Re: [花邊] 球員民調:聯盟中最過譽球員-Trae Young

看板NBA標題Re: [花邊] 球員民調:聯盟中最過譽球員-Trae Young作者
時間推噓43 推:43 噓:0 →:14

這個民調比起票投誰 評論太有梗了 所以我就來翻一下XD
投票過程我就直接忽略了 直接翻投票者嘴人的意見XD

“(The Blazers) haven’t really won that much,” the player who voted for
Lillard said. “I know he’s a great player individually, but … that’s what
happens when you shoot that much. And then just over his career, he (hasn’t)
won that much. It’s not his fault, in particular, but I just think he’s a
little overhyped.”


“I usually rate it on how easy it is to guard somebody, and I feel like if I
’m matched up against him I feel pretty comfortable,” the player said of
Mitchell. “For where he’s at in the league, I shouldn’t feel that
comfortable, you know?”

一名投Donovan Mitchell的球員表示:「我通常是用防守難易度來評價球員,而我覺得我守他時非常輕鬆。依照他在聯盟的位置,我不該感到那麼舒服,對吧?」

“M.J., for sure,” a player said. “Definitely 6-for-6 (in the Finals) is a
big thing for me. But the way I look at basketball is (it’s) about the
winning, and if I feel like I need (somebody) to go win me a game, I’m
picking M.J. over everybody. (I’d pick) whoever is going to carry me through
a series, carry me through the playoffs, and is setting the tone. I think
M.J. checks all those boxes.”


As one player who voted for James told us: “I grew up in the 2000s.”



“The whole league would say the same thing,” one player said of Johnson. “
That’s not smoke they want. I’ve seen it in person.”

一名在不想打架投票投James Johnson的表示:「整個聯盟都會講一樣的事。這不會是你想招惹的人。我見過他本人。」

“He loves to wrestle,” a player said of Adams. “He’s just tough. You know
you’re going to be covered in bruises after wrestling him. Yeah, he’s a
tough dude.”

投給Steven Adams的則表示:「他很愛摔角。他就是很硬。你知道你跟他摔角的話會全身瘀傷。對,他就是個很硬的傢伙。」

鴨蛋就是 硬拉

“I know they get a lot of s— for crossing the lines sometimes but in terms
of a hostile environment, I would say Boston,” one player said.” If you’re
a competitor and you like playing on the road, you know everybody in the
building is going to be like, ‘F— you’ or ‘I hate you.’ It’s always a
good environment. Every time I’ve played there it’s been like that.”

一名投賽爾提克有最佳球迷的表示:「我知道你們聽過很多越線的事,但我會說最有敵意的環境一定是波士頓。如果你是一名競爭者且在客場作戰,你知道在那個場館的人全都會對著你喊"F--- you"或是"我討厭你"。這是一個很棒的環境。每次我在這打都長這樣。」


“Sac was loud,” one Eastern Conference player said.







“Just the grind,” one player said of Thibodeau. “He plays his guys 44
minutes (a game) all year. I’ve heard from guys like if he likes you — if
you’re his guy — he’ll treat you great. He’ll play you a lot, talk to
you, so you’ll f— with him in that sense. But if you’re on the outside, it
’s like you’re not getting back in.”


Google哥 Reddish背後涼涼的

The thing is, none of his Knicks players ranked among the league’s top 16 in
minutes per game this season. Forward Julius Randle averaged 35.6 minutes pergame, the 17th highest average in the league. Point guard Jalen Brunson
played 35.0 minutes per game, the 23rd highest average. No other New York
player ranked in the top 35

(但事實上,沒有任何尼克球員在聯盟場均分鐘數的前16名。Randle以35.6分鐘排名17,Jalen Brunson則以35分鐘排名23,其餘沒人在前35名。)

“He always talks s— to us,” one player said. “He interacts with us
instead of taking everything personally. He’d be like, `Sit your ass down,
you know you fouled him.’”

“Tony’s pretty funny,” another player said.

被票選為最佳裁判的Tony Brothers東尼兄弟



至於被投為最爛的裁判Scott Foster

“He’s the worst ref to ever do it in the NBA,” one player said. “He takes
everything personal. He’s awful.”



“For sure, Draymond,” a rival player said. “If you’ve never seen it
before, it’s unbelievable. Unfiltered broadcast of him talking? No, I don’t
think you’d want that. I think it’s too much.”


Another player said: “I actually don’t mind his trash talk. I think it gets
himself going. Sometimes he’s doing it to get under guys’ skin, but it’s
getting himself going. He’s playing well when he’s running his mouth, so I
actually don’t mind it.”


