[情報] 馬林魚當初想拿E.Cabrera換紅襪Turner

看板MLB標題[情報] 馬林魚當初想拿E.Cabrera換紅襪Turner作者
時間推噓24 推:25 噓:1 →:7

Couple nuggets from @alexspeier on the trade deadline.

“Perhaps most notably, according to major league sources, the Sox were deep intalks with the Marlins on the day of the deadline about a deal that would have sent Justin Turner to Miami for Edward Cabrera — a 25-year-old righthanded starter with a potentially dominant fastball — and more.”

“The Sox also had deals on the table for James Paxton — multiple industry officials said they could have acquired major league-ready pitching, perhaps with the ceiling of a back-end starter, despite the injury risks involving the lefthander — and Kenley Jansen.”

Nothing overly shocking here. Turner-Edward was rumored at the deadline. Returnfor Paxton being in the Drohan-Walter range lines up with Jared’s intel.

今年交易大限,馬大魚來跟紅襪談38歲老將Justin Turner

他們願意送出25歲SP Edward Cabrera + 其他配菜來換


此外James Paxton也有獲得別隊報價




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k38547691609/16 19:54Paxton沒賣很可惜

lowl9909/16 20:05馬林魚不就還好沒賣,SP他們超缺,如果真的交易Turner,可

lowl9909/16 20:05能Burger或Bell就沒機會來

jack5008709/16 20:29馬林魚算因禍得福吧 照這包換大概現在已經放寒假了

polanco09/16 20:31現在看來只會好奇Bloom為了啥都沒點頭

eee6010909/16 20:31這樣也不賣?

ayafan09/16 20:35還有Duvall吧

QOO914209/16 20:35所以Bloom這兩年是鬼打牆嗎

c87111111609/16 20:4538歲老將換年輕手臂還有配菜還拒絕喔==

Jaguarsu09/16 20:49這bloom有啥不換的理由嗎,JT都這麼老了,儘管現在不錯

Jaguarsu09/16 20:49,但誰知道之後會怎樣

saiulbb09/16 20:57我也不懂這有甚麼好不交易的 虧他還是光芒出來的 不應該

Sechslee09/16 20:58他到底想換什麼

mednesscurry09/16 21:05什麼都沒換 戰機也上不去 所以被開除了

yypan9909/16 21:06JT是紅襪的氣氛大師,換不得

adidasair109/16 21:07難怪被開除,合理啦

vg17509/16 21:10Turner明年跟薛蛇一樣是球員選擇權 說不定他今年輸出還是

vg17509/16 21:10很好就不願意執行 有沒有可能這個才是破局主因

nolander09/16 21:44turner打很好阿當時還想拼看看季後賽吧

kayuzzo1513509/16 22:17馬林魚是不是瘋了 亂交易欸

Werth09/16 22:50差不多而已吧 你有回春的明星球員 何必要換年輕的四號

ChrisDavis09/16 22:52有甚麼好不換的XD

ChrisDavis09/16 22:53E卡控球如果修好也是KKK吧 我覺得閉眼都換

AhCheng09/16 23:00KiKe走傷透JT的心了,Bloom這季就很明顯小心翼翼阿 上季

AhCheng09/16 23:00就被罵到怕了

sakai09/16 23:49這秒換吧

FantasyTure09/17 00:32大城市沒那麼好待的,不能像光芒一樣隨便實驗

ShockHo22209/17 01:00這還不換,活該被炒

iopjklbnm09/17 01:19E卡也在壞掉的路上了 那控球爛得誇張 今天又比往年

iopjklbnm09/17 01:19更扯 但確實拿球質超香

BMW740Li09/17 05:36休息室需要鎮壓,換不得

ShaEric63ck09/18 10:02這交易紅襪居然不點頭 是當初還想拼嗎

timchen011109/18 14:15換了魚直接放寒假