[外電] 2010s十大交易案 Part 7

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這是2010s 十大交易案第七集,翻譯Mike Petriello的外電。


(7) Milwaukee adds a Most Valuable Player
Jan. 25, 2018: Marlins trade OF Christian Yelich to Brewers for OF Lewis Brinson, OF Monte Harrison, IF Isan Diaz and P Jordan Yamamoto
What even?
The Marlins were in complete let's-blow-it-all-up mode, having already tradedGiancarlo Stanton, Dee Gordon and Marcell Ozuna during the winter of 2017-18,and trading Yelich was the obvious end point of the plan. (Especially becausehe and his agent had made their displeasure at the situation clear.) At the time, he was regarded as a solid player (121 OPS+ in parts of five seasons) whohadn't tapped into the power potential (59 homers at that time) his underlying skills suggested. He was also on a massively team-friendly contract, one that owed him only $44.5 million over the next four seasons, plus a 2022 team option for $15 million.
The Brewers were coming off an 85-77 second-place season, and when they addedYelich, it was one of the biggest days in team history, seeing as how they also signed Lorenzo Cain to a five-year free-agent contract the same day.

7.Christian Yelich交易案
釀酒人獲得:Christian Yelich
馬林魚獲得:Lewis Brinson、Monte Harrison、Isan Diaz、Jordon Yamamoto
2017-18休賽季時,邁阿密馬林魚正在進行大拍賣活動中。他們已經賣掉了D.Gordon、G.Stanton和M.Ozuna,下一個目標自然就是明星外野手Christian Yelich。
另一方面,釀酒人隊在2017年擁有85-77還算不錯的戰績,因此他們決定在休賽季大顯身手。除了換來Yelich,他們還以5年80M簽下外野手Lorenzo Cain,準備爭搶國聯中區第一的位置。

Were the takes good or bad?
Milwaukee adding two huge outfield stars on the same day pretty clearly garnered positive reviews, but there was a lot to like about this for Miami, too. Rotoworld's Christopher Crawford, speaking to CBS, said, "It's really a win-win deal," noting that the Marlins "did well here" in the prospect return.

馬林魚獲得的新秀中,Lewis Brinson是評價最高的。身為BA百大18,釀酒人農場No.1,Brinson擁有五拍子的潛力,被認為能成為單季20-20,並且擁有頂尖守備的中外野手;Monte Harrison在BA排名75,是一名防守優異,Power不錯但選球有待加強的中外野手;Isan Diaz排名BA釀酒人No.6,是長打能力不錯的二壘手。RotoWorld的作家Christopher Crawford就說「這是筆雙贏的交易,不過馬林魚的確獲得不錯的新秀回報」

And then what happened?
Yelich bashed 36 homers in 2018, winning the NL MVP Award. He hit 44 more in '19, and he might have won another MVP if he hadn't been injured in September.Over the last two years, he's been the most valuable player in the National League, and he's pretty clearly a top-five superstar in baseball. Though he swears he wasn't worried about his launch angle, it's hard to not notice that after years of hearing about how he hit too many hard ground balls, his grounder rate dropped from around 60% with Miami to 52% in 2018 and 44% in '19. He onlyjust turned 28 earlier this month, and he's tied to Milwaukee for three more seasons.
The jury is still out for Miami, though it's not looking great. Brinson has hit .189/.238/.294 in two seasons with Miami, striking out 30% of the time. Harrison struck out 215 times in Double-A in 2018, and he was a league-average bat at Triple-A in '19. Diaz mashed in Triple-A (.305/.395/.578 in 2019) and is in line for serious Miami time in 2020, though he hit only .173/.259/.307 in 201 plate appearances in the bigs. Yamamoto struck out 82 in 78 2/3 innings in his rookie year.


Would each team do it again?
The Brewers couldn't say "yes" to this quickly enough. The Marlins would certainly either keep Yelich or find a better return.

Christian Yelich的進化讓釀酒人隊毫無疑問的成為這筆交易案的贏家,他們當然會同意;馬林魚得到的新秀表現都不是太理想,他們若能重來一次的話肯定會試著獲取更優秀的報酬的。


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※ 編輯: TRosenthal ( 臺灣), 02/07/2021 21:09:17

sampsonlu91902/07 21:22優質翻譯必推

mygoing02/07 21:35

whhw02/07 21:58先推

whhw02/07 22:00要怎麼知道是養壞還是看走眼

aborwang02/07 22:15

Car1osCorrea02/07 22:35主菜Lewis Brinson 真的悲劇

Nuey02/07 22:36棒球本來就超容易養壞

kingwei52002/07 22:36新秀本來就一堆不確定性

youngluke02/07 23:24Yelich的爆發也是不確定性吧

xo110002/07 23:38幫主不是簽長約了嗎


catsondbs02/07 23:53幫主史詩般的大爆發

wahaha567802/08 00:16當時Brinson和Harrison的評價本來就是五拍子和體能怪

wahaha567802/08 00:17物,但兩個人都有風扇的風險

wahaha567802/08 00:17結果到目前為止也真的是風扇化

bkm102/08 00:18幫主2020的K%真的太驚人 保送也提高 突然棒子找不到球了

wahaha567802/08 00:20但當時這包就天賦來看是無庸置疑啦

※ 編輯: TRosenthal ( 臺灣), 02/08/2021 00:21:26

HuanYuWu02/08 00:24當初的狀況很合理了

usausausa02/08 03:14推 翻譯辛苦了

xo110002/08 09:02Brinson在酒人拉上來打的時候就很烙賽了

xo110002/08 09:03剛好幫主在吹密就不賭了

Yofu02/08 09:52這批天賦目前看來沒兌現~~

kochiOuO02/08 10:20結果馬魚反而Ozuna那包換的意外地好


uranusjr02/08 11:52當初如果不交易 Yelich 搞不好也就是長成把短槍, 反面

uranusjr02/08 11:53Brinson 搞不好也可以養起來, 只能說有些球隊會積弱不振

uranusjr02/08 11:53其實通常不是表面上看得到的原因

manson66602/08 21:07如果可以回到過去我就all in BTC了 再海邊別墅看棒球了

jet11310202/08 21:14Brinson這肌肉棒子最後還是沒有打出來

※ 編輯: TRosenthal ( 臺灣), 02/08/2021 21:50:51

wahaha567802/09 17:09Alcantara其實也不算是養到最好啦,但Gallen就不簡單

※ 編輯: TRosenthal ( 臺灣), 02/10/2021 16:07:47