[情報] E-Rod陣營當初要求躲人多給1yr/$20M

看板MLB標題[情報] E-Rod陣營當初要求躲人多給1yr/$20M 作者
時間推噓12 推:12 噓:0 →:5

It wasn't just a concern for his family or his comfort in Detroit that compelled Eduardo Rodriguez to nix a trade to the Dodgers at Tuesday's deadline, as Rodriguez said Wednesday. Rodriguez was also seeking "financial and contractual enhancements" in order to join one of the 10 clubs in his no-trade clause, accordingto The Athletic. When he did not receive them, Rodriguez shut the deal down.

One such enhancement proposed by Rodriguez's agent, Gene Mato, was an additional year at $20 million on E-Rod's contract if the left-hander were to decline hisopt-out this offseason. His current deal has three years and $49 million remaining after this season.

當時E-Rod經紀人Gene Mato開給躲人,他們願意放棄NTC的條件



2024 $18M
2025 $16M
2026 $15M
2027 $20M




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lookers08/09 22:11XD

giancarloye08/09 22:26ERod今年有本錢談啊,老虎沒薛到

kenkuo168808/09 23:15他的成績喊這樣ok啊

laking08/09 23:31那躲人的粉絲群就不太能怪他不來了

sustainer12308/09 23:54今年成績喊這價碼不過分吧

ygjhsu08/10 00:14哇主委沒加碼

sssaaa108/10 00:17去加州的球隊要多繳稅,這應該也是考量之一吧?

Nikagnef08/10 00:36還好Friedman沒跟

sam959508/10 05:54但他今年的成績 季候自由市場也拿得到 $69M / 4Y吧?

sppray08/10 07:22其實這樣喊不貴啊,道奇單純不想長留E-Rod

nuggets091608/10 09:49ERod很痛 2027身手絕對不值啦

goopa08/10 09:50他今年留在老虎,季後跳出八成簽的到至少這金額四年約...

goopa08/10 09:51如果放棄NTC去道奇,加量不加價多投2~4周可能會面臨受傷或是

goopa08/10 09:52投不好的風險,所以如果要他放棄NTC的話,把風險轉嫁給道奇也

goopa08/10 09:53很合理,但道奇不願意那就買賣不成仁義在不交易大家各自安好

goopa08/10 09:54總不能叫對方自願加班還不給加班費...

mygoing08/10 11:26所以態勢明顯 今年一定跳