[情報] 亞特蘭大勇士史詩般的2023 正規球季

看板MLB標題[情報] 亞特蘭大勇士史詩般的2023 正規球季作者
時間推噓28 推:30 噓:2 →:28



除了傳統統計數據外,在 Statcast 數據如 Barrels, EV, Hardhit% 等等無一不是以




1. Acuna is first player in the 40-70 club, 5th in the 40-40 club; his RBI
106 is the second highest ever for a leadoff hitter (107 RBI, Mookie Betts,

2. Team Homeruns total: 307, tied with the 2019 juiced-ball Twins for the
most in MLB history. Second: Dodgers 246; Last: Guardians: 123. <NOTE> LeagueHomerun total was 6776 in 2019 and 5868 in 2023.

3. First team ever with SLG > .500 (.501).

4. Ranked second in all-time team OPS (.844), only trailed by the 2019
juiced-ball plus cheating Astros (.848).

5. Ranked second in WRC+ (124.6), trailed by 1927 Yankees (125.1).

6. Acuna became the 3rd player with 200+ H, 140+ R, 100+ RBI, 50+ SB. (Ty
Cobb 1911, Jennings 1895).

7. Acuna’s TB (545) ranked 12nd all-time behind Ruth (x5), Bonds(x2), Gehrig,Foxx, McGwire, Sosa.

8. Acuna became the fourth player with .337 with 40 HR, 215 H, 80 XBH, 1.000
OPS, 100 RBIs, 145 Runs, and “less than 90 K” (DiMaggio 1937, Klein 1930,
Gehrig 1927).

9. Acuna hit an EV 121.2 HR (hardest in 2023, 3rd hardest HR all time,
against Dodgers).

10. Braves featured 219 batted balls with EV > 110 mph; the second: Yankees
with 106!

11. Braves featured average batted balls EV of 91.0 mph; second: Twins 89.4;
Last: Guardians: 87.5.

12. Braves featured 46% Hard hit balls; Second: Yankees: 41.7%; Last:
Guardians: 32.9%

13. Braves featured 513 barrels (11.9%); Second: Twins: 398 (10.3%); Last:
Guardians: 226.

14. Five players with 33+ HRs, 97+ RBIs, new MLB record. Also, it was the
second team with 5 players having 30+ HRs.

15. The first team with Four players with 33+ HRs, 100+ RBIs.

16. Finished with the outright MLB leader in R, H, SB, TB (Acuna), HR, RBI
(Olson), W, K (Strider). No other team has led in more than 5 of those 8

17. Seven players with 20+ HRs, with fewest games to reach this mark.

18. The first team ever with 7 players having 20+ HRs and 20+ doubles.

19. Eight players with 16+ HRs, the fourth team ever. Also, Braves has ten
players with 11+ HRs.

20. Most 47 homeruns in the first inning, new MLB record (over 2019 Reds)

21. Best homerun differential (+85) through July since 1906.

22. 146 Runs in the first inning, best of the 2023; a new franchise record inmodern era.

23. Matt Olson 54 HR, 139 RBI, both are new franchise records

24. Olson has 40 HRs/100+RBIs in 113 G, the fastest Brave player ever; the
13rd MLB player in history.

25. Acuna 10 straight HRs w. 420+ ft, a Statcast era record (prvious Rockies: 19)

26. Braves has 24 homeruns with 450+ feet, NEW MLB record.

27. Braves went 116 H, 82 R, 29 HR, 11 SB within a 10-game span, a new
offensive record by any MLB team (COL- PHI – CIN series in June)

28. Having 61 Homeruns in June, NL/franchise record (3 rd best in MLB)

29. Having 54 Homeruns during a 20-game span in June/July, most in MLB ever
(2019 Yankees: 52)

30. Having five 2-run homers in one game, tied MLB record (against Rangers)

31. Eight players in 2023 All-star game, second in MLB history (Yankees: 9).

32. First three consecutive comeback wins when trailing by 3 or more runs,
new franchise record since 1900 (“THE” Mets series)

33. The second 8-3-5 Triple Play in MLB history (first: 1884); Frist Brave
triple play since 2004.

34. First MLB team with 20+R, 5+ HR, 5+ 2B, 3+ SB in a game (against Mets).

35. Eleven homeruns in a home series, new franchise record. (Miami series)

36. Seven player of the week, new franchise record, with six different
players (Acuna, Olson*2, Riley, Murphy, Harris II, Rosario)

37. Player of the Month: Acuna*2; Reliever of the Month: Iglesias

38. Acuna 73 SBs, new franchise record.

39. Strider first MLB league pitcher with 350+K in 40 starts

40. Strider fastest pitcher (61IP) to reach 100 K in a season in 130 years.

41. Strider fastest pitcher to reach 200 K in 123.1 IP, new MLB record.

42. Strider highest K with first career 50 starts (435 K), new MLB record.

43. Strider 281 K, new franchise record in a single season

44. Strider 9 consecutive games w. 9 or more Ks, new franchise record.

45. Strider is the second pitcher to offer 160+K and 80- hits before All-starbreak.

46. Strider the second pitcher to reach 160+K and 80- hits before All-star
break; Strider’s K/9 =14.27 is all-time second best in the first half
(deGrom 14.28, 2021).

