Re: [情報] 烏軍官方殲敵統計&情報數則 (23/5/18)

看板Military標題Re: [情報] 烏軍官方殲敵統計&情報數則 (23/5/18)作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:6

※ 引述《AKSN74 (AKS-74n)》之銘言:
: 9.
: 近期烏克蘭電視台做了一期專題,專訪烏軍總司令扎盧日內
: 這個推有整理了很多重點,由於很長,有興趣的可以點進去看


- I tried to do the main thing - I tried to change the culture in the ranks
of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: so that each commander listens to the opinionof his subordinate, treats his subordinate as a person, so that normal
relations are built between people in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
我過去最重要的作為 - 我試圖改變烏克蘭武裝部隊內部的文化:使每個指揮官聆聽下

- There were cases when a sergeant who is on the front line called the
commander in chief and said that it was necessary to deliver a fire strike atone point or another.

- In Russia there is one military leader whom I read all the time. Now he
does not publish anything fresh, but I am interested in his opinion, as a
military man. This is General Gerasimov. He is cunning, he is unpredictable.
This is a strong enemy that we, the military, must respect.


※ PTT 留言評論
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leom1a21034305/18 14:42中士與最高指揮官溝通 是RTS遊戲的即時性

hgt 05/18 14:47戰神換格拉西莫夫囉??

AfterDark 05/18 14:4750塊錢好兄弟call攻城坦克

pp520 05/18 14:53中士在前線用命在拚,尊重一下吧

我看到那一段是聯想到以前HBO殺戮世代有一段是主角連長call火炮, 要炸200公尺外的椰子樹之類的跟自己連上的弟兄XD 結果幸好程序完全不對,火協直接拒絕連長。

EYESOFDARKKE05/18 14:56印象他之前受訪時就說他很欽佩格拉西莫夫了,說其

EYESOFDARKKE05/18 14:56著作他都有收藏並拜讀。

※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 05/18/2023 15:08:32

reich3 05/18 15:25高層間的恭維之詞

reich3 05/18 15:26俄羅斯有一位軍事領袖,我一直在閱讀他的作品。雖然

reich3 05/18 15:26他現在沒有發表新作,但我對他的

reich3 05/18 15:26意見很感興趣,作為一名軍人。他就是「沙漠之狐 隆

reich3 05/18 15:26美爾」將軍。他狡猾,他讓人無法預測。這是

reich3 05/18 15:26我們作為軍人必須尊重的強大敵人。