[外電] Art Howe 因武漢肺炎在加護病房治療中

看板MLB標題[外電] Art Howe 因武漢肺炎在加護病房治療中作者
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LISTEN: Former Astros star, manager Art Howe describes coronavirus symptoms,
ICU stay

HOUSTON – Former Houston Astros star and manager, Art Howe is in
the ICU with coronavirus, he confirmed to KPRC 2 Thursday.

Howe told KPRC 2 he felt the first symptoms of the virus on
Sunday, May 3 with chills that made his whole body shake “like a

After getting tested for COVID-19, the 73-year-old learned he had
the virus two days later and went into isolation. Then he began
feeling “total fatigue” and lost his sense of taste, Howe said.

“Never experienced anything like it before,” he said.

As the days went by, Howe said he “wasn’t feeling much better at
all,” and when his symptoms worsened, he was taken to the
hospital via ambulance Tuesday. He remains in the ICU as of
Thursday evening.

While Howe said he is seeing some improvement to his health, he
admits it’s very slow. According to him, he has to go 24 hours
without a fever to be released and that has not yet happened.

When asked if he’s eating, Howe said, “That’s the thing. My
tastebuds still aren’t there. I know I should eat but nothing at
all makes you want to eat.”

Howe played was one of the more popular ballplayers for the Astros
and played with the team for six years from 1976 to 1982 and
later managed the team from 1989 to 1993.

Art Howe 接受電話訪問時表示 5/3 身體開始有異樣,


'89~'93 太空人總教練
'96~'02 運動家總教練
'03~'04 大都會總教練

另在錢球中由 Philip Seymour Hoffman 扮演,
不過 Howe 之前抱怨電影醜化了他:


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※ 編輯: ccpz ( 臺灣), 05/15/2020 08:53:37

abc1281205/15 08:54誒 這不是錢球主角之一嗎

scatman05/15 09:32話說Howe02年結束之後怎麼就離開運動家了 02戰績不是不

scatman05/15 09:32錯嗎?

JessicaA1ba05/15 10:03電影就是藉由醜化他來吹捧布萊德彼特好棒棒啊 XD

youngluke05/15 10:47小說就是這樣描寫了吧

uranusjr05/15 16:55Art Howe 是被挖角的

JEFF1150305/15 17:40書就把他寫的跟智障一樣,好像贏球都是豆爺的功勞啊

kano252505/16 23:28小說把他描寫成豆爺的傳令兵、跟擺一顆西瓜在那邊沒兩樣

kano252505/16 23:28的總教練