[情報] Giants sign Jordan Hicks

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時間推噓12 推:12 噓:0 →:12

BREAKING: Right-hander Jordan Hicks and the San Francisco Giants

are in agreement on a four-year, $44 million contract, a source

familiar with the deal tells ESPN. Hicks, 27, is expected to work

as a starter after spending the majority of his career in the bullpen.

Jordan Hicks 4y / 44M



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BayAreaUnite01/13 02:08The Giants get another starter, kind of. They w

BayAreaUnite01/13 02:08anted versatility from their next addition beca

BayAreaUnite01/13 02:08use Cobb/Ray are due back during the season. Hi

BayAreaUnite01/13 02:08cks can slide back to bullpen if this doesn’t

BayAreaUnite01/13 02:08work

BayAreaUnite01/13 02:08來自巨人記者 Alex Pavlovic

bj45112301/13 02:13居然!要轉先發嗎?如果先發投的好很賺。Strider 跟 Kin

bj45112301/13 02:13g 也都後援轉先發投好好的

paulman01/13 02:53他的控球…..

MedEngineer01/13 05:09轉先發失敗的機率應該比成功高很多King去年轉

MedEngineer01/13 05:09先發也是球季最後的事情,能不能撐一整季很難說

Adam661301/13 05:36笑死

JustinIdiot01/13 07:09但不管怎麼樣11M簽這隻還行吧

abc1281201/13 07:36King比這隻強多了吧

abc1281201/13 07:37開完TJ之後就很噴 結果還簽到複數年約 不知道巨人在想啥

saiulbb01/13 07:57不看好欸 想轉SP說轉就轉嗎

ancientmoon01/13 08:44太盤了吧4y

DLoJCIG01/13 09:48Hicks有啥理由轉不了先發嗎lol

Aaronko01/13 09:504年約真的很敢給…

iuanz01/13 10:18king在小聯盟就是先發底,也是手傷爆掉才轉RP

taxlaw199101/13 10:20控球很噴 當先發會很抖 很多有球威的RP就是當先發養

taxlaw199101/13 10:20成 但控球太噴只好轉職

alpacaHong01/13 12:01鄧凱威利空

Sechslee01/13 13:31反正巨人輪值長那樣,給他試試不吃虧