[硬體] Studio Display 韌體有新 Mac mini 型號

看板MAC標題[硬體] Studio Display 韌體有新 Mac mini 型號作者
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Unreleased Mac Mini Spotted in Latest Studio Display Firmware
Tuesday April 12, 2022 3:01 am PDT by Sami Fathi

An unreleased Mac mini has been spotted within code of the latest Studio Display firmware, adding credence to rumors that Apple is working on an updated Mac mini that could debut sometime this year.

Developer Steve Troughton-Smith revealed on Twitter that within iOS 15.4 for the Studio Display, a reference to "Macmini10,1" has been found. That model identifier does not match any existing released Mac mini and is likely to be the model ID for a rumored upcoming Mac mini .

Earlier rumors suggested that Apple had plans to release a new high-end Mac mini to replace the Intel-based model in the lineup. Following the launch of the Mac Studio, a hybrid between the Mac mini and Mac Pro, however, rumors have been slightly unclear on whether the upcoming Mac mini is a low-end or high-end product.

Reliable Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has cautioned against the prospect that a new high-end Mac mini would be announced this year, saying instead a launch will take place in 2023. Apple may be planning to release a new low-end Mac mini to replace the M1 model currently in the lineup with the "M2" Apple silicon chip while keeping a high-end model planned for next year, as Kuo has indicated.

今年也許有機會發行新款 Mac mini
Studio Display 韌體出現新型號「Macmini10,1」

M1 Mac mini 用起來不錯
還有接孔實在太少 要一直拔插
今年如果不急著買的 可以等等看


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snsdakb4804/12 22:25捏上Mac studio 標配

pocketwolf04/12 23:16直上studio低配+1

NoneWolf04/13 03:23Mac studio 性能太強-1 新mini等好久了

guestwhat04/13 07:15mini可以各種掛 省空間 文書上網很夠了

kenvi04/13 08:34希望能有標配變512GB SSD + 16GB RAM的版本,不然客制化都

kenvi04/13 08:34要等,如果性能沒變,那起碼體積能縮小吧

kenvi04/13 08:35PS. Mac Studio的厚度有點高,一些27吋螢幕的下緣會卡到

kenvi04/13 08:35雖說自己墊高螢幕就好也行啦~

SaberMyWifi04/13 09:32應該就年底的M2 mini/MBA吧

SaberMyWifi04/13 09:33M1基於A14架構就這麼強,M2是基於A15架構,很期待

hn948041204/14 03:09客製化不能直接在101/A13取貨很不方便