[閒聊] Tony Gwynn的19項特殊事蹟

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There's never a bad time to rehash the insane numbers Tony Gwynn put up
during his 20 Hall of Fame seasons in San Diego.

從來沒有什麼時候是不適合回味Tony Gwynn在聖地牙哥的20年間所留下的瘋狂數據。

But this Saturday would have been Gwynn's 60th birthday. To commemorate the
occasion, we've compiled a list of 19 facts about No. 19.


Happy birthday, Mr. Padre.


‧ The historic 1994 season in which Gwynn batted .394 -- the closest anyone
has come to hitting .400 since Ted Williams did so -- was cut short by the
strike. Could Gwynn have reached .400? It's pure speculation at this point,
but he was batting .423/.472/.613 in the second half that year. Gwynn's .334
career second-half batting average is the third best in the last 50 years.

Gwynn那個打出了繼Ted Williams之後任何人最接近四割男紀錄一次的.394打擊率的史詩級1994年球季因罷工而中斷。若球季沒中斷,Gwynn有可能成為四割男嗎?雖然現在這完全只能臆測,但他當年下半季的打擊三圍為.423/.472/.613。Gwynn生涯下半季的.334打擊率是過去50年來第三高的成績。

‧ Rather famously, Gwynn struck out three times in a game only once --
against Bob Welch and the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1986. But Gwynn played a
pivotal role in that game, nonetheless, singling in the eighth, and scoring
the tying run in the 10th after reaching on an error. In fact, he added 37.9
percent to the Padres' win probability that day.

更為人知的一件事是Gwynn生涯只有在1986年一場對上由Bob Welch主投的道奇隊的比賽中單場被三振三次。儘管如此,Gwynn在那場比賽扮演了關鍵的角色:第八局時敲出一壘安打,並於第十局靠失誤上壘後跑回追平分。事實上,他那天為教士隊貢獻了37.9%的WPA。

‧ Including postseason play, Gwynn faced 18 Hall of Fame pitchers for a
total of 541 plate appearances. That’s essentially a full season’s worth of
plate appearances exclusively against Hall of Famers. Gwynn batted


‧ In his entire 20-year career, Gwynn struck out 434 times -- an average of
21.7 K's per season. Last season, 129 players had struck out 22 times by the
end of April.


‧ Since Gwynn debuted in 1982, a hitter has finished a season with a batting
average above .350 only 46 times. Gwynn has seven of those seasons, the most
of any player in that span.


‧ Gwynn batted .300 in every season but his rookie year, giving him a record
19 straight seasons above .300. J.D. Martinez is the current leader with fourstraight .300-plus seasons.

Gwynn生涯除了菜鳥年,連續19球季超過三成打擊率。目前進行中的紀錄是J.D. Martinez的連四年三成打擊率。

‧ Gwynn finished his career batting .302 with two strikes. That's easily the
best mark for any player since numbers were first tracked by count in the
mid-1970s. Wade Boggs comes in second at .262. In fact, in 1994, Gwynn battedan absurd .397 in two-strike counts.

Gwynn生涯兩好球後的打擊率為.302。這是1970年代中期開始針對好壞球數記錄打擊率後的最佳紀錄。第二好的成績是Wade Boggs的.262。事實上,Gwynn在1994年於兩好球後的打擊率是極為誇張的.397。

‧ Six times in Padres history has a player recorded 200 hits in a season.
Five of those seasons belong to Gwynn (1984, '86, '87, '89, '97). Mark
Loretta had 208 hits in 2004.

教士隊史上共出現六次球員單季200安的紀錄。而Gwynn就佔了五次(1984、86、87、89、97)。剩下的一次則是Mark Loretta於2004年的單季208安。

‧ On 45 separate occasions, Gwynn recorded four hits in a game -- 11 more
times than he recorded a multi-strikeout game.


‧ Gwynn faced Greg Maddux 107 times in his career -- more than any other
pitcher. He batted .415/.476/.521 against the four-time Cy Young Award winnerand Hall of Famer. That's easily the highest average against Maddux for any
player with at least 70 plate appearances.

Gwynn生涯面對Greg Maddux共107次,是他生涯面對的投手中次數最多的。而面對這位四座賽揚獎得主、名人堂球星,Gwynn的打擊三圍為.415/.476/.521。這想當然是與Maddux對陣70打席以上的任何打者中所留下最高的數字。

‧ Of course, it's not like Gwynn's numbers against Maddux were an anomaly.
He torched just about every pitcher he faced. Among the 38 pitchers he faced
at least 50 times, his lowest average was a .243 mark against Dwight Gooden.
He batted at least .300 against 32 of those 38 pitchers, including Tom
Glavine, Nolan Ryan, John Smoltz and Orel Hershiser.

