[情報] 新簽下七年37.45億轉播合約

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時間推噓 3 推:6 噓:3 →:12

The MLB has agreed to a seven-year deal with Turner Sports for nearly $3.745
billion at $535 million per season, representing a 65 percent increase over
the previous contract between the two parties.

Turner will try to make their new deal more similar to the one it has with
the NBA with a prime-time weeknight game and a new studio show.

“We are not going to replicate ‘Inside The NBA’ because I don’t think it
is possible to do that,” Warner Media News & Sports chairman Jeff Zucker
said. “That is the premier show in all of sports broadcasting. On the other
hand, I did think there was an opportunity to enhance our baseball studio
show and that was a priority for me, as well.”

Fox has already locked up the long-term rights to the World Series. ESPN's
extension is also being worked upon, though the network prefers less bulk andmore premier games.

跟Turner Sports簽下一張7年37.45億 每年5.35億的轉播合約,上一張相比成長65%

FOX已經長期合作World Series的部分,ESPN也要開始談惹

但華納媒體體育主席Jeff Zucker直接說不可能複製NBA的那種合約因為不太可能做到




Yes I know Syndergaard is throwing 90 mph change ups.
Don't @ me please.
by ithrow88


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Zhang27409/27 01:38國外已經談好,但國內的 fox ... 明年還有 mlb 看嘛

ChrisDavis09/27 01:39國外的fox是fox的 台灣的fox是老鼠的

madboy09/27 01:47最討厭死老鼠

Zhang27409/27 02:13米老鼠還我體育台

appshjkli09/27 02:15虧錢的狀況下撤台不是很正常嗎

rickyred09/27 02:20fox不就全賣了嗎?不是全部都米老鼠操盤嗎?

rickyred09/27 02:22查了一下就全部都迪士尼啊哪有分什麼福斯的 還是我搞錯

ChrisDavis09/27 02:26美國的FOX是保留下來的

ChrisDavis09/27 02:28最幽默的是米老鼠在N年前賣掉ESPN 結果幾年後又因為

ChrisDavis09/27 02:29收購福斯所以吃下海外FOX Sport,然後這兩年全部收攤

Sulstan09/27 02:31翻譯主語直接drop了啊,那是不是能解讀成CD和Turner簽約

Sulstan09/27 02:32就算漢語是Pro-drop language也不是什麼位置都可以省略的

rickyred09/27 02:43我查了一下迪士尼就是買下整個福斯啊 哪有什麼保留 只

rickyred09/27 02:43有目前可能的消息是撤台而已啊 還是有什麼消息是迪士尼

rickyred09/27 02:43只買海外體育台

ChrisDavis09/27 03:10迪士尼沒有買新聞財經公廣體育電視這些東西

ChrisDavis09/27 03:11WIKI查一下FOX Corporation就知道保留那些了

rickyred09/27 08:27稍微看一下大部分的地區電視都賣了 確實剩有名字的福斯

rickyred09/27 08:27體育而已

bonjovi093009/27 10:12觀眾收視轉移.很難乖乖坐在電視前面看.亞洲都收掉了

burdette09/28 12:35這表示NBA收視率比較高嗎?