[情報] 老虎跟Colt Keith 簽下六年合約

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Sign of things to come.

We have signed INF Colt Keith to a six-year contract extension that runs through the 2029 season, followed by club options for the 2030, 2031, and 2032 seasons.

More on the deal here:

老虎官方宣佈跟內野新秀Colt Keith 簽下六年合約,其中2030 2031 2032年附帶三個球隊選項,因此合約最長可以來到9年。

Keith 是2020年第五輪老虎選進的新秀,2024年官網百大新秀排名第22。

The Tigers announced today that they’ve extended infield prospect Colt Keith
on a six-year contract with club options for the 2030, 2031, and 2032 seasons. Each club option includes salary escalators. The deal guarantees Keith $28.6425MM and could max out at $82MM over nine years if all three options are escalated and exercised. In addition to a $2MM signing bonus, Keith will earn $2.5MM in salary for the 2024 campaign, $3.5MM in 2025, $4MM per season in 2026 and ’27, and $5MM per season in 2028 and ’29. Before escalators, the 2030 club
option is valued at $10MM with a $2.6425MM buyout while the 2031 option is valued at $13MM with a $1MM buyout and the 2032 option is valued at $15MM with a$2MM buyout.

這份合約前六年保障28.6425M,如果三個球隊選項全部執行,Keith 最多可以領到82M。



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※ 編輯: JasonTsai23 ( 臺灣), 01/29/2024 00:16:53 ※ 編輯: JasonTsai23 ( 臺灣), 01/29/2024 00:18:40 ※ 編輯: JasonTsai23 ( 臺灣), 01/29/2024 00:24:22

zxc90638301/29 00:31

travis91511701/29 00:48這約對球團很不錯 FA前爛掉也沒有虧很多 如果打出

travis91511701/29 00:48來還可以便宜用三年FA年

kenkuo168801/29 00:55這價格超便宜 不怕壞

JustinIdiot01/29 00:57這有點太俗了XD

zx246800tw01/29 01:12童工

ashilol01/29 04:20如果有打出來 後三年球團賺爛

Adam661301/29 07:57隊球團來說蠻爽的 Keith對自己這麼沒自信嗎XD

mygoing01/29 12:09都是球隊選擇 真爽

supin01/29 12:10有Jon Singleton, Scott Kingery的例子,球員想要保障這輩子

supin01/29 12:10錢夠用,算合理吧

antonio01901/29 16:36好便宜