[問題] sony 1m3桌面

看板MobileComm標題[問題] sony 1m3桌面作者
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時間推噓 5 推:5 噓:0 →:13


Sent from JPTT on my Sony XQ-BC72.

    Never explain yourself to any one.
    Because the person who likes you doesn't need it, ξ
    and the person who dislikes you won't believe it. ζ
    Don't let someone become a priority in your life, -●
    when you are just an option in their life...... Φ
    Relationships work best when they are balanced. Ω ψlzetn


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hugh50901/05 13:43那不是安卓的抽屜符號?

mosquito14701/05 13:49GOOGLE提示你APPs往那個方向拖曳就會看到

justin33280501/05 13:49APP抽屜的符號啦 提示你上拉可以開抽屜

lzetn01/05 13:51

lzetn01/05 13:52抽屜是指這個嗎?之前沒有也能滑出來@@

hHolic01/05 13:53999 好想幫你點開

justin33280501/05 13:54你看桌面Launcher的設定裡面

justin33280501/05 13:54有沒有關掉提示圖示的選項啊?

justin33280501/05 13:54像我的Nova桌面就可以關

justin33280501/05 13:54

justin33280501/05 13:54Sony新機的原廠Launcher我不清楚

darvish07201/05 14:00晴空塔

oread16801/05 14:04 把這個關掉

hHolic01/05 14:05常按桌面 選設定 裡面找找看

lzetn01/05 15:00無障礙那個關掉的,設定裡面找沒有@@

hHolic01/05 15:14選單有改吧 我是XZ1 有點久了

SAKUHIRO01/05 17:33看看最近有沒有給什麼app"最上層顯示"的權限,問題應該

SAKUHIRO01/05 17:33在那