One group to watch for next season’s survey will be the Memphis Grizzlies,
and especially wing Dillon Brooks, this poll’s third-place vote-getter. “
They’re frontrunners,” one player said of the Grizzlies. “They’re just
extra. They talk when they’re winning. They don’t say s— when they’re
losing. Their whole thing over there is just annoying.”

雖然實際上第二名是Patrick Beverley,但投票中有一批特殊的群體那就是曼菲斯灰熊--尤其是Dillon Brooks(第三名)。



“To me, it’s like, he blocks shots. What else is he really doing? He’s 7-3.
” — a player who voted for Rudy Gobert
------------------------------------------------------------------------------一名投給Rudy Gobert的球員表示:「對我來說,他就是,蓋蓋火鍋。他還能幹嘛?他7-3欸...」

“Damn, I hate to say that.” — a player who voted for Chris Paul

一名投給Chris Paul的球員說:「可惡,我其實不是很想這麼說。」

“Someone like him has made a whole career out of playing with LeBron.” — a
player who voted for Tristan Thompson

一名投給Tristan Thompson的人說:「他整個生涯除了靠LeBron以外還能幹嘛。」

8分8籃板 姆斯我老闆

“Nobody messes with James Johnson.”

「沒人敢惹James Johnson。」

“He’s like one of the strongest dudes in our league. He’s picking people
up. Yeah, I wouldn’t want to fight him.”

「他(Steven Adams)是聯盟最壯的人之一。他可以輕鬆把人舉起來。對,我不會想跟他打。」

“There’s no way I’m scared of him, but Draymond (Green) has a presence. It
’s not a fear, but you feel his energy he brings to the game and to their
team. I think it’s wild, too, how much he can say to the refs without any



“I think Philly is the toughest fans on their players. I think the worst
fans as far as maybe no support is Atlanta — always just kind of a mediocre
crowd, and it’s just kind of dull.”


“Too fancy. I don’t know, maybe the people are too rich that go to the
games. I don’t feel like they’re as passionate about it. But it changes.”
—someone who voted for the Knicks’ Madison Square Garden



“Just quiet. Kind of boring. No energy in the building.” — a player who
voted for the Magic’s Amway Center


“They talk crazy s— there.” — a player who voted for the Celtics’ TD


“I think Knicks fans understand the game really well. I appreciate that.”


“They’re the craziest group, and I like that. That’s my style.” —
someone who voted for the Sixers’ Wells Fargo Center


“I think Utah has a really good fan base. I think Utah is always pretty
loud, no matter how good or bad they are.”


“The way they travel, and the way they show love at home, is unmatched. I’
ve never seen anything like it — ever.” — a player who voted for the
Warriors’ Chase Center


“I’ve heard the day-to-day meticulous operation that he runs (is a lot).”
— a voter for Quin Snyder

「我聽說他要跑一堆不同且過於精細的戰術而且要跑超多。」投Quin Snyder的球員表示。


“I love Thibs, but I heard his practices are crazy.”


“I feel like Doc Rivers would make me run a lot. I don’t know why.”


老河:欸不是 別亂黑欸

“(Luka) talks s— all around. He talks to refs and players. Like, ‘Oh, I
got you right there. You know that was a foul.’”


...該怎麼說 很Luka?

“(Marcus Smart) wants you to play against him one on one instead of sharing
with the team. And he’s a really good on-the-ball defender. So he knows that
and he wants you to go one on one with him.”

「Marcus Smart會想讓你一直跟他1對1單打而不是跟球隊分球。而且他單防很好。所以他知道也想要讓你跟他一對一。」(一直激怒對手跟他單挑的意思)

“Pat Bev doesn’t stop.”

「Pat Bev永遠都不會閉嘴。」


“(Chris Paul) does it quietly, when he’s bending over and people can’t see
him. He talks a lot. He just speaks a lot to the bench. He talks a lot to theguys on the bench. He said to one of my teammates, ‘You’re gonna need me
when you’re done playing, and you should be thanking me,’ and this type of

「Chris Paul都偷偷來,當他彎腰休息其他人他不到他時,他很吵。他會一直對著板凳講話。他對板凳上的傢伙一直廢話。他對我其中一個隊友說:"你不打球的時候你會需要我的,而且你應該會感謝我"這類的東西。」


“If (Devin Booker) has it going, he’ll start chirping. But he’s not loud.”

