[外電] MLB官方打臉Angel Hernandez

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MLB argues umpire Angel Hernandez's 3 overturned calls in 2018 ALDS cost him
World Series spot


古巴出生的Angel Hernandez從1993年成為MLB裁判. 他在2017年對MLB提出告訴說聯盟
組組長(Hernandez曾多次擔任暫代組長的職位). 這個訴狀在2021年被地方法官直接判決不成立,Angel向聯邦第二上訴法庭提出上訴.

在禮拜三,MLB官方對上訴法庭提出了長達58頁的答辯. 其中提到了原本Angel Hernandez在2018年有機會出席世界大賽,但是他在美聯分區聯賽Yankees對上Red Sox的一場比賽中出現了三個被逆轉的誤判把自己的機會搞丟了.

"Hernandez did not capitalize on that opportunity and did not rise to the
occasion," MLB wrote. "This was the first time since the advent of expanded
instant replay in 2014 that an umpire had three calls overturned in a
postseason game. Based on his performance during that Division Series playoffgame, Torre was not confident in Hernandez's ability to perform effectively
on an even more intense stage, and for this reason did not select him for theWorld Series that season."

"Hernandez自己沒把握表現機會,這是2014年來第一次季後賽有一名裁判被改判三次. 基於這個糟糕表現Joe Torre沒有信心Hernandez能夠在壓力更大的情況下有效執法"

MLB also cited Hernandez's failure to reverse a call that the Oakland
Athletics' Adam Rosales had doubled and failed to clear the wall with what
would have been a tying home run in the ninth inning at Cleveland on May 8,

"For years, Hernandez has refused to admit that the call he made was
incorrect and instead has attempted to blame the quality of the replay
equipment," MLB said. "Hernandez's inability to put the Cleveland incident
behind him -- and his continued insistence that others were at fault for his
wrong decision -- was emblematic of why Torre considered him to be unsuitablefor World Series assignments and a permanent crew chief role. The issue was
not the bad call itself, but Hernandez's reaction to his mistake."

聯盟同時指出Hernandez在2013年比賽中對全壘打變成二壘安打的誤判在看了重播後還是無法改正的前科 "Hernandez不但無法擺脫改判失敗的陰影,而且怪罪他人或是機器不好.種種因素讓Torre認為他無法勝任世界大賽裁判的任務"

MLB wrote Wednesday that "Hernandez has been quick to eject managers, which
enflames on-field tensions, rather than issue warnings that potentially coulddefuse those situations. Hernandez also has failed to communicate with other
umpires on his crew, which has resulted in confusion on the field and
unnecessary game delays."

"Hernandez喜歡驅逐總教練而不是給口頭警告,造成場上衝突升級. 而且他不跟其他裁判組員溝通造成場上混亂跟比賽延遲."

MLB also claimed Torre observed Hernandez throwing his headset after a video
review overturned one of his calls in 2014 and misapplied a substitution
rule, leading to a 14-minute delay and a protest during a game between Bostonand the Tampa Bay Rays on July 24, 2019.

"During that investigation, MLB concluded that Hernandez intentionally and
deceptively eavesdropped on a confidential conversation with another umpire
on his crew in order to hear what that umpire would say concerning the
incident; and when MLB asked Hernandez about it, he lied about his conduct,"
MLB wrote.

聯盟也表示Joe Torre曾眼見Hernandez在自己判決被改判後摔無線電耳機. 並且在2019年一場比賽中搞錯換人的規則造成場上14分鐘的延遲. "在我們的調查中發現Hernandez試著偷聽別的裁判的對話想知道他們對自己的誤判有什麼表示. 當聯盟詢問他的時候他騙說

同時聯盟也提出Hernandez曾經在2012年Homer Bailey投出無安打比賽後擅用職權要求
Bailey幫他簽11個簽名球. 單場三誤判 2013年全壘打看重播還誤判

Work it harder, makes it better
Do it faster, makes us stronger
more than ever, hour after
Our work is never over
-- "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" by Daft Punk


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charlie0109/02 11:11說成這樣了不減少他的執法場次嗎?XD

catsondbs09/02 11:13好廢啊

Cishang09/02 11:13裁判有辦法下小聯盟嗎

nolander09/02 11:15笑死,還不是繼續執法很久?

