定身上會有鮪魚罐頭阿

uv5566 09/11 17:27選怪角給地主面子

Mediveh 09/11 17:33Max會出席嗎

Wei55667788 09/11 17:47搶劫Faker 結果發現超級摳

chun47 09/11 17:54不過這時間有合約的可能只剩faker跟oner ?

Niels 09/11 17:55搶匪發現相赫身無分文,可憐這個觀光客還給他車錢

Daicheng 09/11 17:58德國怎麼這麼喜歡花錢挨打呀

Retangle 09/11 17:59那教練之後要下課嗎

NIEN1EN1997 09/11 18:03Faker會選中路酒桶然後用慕尼黑造型

vinex518 09/11 18:28足球豚

maiev1234 09/11 18:29德國人現在聽到友誼賽三個字會不會背脊發涼

cha122977 09/11 18:42T1受邀(X) Faker受邀(O)

Kuribohrn 09/11 18:49能看到Verstappen跟佩大師嗎?

kanding255 09/11 19:13有料欸 當地會超嗨吧

snowcorra 09/12 01:58會有維斯塔潘嗎