[外絮] Inspired 加入 EG

看板LoL標題[外絮] Inspired 加入 EG作者
時間推噓13 推:13 噓:0 →:1

Our Master Plan to domination is nearly complete with @Inspiredlol taking
control of the Jungle.

We believe with his skill, determination, and hunger, he is the perfect
player to take our roster to the Worlds stage.

Welcome to the team Kacper!

如同先前的乳摸,前 RGE 打野 Inspired 加入 Evil Geninuses

RGE 官方推特也發了離隊消息

Farewell, @Inspiredlol

From winning Ultraliga to taking home an #LEC MVP, you will ALWAYS remain partof our history and Rogue talent factory. Take good care of him @EvilGeniuses
, he will teach NA about POLSKA GUROM

Thanks for everything @Rogue

Hope we see each other at World

Inspired 表示希望未來能在世界賽上見到彼此
這一天總算還是到了 2ㄏ

祝 Inspired 在 NA 好運

然後 Caedrel 真的很哭欸

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deltz 11/23 02:46QQQQQQ


rong0000 11/23 03:01又一個要去NA被同化的

Heartlessli 11/23 03:07he went somewhere笑死

kirito48763 11/23 03:32這隻乳摸不是說要去VIT跟阿P組隊嗎==?

沒吧 乳摸沒提到 VIT 要換打野啊 還是維持 Selfmade

kirito48763 11/23 03:35抱歉 那兩隻我搞錯==

w320230 11/23 03:41你肉還剩誰==好慘

目前乳摸陣容是 Odoamne / Malrang / Larssen / Comp / Trymbi

kirito48763 11/23 03:42韓總還在吧

A 恭喜 說了就不在 八成是去 TL 了 就等官宣

※ 編輯: y12544 ( 臺灣), 11/23/2021 03:44:05

w320230 11/23 03:44哈 拉森==

amos30627 11/23 03:52又一個為了錢的

wade59420 11/23 06:29這麼早就來NA

redbean3781 11/23 10:13Caedrel KEKW

Ten6666 11/23 21:30認真說 EG陣容可以期待一下

albert80102011/25 21:46如果覺得打不上去 那當然趁年輕多賺錢啊

albert80102011/25 21:46有錢不賺幹嘛跟自己過不去啊-.-