[情報] Carlos Carrasco腿筋拉傷

看板MLB標題[情報] Carlos Carrasco腿筋拉傷作者
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Carlos Carrasco arrived at Mets camo on Thursday hoping his elbow wuold be
enough to keep him of the injured list to open the season. The right-hander
departed with a different in jury and far grimmer news. Carrasco tore his right
hamstring running sprints on the field, according to multiple sources, one ofwhich said he expected Carrasco to miss six to eight weeks.

Carrasco, 33, spent most of early March battling right elbow soreness, which
neither he nor the Mets considered enough to knock him off the Opening Day
roster. As recently as Thursday morning, manager Luis Rojas said he expected
Carrasco to be ready for his first rotation turn in April. But after Carrascothrew a live batting practive session at Alover Park in port St, Lucie, Fla.,he tore his hamstring during routine conditioning drills

An MRI later revealed the extent of the tear, which will keep Carrasco sideli-nd until later April or May. One source cautioned that "these type of injuriescan't be rushed," noting that Carrasco must proceed carefully to avoid setbac-ks.

The question now becomes who will replace him in the rotation. The Mets have
three locks in Jacob deGrom, Marcus Stroman and Taijuan Walker. Given Carrasco's status, David Peterson is a stroung bet to join those three, with Joey
Lucchessi and Jordan Yamamoto competing for the final slot. In addition to
those two, Corey Oswalt has impressed Rojas with five strikeouts over two
Grapefruit League innings. The Mets are also in the process of stretching outformer Mariners, Cubs and Royals starter Miker Montgomery, who could serve inmultiple roles this season,

原先就受輕度手肘傷勢困擾的Carlos Carrasco在體能訓練時拉傷了右腿筋,MRI顯示有撕裂,預計會缺席6-8週,回歸日期落在四月底到五月初。一位知情人士警告:「受這種傷不

Carrasco受傷後,梅子的開季先發輪值確定會有Jacob deGrom、Marcus Stroman與Taijuan
Walker,David Peterson加入的機會也很高。五號先發預計會由Joey Lucchessi與Jordan


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※ 編輯: lukemarley ( 臺灣), 03/19/2021 10:15:54

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