[情報] Ozuna後悔沒拿QO

看板MLB標題[情報] Ozuna後悔沒拿QO作者
時間推噓21 推:21 噓:0 →:11

Marcel Ozuna signed a one-year, $18 million contract with the Atlanta Braves
this winter.

Ozuna did so after rejecting the one-year, $17.8 million qualifying offer
from the St. Louis Cardinals earlier in the offseason.

The outfielder expected to land a multiyear deal in free agency.

"If I knew before it was going to happen like this, I would have taken it,"
Ozuna said of the qualifying offer. "But I wanted to make sure I had a chance(at a contract) for my career."

He hit .241/.328/.472 last season.

"If they offer a good offer, I would get it," Ozuna said. "But they didn't doit. … I thought the Cardinals were going to offer something (early), but
they didn't do that after I rejected the qualifying offer. So, I got patient.And I waited. And I talked to my agent a lot of the time. We were waiting –
and then Atlanta was the team that gave me the opportunity for the one year
and a good deal. I had to do that."

Marcell Ozuna很後悔當初沒有拿紅雀的17.8M QO 結果跟勇勇簽了18M/Y





當年Ozuna<->Sandy Alcantara,Magneuris Sierra,Zac Gallen,Daniel Castano



Yes I know Syndergaard is throwing 90 mph change ups.
Don't @ me please.
by ithrow88


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※ 編輯: ChrisDavis ( 臺灣), 02/28/2020 23:20:54

NYYAllRise02/28 23:45Alcantara跟Gallen真的蠻香的

PaulAllen202/28 23:51歐蘇納在勇士感覺不一定能固定先發啊

c87111111602/28 23:54不過三劍客這包好像最賺?

Roshiel02/28 23:54史坦頓最賺吧..畢竟馬大魚當時要的是$$

LucasDuda02/28 23:55打那樣不知道哪裡覺得有機會掛著QO拿好約

ylrafale02/29 00:08他是不想跟勇士隊員好好相處了膩XD

timmyen02/29 00:10他後來簽的不是還比QO多0.2M嗎?

ohmyya02/29 00:11可能是差距比想像中小吧

HWT080802/29 00:11會不會被經紀公司賺走了XD

cyc258002/29 00:31最虧的就賣yelich那包

nuggets091602/29 00:55歐豬納超賺啊 就猛一年 後來防守也雷

baseballbin02/29 01:39可能是還要搬家很麻煩吧

righthand02/29 01:43價格差不多的話 在原隊比較有打不好的空間

righthand02/29 01:43變FA 今年成績爛 也許明年就消失了

righthand02/29 01:44他應該是因為nlds打得好才覺得自己有身價

righthand02/29 01:44結果有這樣覺得的只有對面的勇士隊....

AaronRodgers02/29 02:48他想要的是複數合約

catsondbs02/29 02:56有更多錢拿就該叫好了 想以前Moustakas拒絕QO....

abc1281202/29 03:38還好吧 現在有拿過QO就不會再拿第二次 比以前typeA好

qozxcv02/29 06:49去年回壘用撲的,手受傷休一陣子

Rayshief02/29 08:34NLDS打得好,NLCS搞笑守備更令人難忘

chopinlee02/29 09:05守備太雷,打擊退化迅速,我鳥謝勇收編

canisty02/29 09:12現在回頭看Jeter根本是先知

nangaluchen02/29 10:14stanton那筆不算賺 畢竟只有省錢

nangaluchen02/29 10:14但ozuna這包多少能彌補yelich的損失

au3rupy302/29 13:26去年LD%跟HARD%都生涯新高 BABIP只有.257 算倒楣吧

CImbX02/29 15:15所以條子沒開價?

a956420803/01 15:03Zac Gallen在蛇蛇,沒香到馬大魚

a956420803/01 15:04球迷該跟我特哥道歉了吧?

seekforever03/01 18:06Yellich一筆就虧光另兩筆還超過

ChrisDavis03/01 18:22Yelich那筆也沒那麼虧 Stanton是要省錢也做到了

youngluke03/02 07:49Gallen香到可以去換蛇蛇的百大新秀啊