當然,Gwynn對上Maddux所留下的打擊數字非個案。他幾乎對上任何投手都有所斬獲。在他面對至少50次的38名投手中所留下的最低打擊率是對上Dwight Gooden的.243。而他面對在那之中的32名投手留下了超過三成打擊率,這其中包括Tom Glavine、Nolan Ryan、John Smoltz和Orel Hershiser。

‧ Padres fans have called the second game of the season, "Tony Gwynn Opening
Day" for years, because of Gwynn's affection for the fans who showed up for
Game 2. Nobody owned "Tony Gwynn Opening Day" quite like, well, Tony Gwynn.
He batted .403/.439/.500 in Game 2 of 162.

教士球迷多年來將每季的第二場比賽稱作「Tony Gwynn開幕戰」,因為Gwynn帶給出席第二場比賽的球迷的熱情無人能及:他生涯於每年第二戰的打擊三圍為.403/.439/.500。

‧ Gwynn played both baseball and basketball at San Diego State, and he still
owns several records in basketball for the Aztecs. His 590 career assists arethe most in school history and his 221 assists in the 1979-80 season are alsoa record. In fact, Gwynn owns the top three single-game assist tallies in
Aztecs history -- with his 18 dimes against UNLV on Feb. 5, 1980, as the most.


‧ In the past 100 years, nobody has more batting titles than Gwynn's eight.
Only Ty Cobb, who won 12, all before 1920, had more.

過去100年來沒有任何人的單季打擊王頭銜比Gwynn的八次還多。史上更多的只有Ty Cobb全數於1920年前所達成的12次打擊王頭銜。

‧ Gwynn's .338 career batting average is the highest in the expansion era --
and it's not even that close, as Gwynn sits 10 points ahead of Boggs, in
second. The last player to finish his career with a higher average was Ted
Williams' .344 mark.

千分點。上一個比Gwynn的生涯打擊率還高的是Ted Williams的.344打擊率。

‧ Since World War II, Gwynn is the only player to bat above .350 in five
consecutive seasons (from 1993-97). Ty Cobb, Rogers Hornsby and Al Simmons
did so before him.

Gwynn是自二戰後唯一一個連續五季(1993-97)打擊率超過.350的球員。Ty Cobb、Al
Simmons和Rogers Hornsby都是在此之前達成此紀錄。

‧ In 2007, Gwynn was inducted into the Hall of Fame after receiving 532 of
545 votes -- the 10th-highest total in MLB history.


‧ Gwynn owns all-time Padres records for batting average, runs, hits, total
bases, doubles, triples, RBIs, walks, stolen bases and games played.


‧ If Gwynn’s 20-year career were split into two careers, 10 seasons apiece,
he would rank first and second in franchise history in runs, hits, total
bases and doubles.


題外話:十年前的美國時間5月9日(當天也是母親節),運動家隊投手Dallas Braden投出大聯盟史上第19場完全比賽。


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jarvislung05/11 09:34超猛的數據...

whhw05/11 09:45

elephant21105/11 09:50現役連續三成打擊率不是普神嗎??

他要說的應該是「現在進行中」 改一下好了

wjp05/11 09:56昨天還看到一個,從1992-1995,Gwynn的得分比揮空次數還多

Edison117405/11 10:08但是如果投手可以改變球速,所有

Edison117405/11 10:08打者將立刻陷入無助的境地,受限於人類固有的視覺-

Edison117405/11 10:08-不過Maddux說了:「只有一個人例外--他xx的Tony

Edison117405/11 10:08 Gwynn。」

Edison117405/11 10:09麥狗也承認Gwynn是他最難纏的對手

stewart8059105/11 10:15推 真的跟鬼一樣猛

CoryLuebke05/11 10:21

edhuang05/11 10:34真的強到變態

KKyosuke05/11 10:45生涯切成前十年跟後十年仍然可以拿隊史前兩名真的很扯

willywasd05/11 10:58

abc1281205/11 11:14那只是代表教士沒有其他代表性的球星吧

snowcold21405/11 11:25乍看很殺豬公的打擊哲學(不喜歡三振、反向攻擊、不求

snowcold21405/11 11:26長打、BB%低...等),結果生涯wRC+ 132...