「當Devin Booker打得很順時,他就開始在那邊嘰嘰喳喳。但他不會很大聲。」


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cd101920 04/20 05:56多謝整理 但翻譯有些小問題

LCHLCAP15 04/20 06:16有趣 推

XXXaBg 04/20 06:19他不管啥都記仇。他有夠糟糕。

ilovekobe82404/20 06:25推整理

RBC54321 04/20 06:28感謝翻譯

AterPin 04/20 06:38怎麼沒有嘴票最多的吹羊

hanslins 04/20 06:42難怪cp3昨天要道歉,笑死人了

hanslins 04/20 06:43得罪方丈還想走?沒那麼容易!

tomlin12128304/20 06:45抓到了大頭森偷臭米丘

Dadaptt 04/20 06:59you should be thanking me. not thinking


gaiaesque 04/20 07:22

TheoEpstein 04/20 07:24笑死,那個某人我也覺得是他講的XD

KillLakers 04/20 07:28所以雷湯輸了還大聲比4>>>>>>>0比較霸氣嗎 XDDD

ChrisPaul03 04/20 07:36最沒說服力的就是我在XXX年代出生

greedfat 04/20 07:44投給妳偶像的偶像很可以呀

NukAnah 04/20 08:02感謝翻譯,很多都很好笑XD

hyc0725zz 04/20 08:07推翻譯整理,這真的超嘴

inuyaksa 04/20 08:07

ZhChiEn 04/20 08:082000那個好簡潔有力XD

ZhChiEn 04/20 08:08新世代的球員很多都滿有梗的

Syoshinsya 04/20 08:13關於 Foster 的回應還有嗎,超好笑 XD

EthanGod 04/20 08:25推,翻譯得好好,尤其是天龍那段xD

legendd 04/20 08:26

sanadayasu 04/20 08:26東尼兄弟要被踢出幻神群組了嗎

DuoDuokk77 04/20 08:49這篇很有趣

thatblue 04/20 08:57費城球迷真的兇 看他們官方fb的留言就知道了

sampsonlu91904/20 09:04費城球迷兇到他們球迷幾個月前去AZ看超級盃 賽前有

sampsonlu91904/20 09:04公益頒獎儀式時 只因為得獎的球星跟費城是世仇 拿

sampsonlu91904/20 09:04球星獲得當天最大的噓聲XD 所以有人說那天費城會輸

sampsonlu91904/20 09:04也是費粉自己種業障XD

apple15518 04/20 09:05都打到東決了 竟然還算過譽啊?

sampsonlu91904/20 09:06順帶一提 費城跟NY,DC有過節大家都知道 不過費城看

sampsonlu91904/20 09:06德州也很不爽XD 那個在超級盃被噓的球星是牛仔隊Pr

sampsonlu91904/20 09:06escott

louispencer 04/20 09:07東尼兄弟看起來是會做人吧 對球迷而言還是一樣啊

sampsonlu91904/20 09:09費城跟德州之所以會有樑子 其實也不難想像 他們在N

sampsonlu91904/20 09:09FL同樣隸屬國聯東區 而且都是季後賽常客

sampsonlu91904/20 09:10不過兄弟比Foster還是好太多 黑兄弟起碼還能維持混

sampsonlu91904/20 09:10亂平衡 Foster很明顯會偏心

Oskar 04/20 09:17XDDDD

DonDonFans 04/20 09:19這裡根本沒人來XD

melodee 04/20 09:21

alfonsosoria04/20 09:30Cowboys除了牛仔迷大家都討厭啊XD

Wavecloud 04/20 09:30東尼兄弟就亂吹而已 比較不會完全偏一邊...

Wavecloud 04/20 09:31他就左邊搞一次 等等右邊再還你 所以最好最壞都有他

metalj 04/20 10:20球員的看法和局外人果真不太一樣

whhw 04/20 10:45

xavior0103 04/20 10:52看心得覺得更具體了解球員怎麼想了

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 04/20/2023 11:56:44

Brucetk 04/20 12:15推,但真的沒有很好笑

frank901212 04/20 12:21

Trulli 04/20 12:53推翻譯分享

YAHOOOOOOOO 04/20 12:56太有趣了,給推

shawncarter 04/20 14:12蠻有意思的

stocktonty 04/20 19:05奧蘭多 底特律 華盛頓 好像真的蠻無聊的..

r44621 04/20 21:01感謝整理 這篇有趣

ecstasy 04/20 23:48感謝分享

e920528 04/21 00:58推 很有趣