47. Strider matches Dwight Gooden for most K in 45 starts (392K).

48. Strider 4th career 10K game with 1 or 0 hits, most for a player under 25
(against Giants)

49. Morton is the 2nd 39-years or older pitcher with a 20+ K, 0 Run over a
2-game span (Roger Clemens)

50. Rookie Darius Vines is first visitor player to pitch 6+ IP with 2 or less runs
in Coors field in debut.




所以.....如果史詩的最後篇章不完美,也請大家不要嘲笑得太厲害了 QQ

A Historic moment...
May 30, 2003
Atlanta 5, NY Mets 2 at Shea Stadium
Winning Pitcher -
Greg Maddux (4-5)
Losing Pitcher -
Tom Glavine (5-5)
SV -
John Smoltz(20) HR - C. Jones (9, off Glavine)


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wf921200010/02 19:57謝整理

sunsetswish10/02 20:08第8點打擊率好像怪怪的

hank1324110/02 20:10放心啦,沒有73勇那麼誇張

edhuang10/02 20:117跟8好像要修一下?

phenom4210/02 20:12世界勇

turkeyma10/02 20:15對 .335 晚點修 謝謝提醒

turkeyma10/02 20:17稍後我會整理一篇更完整的在勇士隊版

flexin10/02 20:19不會比另一隊勇士史詩啦

saiulbb10/02 20:23宇宙勇

zerosaint10/02 20:33

Toy1710/02 20:46銀河勇

blackbrid10/02 20:47推整理

youngpaper10/02 21:03請問開頭提及國外他隊球迷的討論是哪一方面的阿?

youngpaper10/02 21:06非常感謝整理

TrRosenthal10/02 21:13可惜這樣的成績勇迷覺得有風險…

※ 編輯: turkeyma ( 臺灣), 10/02/2023 21:23:06

carlchang09210/02 21:22季後賽加油了,然後期待小鬍子以後可以更猛

turkeyma10/02 21:23當然是覺得我勇在cheating 啊 但真的我們找不到證據

a215670010/02 21:25讓人想到太空人喔

scatman10/02 21:32創世勇蒿吐鹿死?

turkeyma10/02 21:33相信我們沒有作弊的原因是

turkeyma10/02 21:341. 我們客場主場日場夜場數據幾乎一樣好

turkeyma10/02 21:342.我們針對大於五成和小於五成的戰績一樣宰制

turkeyma10/02 21:343.所謂hack pitchcom 這種事會驚動FBI怎可能

edhuang10/02 21:38第一個可能的變數就是輪空了 但相信勇躲都有計劃

oceanman070410/02 21:43去年有經驗 今年應該都知道怎準備了

jason05011710/02 21:44沒拿冠軍會被笑嗎?

lahugh10/02 22:0473勇 歷歷在目

MKAngelheart10/02 22:04如果NLDS打擊被封鎖 肯定被笑啊 2019雙城

oceanman070410/02 22:06要笑去年早笑了 國聯三百勝

Sulstan10/02 22:13說2019 Twisn juiced ball........證明呢??????

Sulstan10/02 22:13Twins

vf310/02 22:1632真的是轉折點,打到梅子懷疑人生;再來就是史詩血洗洋基三

vf310/02 22:17場封王戰對費城的4 game series也是很震憾

mirrorlee10/02 22:19建議不要舒服得太早 遙望當年的水手

simonown10/02 22:24標題不都說討論正規球季 都打完了不能舒服喔

bkm110/02 22:37NFL賽季全勝 最後倒在超級碗前 也沒屁用啊!

Arsenalhenry10/02 22:39范特西都沒辦法這麼猛

turkeyma10/02 22:392019年全壘打總產量是6700 今年已經是產量多也才5800

turkeyma10/02 22:39這還不叫證明嗎? 您沒看到幾乎所有的聯盟打擊紀錄都

turkeyma10/02 22:39是那一年創下的嗎?

Sulstan10/02 22:49MLB版統計定理: Correlation=Causation!!!!!!

wuchianlin10/02 23:00先發輪值除了鬍子沒什麼大將,季後賽的奇幻旅程能走

wuchianlin10/02 23:00到哪確實很難說,運氣對所有人是很公平的

vf310/02 23:07季賽成績打得好是本事,季後賽好不好是天意

turkeyma10/02 23:08推樓上!

dcshoecousa10/02 23:43小鬍子有時也會爆一下,阿炸還比較穩,牛棚就是在比

dcshoecousa10/02 23:43抖。我是勇迷,其實看到今年成績我也有聯想到太空人

dcshoecousa10/02 23:43,但打鼓也沒多久前,應該沒這麼大膽

burdette10/03 00:03當年73勇好歹撐到總冠軍戰才輸 今年斧頭勇至少打個WS吧

turkeyma10/03 00:12鬍子其實很奇怪 一整季對戰 sub .500 球隊被打得非常

turkeyma10/03 00:12慘 對戰 >.500 球隊卻非常宰制 他季賽對戰費城8-

turkeyma10/03 00:120 但季後賽那場…..(好啦算他受傷) 希望今年不要變

turkeyma10/03 00:12成季後賽對戰 0-2, 0-3 這種….

burdette10/03 00:17希望他遇強則強

freeroce10/03 12:20推~感謝整理……季後賽還是不期不待不受傷害XD

julians10/03 14:50我勇當年連續14年國東稱霸,季後賽蟲得跟什麼一樣,還有

julians10/03 14:50怕再被笑的嗎

edhuang10/03 23:43BR列了一個 單季144場比賽有人開轟 打破2019洋基的139場

turkeyma10/04 11:42已更新在隊版完整版~ 感謝!

eji5k6u0610/04 13:29阿酷那也太猛惹罷!