Re: [討論] Kelly禁賽八場

看板MLB標題Re: [討論] Kelly禁賽八場作者
時間推噓 1 推:8 噓:7 →:11

※ 引述《rn940111 (自盡比較快)》之銘言:
: 節錄部分內容
: Major League Baseball has laid down punishments after tempers flared between: the Los Angeles Dodgers and Houston Astros on Tuesday night, the first bit of: justice from MLB players we’ve seen carried out against the Astros after
: their cheating scandal rocked baseball this past offseason.
: Joe Kelly, who threw pitches near the heads of Alex Bregman and Carlos Correa: and then taunted Correa, was suspended eight games. Dodgers manager Dave
: Roberts was suspended one game. Astros manager Dusty Baker was also fined. Kelly
: will appeal his suspension, so he can play until his appeal is heard.
: MLB宣布了昨天我大Kelly主持正義的罰則
: Kelly修理作弊仔Bregman跟挑釁作弊仔Correa被禁賽八場,總教練蘿蔔被禁一場,
: Baker則遭到罰款
: 沒砸到的禁8場,砸到的可能禁五場,作弊仔沒禁賽,
: 這標準,嘻嘻
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my Asus ASUS_I01WD.


ESPN記者Jeff Passan推特:
"Los Angeles Dodgers reliever Joe Kelly, who was suspended for eight games forthrowing at Houston Astros batters, had his ban reduced to five games on
appeal, sources tell me and @kileymcd"


#1RelwrS2 (MLB)
標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次

vgil: 不請個24HR保全顧嗎09/20 15:57
william80730: 24HR去當保全?09/20 19:49
william80730: Puig自己才21HR09/20 19:51
ylrafale: 24小時啦誰跟你24轟 09/20 20:14


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c87111111608/13 13:38運氣不錯 剛好上訴期間太鼓人搞事

Roshiel08/13 13:41笑死,沒丟中禁五場,丟中的沒事情,禁被丟中三次的人

phoenix28608/13 14:14主要是有沒有蓄意的認定吧

zouelephant08/13 15:06可以再上訴嗎

wx19008/13 15:32笑死

delnet08/13 15:34笑死 太鼓人砸人不用罰

JerrieRip08/13 16:20可笑的聯盟,明明沒丟到人,但因為是乾兒子就是要禁

bestteam08/13 16:22蓄意咧 原來棒球規則還有觸身未遂的罰則啊

j0724205408/13 16:55什麼鬼

whhw08/13 17:18金身

gustavvv08/13 17:21鼓人砸好幾下綠帽 罰打鼓教練 笑破懶趴

Derp08/13 17:25凱莉是瘋子但球亂噴又不是一兩天的事

Earthpeace08/13 21:46阿凱要不要先確定一下自己在紅襪時期的隊友教練乾不乾

Earthpeace08/13 21:46淨^_^

Roshiel08/13 21:51太鼓達人電子舞弊 -> 主席:沒有相關罰責不能罰球員

Roshiel08/13 21:52主席:Kelly砸人未遂,禁賽!!

ahuahala08/13 22:04去你的太鼓人,噁心

saiulbb08/14 01:05問個問題 如果Kelly沒有進傷兵名單 可以直接服禁賽嗎?

saiulbb08/14 01:05因為他目前有傷 也不能上場比賽 乾脆不要進IL直接接受禁

saiulbb08/14 01:06賽這樣可以嗎 這樣不僅能養傷 也可以度過禁賽 求解@@

t1016d08/14 10:11樓上說的應該可以

t1016d08/14 10:12不過如果禁賽期間過去傷還沒恢復

t1016d08/14 10:13到時候再進去就要從那時候開始算傷兵天數

chiahunl08/14 13:43鼓人還用直球砸人,不是蓄意,不用禁賽。真愛啊

lwswjs08/15 03:47噁心太鼓

BMW740Li08/21 13:50噁心,丟人作弊都沒事