[情報] Brandon Nimmo在洛磯的願望清單上

看板MLB標題[情報] Brandon Nimmo在洛磯的願望清單上作者
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Brandon Nimmo has spent his entire MLB career with the New York Mets, but the Colorado Rockies may look to change that for the 2023 campaign.

Patrick Saunders of the Denver Post reported Wednesday that the outfielder is "on the Rockies' preliminary wish list" when it comes to free agency. It won't bean easy signing, though, as Danny Abriano of SNY reported Thursday "the Mets have interest in retaining Nimmo, who has expressed a desire to return."

根據丹佛郵報記者Patrick Saunders和球迷的QA

梅子即將進入FA市場的外野手Brandon Nimmo


Saunders suggested it will take a five-year deal worth approximately $115 or $120 million, based on estimates, to land the free agent.



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ACEric217310/28 15:21這比簽老大合理多了

ChrisDavis10/28 16:01三不五時脖子痛

Aaronko10/28 17:28Nimmo要120M這麼貴?

tyrone092310/28 17:35他如果每年都能像今年一樣的出賽數,這合約不貴,但

tyrone092310/28 17:36問題是以他的傷病史應該沒辦法

lkk6143210/28 18:20Conforto:

jino0110/28 18:48太貴了吧 外野沒人?

ronbaker10/28 19:31梅子的臉 休想^_^

todd762210/28 20:47態度積極正向,生涯OPS+又高,怎麼會貴?老學校跟數據

todd762210/28 20:47派都愛的咖

paulman10/28 22:06傷痛履歷實在太豐富了

kenkuo168810/28 22:43健康的話真的值 前提是健康

kenkuo168810/28 22:44估5ys 100M

saidon10/28 22:47選到保送也要衝刺到一壘的那辣葛男人

Dimitre10/28 23:30除了痛痛外 CF能打OPS+120-130防守中上 20M還算合理吧

willywasd10/28 23:35接殺獅子丸那球真的厲害

blacklittle10/29 00:12老闆拜託砸錢留下來

Drzowy10/29 00:36你巨要了

kalinlove10/29 08:18Nimmo老家Cheyenne離Denver不到一百英里,洛磯簽下來的

kalinlove10/29 08:18機率真的挺高的

ShaEric63ck10/29 09:41中外防守大進步又有棒子

saidon10/29 09:52nimmo泡瓦還好 他本壘板紀律是真的不錯

milk1111ee10/29 15:17這球隊先好好把該清的人清一清 制服組跟教練還有一些

milk1111ee10/29 15:17球員 不然每年看得都好累

sampsonlu91910/29 16:33上一個落磯鮭魚返鄉的球星叫做Kris Bryant 結果…

jjack1226tw10/29 19:07Nimmo fantasy 好用