有工會在,動不了他. C.B.Bucknor也一樣

※ 編輯: Phater ( 美國), 09/02/2022 11:18:26

gt1234509/02 11:18聯盟不能叫裁判滾蛋嗎? 爛成這樣

ChrisDavis09/02 11:20

abc1281209/02 11:35答辯回復而以哪有什麼打不打臉 又不是法官判決

abc1281209/02 11:36官方的立場當然否認到底

Valter09/02 11:37告訴大家你犯過多少錯誤還不算打臉嗎

abc1281209/02 11:39有哪位裁判是不會犯錯的?

jonsir09/02 11:40突然覺得中職裁判真善良 只會好球帶搞人而已

HuanYuWu09/02 11:44根本裁判界毒瘤,他的出現完全是為了推動電子判決

BlitzX09/02 11:46大家都會犯錯阿 但犯錯還一直嘴硬還有啥好說

NXT061409/02 11:48該換掉了吧 表現這麼糟怎麼還讓他繼續上場

simonown09/02 11:48裁判們沒有"大家"都會一壘單場被三次推翻其實...

johnny13209/02 11:58這種垃圾跟SJW一樣 打著種族歧視名義當金身

kalinlove09/02 12:04abc跟angel一樣欸,臉皮厚還不知道自己錯在哪,又總是

kalinlove09/02 12:04大言不慚的講一些幹話

mightymouse09/02 12:16誤判是比賽的一小部份,可是天使哥可以把誤判變成比

mightymouse09/02 12:16賽的一大部份

abc1281209/02 12:18@kalinlove 這篇原文用的標題是"argues" 你要不要說明下

abc1281209/02 12:18"argues"是否等同於"打臉"?

abc1281209/02 12:19在我看來原文就是中性立場 站在MLB立場自然是要在訴訟中

abc1281209/02 12:19反駁原告的論點 跟原告是不是爛裁判是兩回事

abc1281209/02 12:20今天就算是好裁判來告聯盟 聯盟律師團一樣會在答辯中把

abc1281209/02 12:21原告描述成是史上最爛裁判

Sechslee09/02 12:23早就該滾蛋了 有這種裁判還不如機器判

Valter09/02 12:25你能先舉個好裁判被汙衊搞得要上訴好幾次跟MLB吵的例子嗎

Sechslee09/02 12:27那當然是訴訟策略 但前提根本不存在 你的如果只是幻想

kenkenken3109/02 12:38有夠糟糕,誤判比別人扯,連為人處事都令人搖頭

jack8632609/02 13:10美國林金達或是尤志欽?

jeter869509/02 13:34這咖爛到世界有名還敢整天扯種族歧視

kuso1058209/02 13:41台灣啥時才能有這種報告指出裁判的錯誤

saiulbb09/02 14:45如果還想留點顏面 早點退休把位置讓給別人吧

sarserror09/02 15:46abc是臉皮厚,但他肯定知道錯在哪才能反串的這麼到位

duo13109/02 16:07這傢伙如果是白人根本沒法在大聯盟當裁判~

JustinIdiot09/02 16:52他真的是很爛

Asucks09/02 18:38可惜MLB不能直接開除這能力低落的員工

Roshiel09/02 20:42MLB裁判是終身雇用的嗎?

blacklittle09/03 02:31abc小釣手是律師 邏輯很清楚的

Sunofgod09/04 21:43唉 工會阿工會 總是會有這種老鼠屎躲在其庇護下

hihihiccc09/05 21:23我覺得蠻打臉的,像某位的臉腫了還不知道