[情報] Bauer對最近事件的評論

看板MLB標題[情報] Bauer對最近事件的評論作者
時間推噓82 推:83 噓:1 →:16


Asked Trevor Bauer 1 question about the Astors, nearly 10 minutes later askedmy second. I'm not done transcribing, but... "they are hypocrites, they are cheaters, they've stolen from a lot of other people and the game itself was completely unfair."




Bauer: "... you guys think you are better than everyone and you don't have toabide by the rules? Fuck you. You know? That's how I feel about their whole operation." (more to come)


More Bauer: "If Mike Fiers doesn't come out and say something, nothing gets done. Nothing -- even though all the players know this shit is going on, it's the worst kept secret in baseball."


Bauer on Crain: "'We don’t think it affected the game.' You’re either lying
or you’re a fucking idiot. And don’t become a billionaire owner of a team by
being a fucking idiot. So, you’re lying."


Bauer: "Oh, we’re coming up in four or five days, you’re going to see pitche
rs throwing live BP with an L-screen in front of them because the hitters know what’s coming. Because it’s fucking dangerous."

「歐然後我們四五天後會有Live BP,你會看到那些在丟BP的投手前面會有一個L

Bauer said he hasn't heard from Manfred or MLB about his comments earlier this week: "No. What are they going to say? It’s the fucking truth. "


On Manfred, con't: "you think I have something valuable or you’re mad at me or something like that, then come talk to me. He can find me. What’s he going
to be mad about? The truth?"


Bauer on the state of the game: "We have the best group of players the game has ever had, the most talented, the fastest, the most athletic. Just the packaging is terrible. "


Bauer for 2020?


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※ 編輯: LastDinosaur ( 臺灣), 02/15/2020 17:08:00

wryyyyyyyy02/15 17:05

yrt316802/15 17:07嘴砲界的MVP XD 不過講得很實在

band88102/15 17:08超喜歡

gundam0002/15 17:09太中肯

BlitzX02/15 17:09hypocrites應該是岳不群的意思 XD

改一下 感恩

hydreigon02/15 17:09兇 但是我喜番XD

appshjkli02/15 17:10聯盟以為輕罰就會讓大家忘記?想的美

※ 編輯: LastDinosaur ( 臺灣), 02/15/2020 17:11:29

ckuser02/15 17:11他有回應過轉速的事嗎

KEDEN02/15 17:13兇宅

littlebonnie02/15 17:15感覺他球技有點壞掉了耶 怕他變成ithrow89

JessicaA1ba02/15 17:23鮑爾超讚der

aaron9702/15 17:27想買球衣了

kevinduh402/15 17:29All the players是指全聯盟的球員?

saiulbb02/15 17:32Trevor Bauer for MLB Commissioner

vencil02/15 17:36發言讚讚讚

polanco02/15 17:36最後一句不是說包裝得很爛?

polanco02/15 17:37對照他之前靠杯曼禁評的講法

4 馬上改正

whhw02/15 17:37不爽事實擺在眼前www

aborwang02/15 17:40讚啦

DavidFoster02/15 17:40他有接班Dan Haren的潛力,我是說在社交平台上

edhuang02/15 17:43看這篇真的舒暢無比

wx19002/15 17:45超兇 笑死

※ 編輯: LastDinosaur ( 臺灣), 02/15/2020 17:47:37

teremy02/15 17:52業界良心!

samuel200202/15 17:53包爾讚讚讚

Lattendue02/15 17:57L擋板的形容挺貼切的

sdiaa02/15 17:59不是壞就是笨 XD 有偷看政論節目齁~

jim1244102/15 18:02Bauer好凶

lewisleex02/15 18:02有夠兇,讚

Rayshief02/15 18:10他現在還是ithrow95 ,要再降檔啦

mrlucas889102/15 18:17爆氣仔 整篇看了身心舒暢

ganhua02/15 18:21"你們覺得你們比別人強就不用遵守規則打球嗎?我幹你的。"

ganhua02/15 18:21這句看了超爽xD,整篇看下來通體舒暢

Mooooose02/15 18:27不少都是我心中的話 說得好

starchiang02/15 18:31爽,舒服,請繼續

taxlaw199102/15 18:32唯一支持Bauer選主席

taxlaw199102/15 18:35禁評真的包裝很爛 作弊輕放 改一堆爛規則 連公平性都

taxlaw199102/15 18:35有疑問 堅持以為減少時間就能吸引觀眾 可憐啊

h5488902/15 18:36超派 不過我喜歡

thb9630002/15 18:39唯一支持習下包上!!!!!!!