EEERRIICC05/11 11:28生涯K/BB 434/790

EEERRIICC05/11 11:29安打仔可以打到長打率破0.5

HuanYuWu05/11 11:43太神@@

ZaneTrout05/11 11:57超猛

ultratimes05/11 12:21本來光看生涯總安打和HR,以為他是好一點的ichiro

ultratimes05/11 12:22但整個數據一看 他x的 一朗完全可以去玩沙

borriss05/11 12:30 比兩百安吧 像是汪皮耶也有四次(X

d14725805/11 12:31真打擊天才

lahugh05/11 12:32教士先生

Asucks05/11 12:47光是讓Maddux討厭就是頂級殊榮了

SinShih05/11 13:19完美的打擊機器

oadas05/11 13:221994是讓很多可能的成就夭折的可惜年份

Sulstan05/11 13:24誒..Bob Welch是MLB最後一位單季勝投超過25的男人

snowcold21405/11 13:29u大,一朗也很優,只是比較偏健康+跑壘+守備的貢獻

snowcold21405/11 13:30不過單論純安打型打者的話,Gwynn是真的海放

snowcold21405/11 13:31不過一朗是角落而非中線,但這又是另一個議題了

KKyosuke05/11 13:32Gwynn是史上頂級打者之一 輸他又不是什麼問題

Derp05/11 13:50生涯bWAR竟然不到70


linwurih05/11 14:06他在Maddux手上選了11個BB,從沒被三振過,真的神!

mygoing05/11 14:12勇士殺手

borriss05/11 14:13 Gwynn也是右外

tyrone092305/11 14:52純就打擊來說(不含長打),他真的海放不只一條街以上

tyrone092305/11 14:52其他人連車尾燈可能還看不到

tomho120205/11 15:34這傢伙好強阿(誤)

abc092200105/11 15:58看到隊史單季200安的紀錄,就讓人很好奇水手隊XDD

JEFF1150305/11 16:02樓上,是13次,除了一朗之外只有A-ROD兩次,剩下那次是

JEFF1150305/11 16:02Bret Boone

abc092200105/11 16:18感謝樓上!

borriss05/11 16:37 以前有個說法是NL擴編 投手水準下降 導致Gwynn後期擺尾

borriss05/11 16:39 但是除了CR就是特別高 其他幾隊也算不上好啊

ultratimes05/11 18:34這傢伙如果放到現在不知道會如何?大量防守佈陣伺候

ultratimes05/11 18:35還是佈陣根本抓不到他?

john060105/11 18:36把麥狗幹成狗,真滴強

tweence05/11 18:38

shiyhsien05/11 18:42他的打擊型態布陣沒用

willywasd05/11 19:18生涯K% 4.2 扯

Tkukevin556605/11 21:07TG19 永遠的教士先生 沒人能超越

alex2426chen05/11 22:20他是出名的廣角打者 並沒有明顯強推或強拉型態

starcry05/11 22:24年輕時也很會盜

sikerkuaitai05/12 00:13永遠的教士先生 希望多年後能看到FTJ也名列其中

terminator305/12 00:53兒子真的是親生的嗎…

sam959505/12 02:35純噓樓上臭嘴 沒打得跟爸爸一樣好就要被懷疑外面偷生的?

borriss05/12 04:09棒子弟跟小葛弟都沒上大聯盟啊

kevin200201305/12 09:31籃球那段的球季年份是不是怪怪的XD


Dickcord05/12 09:49生涯對瘋狗11BB 0K真的猛

※ 編輯: blackpanther ( 美國), 05/12/2020 09:54:04

zerosaint05/12 11:11對於嘴臭的網友就加入黑名單就好

max260405/12 12:18會攻擊反方向的打者通常不太會被佈陣吧?

max260405/12 12:20沒看過他打球也不知道速度如何,跑得快的左打也不好佈陣

max260405/12 12:20吧?要防偷點

mygoing05/12 18:56教士先生不用偷點就能破佈陣了 所以上面才有人說佈陣對他

mygoing05/12 18:56沒用

Roshiel05/12 20:21廣角打法(O)

JEFF1150305/12 23:26一個安打型選手可以打到OPS破1是真的扯......

mightymouse05/13 08:26小時候看棒球連線版有人在討論Gwynn跟Boggs誰打擊比

mightymouse05/13 08:26較強

borriss05/13 14:38 要看哪一年討論的(X) 93年 99年 還是2010(X

mirac1e05/14 11:37真正恐怖的地方是他的主場是教士

mirac1e05/14 11:38如果他是洛磯主場的話 這些數據大概會很誇張

antonio01905/14 16:23但在洛磯主場的話就進不了名人堂了

duo13105/14 16:53他大學其實是拿籃球獎學金~~中途被棒球隊借去

n6120805/14 18:13他去洛磯不就每一年都97.98.99 Larry Walker

OneCell05/16 14:13超猛

peter060305/24 15:01推推