[情報] 落磯四位投手將開TJ手術

看板MLB標題[情報] 落磯四位投手將開TJ手術作者
時間推噓25 推:25 噓:0 →:5

The Colorado Rockies are becoming all-too familiar with Tommy John surgery.

The team on Monday said a trio of right-handed pitching prospects -- Gabriel Hughes, Jordy Vargas and Jackson Cox -- will undergo the season-ending procedure this week. The three are among the organization's top handful of pitching prospects, per ESPN's Kiley McDaniel.

Earlier this month, the Rockies said major league right-hander Antonio Senzatela would have Tommy John surgery on his pitching elbow, and the team said Monday that the procedure also will take place this week. He made only two starts this season (0-1, 4.70 ERA).

Texas Rangers team physician Dr. Keith Meister will perform the surgeries on all four pitchers.

落磯三位投手新秀要開Tommy John了

Gabriel Hughes (No.6 prospect)
Jordy Vargas (No.11 prospect)
Jackson Cox (No.12 prospect)

月初陣中先發Antonio Senzatela也宣布要開TJ


將全由遊騎兵隊醫Dr. Keith Meister負責動刀



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kenkuo168807/25 10:01團報喔

Sechslee07/25 10:15團報有打折嗎

polanco07/25 10:20有打折?

abc1281207/25 10:28German Marquez好像也報銷了 不知道是不是也是TJ?

cena060507/25 10:38美國真科學

sylviehsiang07/25 11:10感覺若干年後會被抨擊改為發球機 投手改為設定球路

Mikufans07/25 11:38慘一次四個

happychacha07/25 12:21落磯很慘 簽約還都簽一堆痛痛的:老大、自由土、

happychacha07/25 12:22Senzatela....GM真的都看走眼

Yofu07/25 12:25連啪四聲....

darktasi07/25 13:00應該說現代的投手訓練方式很容易就去開刀了

chinringo07/25 13:09各位觀眾,四條TJ

hdotistyle07/25 14:15四個湊一桌 復健的時候打麻將

cr507/25 14:25洛磯農場教練也叫Backer嗎?

cor1os07/25 14:32大都會:願意一戰!

nuggets091607/25 14:33丹佛還剩一支球隊

ShockHo22207/25 14:42TJ鐵支嗎?

yaes11107/25 15:01團報有折扣嗎...

MosesMoody07/25 15:17跟金塊借幾隻大腿

kingwei52007/25 15:59勇士這1-2年也至少4個開TJ

browner07/25 16:07樓上k一篇不提到勇士真的不會怎麼樣欸

hdotistyle07/25 16:09勇士那幾條韌帶換到冠軍了 洛磯換到什麼

b230591107/25 17:43要不要報團去祭改

phenom4207/25 18:07某人正常發揮

kingwei52007/25 18:16某B不要那麼敏感

JulioRod07/25 18:36真的正常發揮

whhw07/25 18:58

sdia07/26 08:25每年每隊都嘛一大堆

Yjizz07/26 08:43這...

vgil07/26 13:11團報開TJ有打折嗎