jackytao02/15 18:40最後一段說的很好啊,也呼應他之前說應該以球員為賣點

jackytao02/15 18:40推銷球賽,而不是一直改變賽制的論點

b9920207102/15 18:40說的不錯 可是你去年最後為啥轉速大漲?

isolated02/15 18:419kj

x12398778902/15 18:45火力全開 讚

vata02/15 18:48說得沒錯啊,大家正當努力讓自己變強,結果輸給作弊仔

vata02/15 18:48主席輕輕放下,當大家笨蛋嗎

yw100202/15 19:06同時有V和Cole的球隊還需要作弊嗎

Zhang27402/15 19:09罵得很好啊 ... 作弊仔還在各種牽拖

a215670002/15 19:12太鼓人很強所以作弊

JerrieRip02/15 19:28被圈粉了!!Bauer讚啦

gustavvv02/15 19:30今天很嗆是吧 啊一直都很嗆

a38202/15 19:33讚, 他媽的mlb

x607312302/15 19:39讚 MLB的收視率就靠你捧了xD

Asucks02/15 19:46中肯到爆炸,罵的超棒

fountainNess02/15 19:59Bauer最近開了微博

HuanYuWu02/15 20:01實話就是這麼中聽

BalanceKey02/15 20:12激賞

SinShih02/15 20:13結果過兩天被交易到太空人

YoungDE02/15 20:39業界良心+1

Datow02/15 20:41快要成為我最愛的球員了

leosky4102/15 20:43轉速暴衝不用出來說明一下嗎包哥

tovshang02/15 21:02中肯

simonown02/15 21:07被棒球耽誤的名嘴

kymcoco02/15 21:14中肯啊

RBaldelli02/15 21:21他在Players tribune有發很大一篇啊 那篇不錯

sustainer12302/15 21:25爽啦 Bauer就是神

k2201598702/15 21:30你在大聲什麼啦

edoggiagia02/15 22:13

vg17502/15 22:43所以他罵了十分鐘喔XD

dw101202/15 22:48曼主席可以考慮發一篇 如何改造講不聽的Trevor Bauer


silencieux02/15 23:18帥!

sh331203702/15 23:45

waterseven502/15 23:49幹意十足給推

willywasd02/15 23:56笑死 罵的好屌

bestteam02/16 00:03當初真的有人護航知道球路也不一定能打好 完全就是87

wtt16802/16 00:28開放球員選主席

o0kk0ogreen02/16 00:33說的真實在

kenkenken3102/16 00:39推,任何形式的作弊都是從做人的根本開始爛

jeter869502/16 00:42有夠派 但超中肯

Smoltzy02/16 01:01業界良心

Dadaptt02/16 01:18愛上寶兒的第一天

Shauter02/16 02:08包兒當初離隊還回來看比賽 而且他應該2017就在說太空人

Shauter02/16 02:08在作弊了 根本MLB版的先知

slyheart02/16 02:22讚!

VGuerreroJr02/16 02:50推! 最喜歡看的球賽被搞成這樣不倫不類的

GroveStreet02/16 03:22好兇!這發言讚哈哈哈

sbmylife02/16 07:44中肯 罵的好

chasher02/16 08:22推 嗆爆那些拉基

nomo161602/16 08:41舒服

aleximba202/16 12:24看完通體舒暢 罵的有夠舒服

ging199502/16 12:38中肯

donami99902/16 13:03愈來愈愛包爾

donami99902/16 13:03中肯

peterqlin02/16 15:48他以前是說太空人松焦油?

yankees73302/16 17:40幹爆作弊人跟大聯盟主席就給推

lordi02/16 18:14大推

Sanco02/17 07:55講得好 應該要嚴懲才對

jason711199402/17 17:17爽 講的太好

Asucks03/12 23:55中肯到爆炸