[外電] 行跡神秘的藍鳥總管(和大谷密會?)

看板MLB標題[外電] 行跡神秘的藍鳥總管(和大谷密會?)作者
時間推噓20 推:20 噓:0 →:7

Circumstantial evidence points to the possibility that Shohei Ohtani, the jewelof the sport and of the offseason, might be advancing in conversations with theBlue Jays.

Blue Jays GM Ross Atkins reportedly switched his scheduled in-person media availability to Zoom, then declined to tell reporters where he was.

藍鳥總管Ross Atkins更動他原訂在冬季會議現場訪問



Ohtani’s agent, Nez Balelo, was not believed to be in Nashville on Monday either. Ohtani is thought to be at home somewhere in the western United States, perhaps with his dog, whose name he has also not disclosed. (This is the level of secrecy we are dealing with.)



Meanwhile, Blue Jays manager John Schneider, who had been scheduled to address the media on Monday afternoon, had his session moved to Tuesday.

除了總管外,藍鳥教頭John Schneider也延後他的記者會時間

A person familiar with that process said the change had been made Friday.


A team spokesperson did not return a request for comment as to whether Atkins’s classified location and Schneider’s schedule change were related.


Atkins did not return a request for comment as to whether he was at that momentwith Ohtani.


Balelo did not return a request for comment as to whether he was at that momentwith Atkins.



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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/05/2023 12:33:56

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/05/2023 12:35:08

abc1281212/05 12:40現在還有人用zoom?

polanco12/05 12:45到時候微博率先爆料大谷去哪

tyrone092312/05 12:50歐美一堆人都在用Zoom

lookers12/05 12:51這個是什麼懸疑偵探劇嗎

dd1115dd111512/05 12:53有感覺囉

a215670012/05 13:11快開獎了?

triff12/05 13:11這是不是其實去偷情啊?

catsondbs12/05 13:11來美東證明自己? 在洋基球場被打爆

triff12/05 13:12有夠曖昧的樣子

jn9999912/05 13:14不說還以為是金竟週刊的報導

jason05011712/05 13:21每個體育媒體都很想搶頭條

JakobPoeltl12/05 13:33地下情人膩

MapleLeaf15112/05 13:35藍鳥也是很敢 AAV50M衝下去也要連幾年繳稅 好現象

polanco12/05 13:40

k4544612312/05 13:45密室協商

kenkenken3112/05 15:37要把天份帶到加拿大

bj45112312/05 15:55大谷拒絕透露他的狗的名字。也是有夠好笑的

Yanagi556612/05 16:28以前在北海道 以後在加拿大 合理

steel12/05 16:29去大谷家洗碗?

k2201598712/05 17:50穩了

timidwei12/05 18:38美東瑟瑟發抖

jaky1112/05 19:18應該是去大谷家跪著求他了

jw11115412/05 19:32

k3353612/05 20:58不知道這次哪個會成為被玩弄的GM

peter081812/05 22:46從LA去多倫多,真難想像

minicat12/06 02:24MLB 藍白河 上映

leosky4112/06 08:05藍教頭壞壞