[外絮] 灰狼職員因偷竊球隊戰略資訊被開除

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Former T-Wolves Staffer Arrested, Charged with Stealing Strategic
Info on Hard Drive


A former Minnesota Timberwolves employee has been charged with
stealing strategic information from the hard drive of the head of
the team's analytics department.


Per Paul Walsh of the Star Tribune, Somak Sarkar, 33, was arrested
on Monday and charged with felony third-degree burglary in
Hennepin County District Court. He remains jailed in lieu of
$40,000 bail and is scheduled for a court appearance on Thursday

根據《Star Tribune》的 Paul Walsh 的說法,33歲的 Somak Sarkar 週一被
捕,並在 Hennepin County District Court 被指控犯有三級入室盜竊重罪。

Sachin Gupta, the head of Minnesota's analytics department, had
his work hard drive stolen from his Target Center office last
month, per a criminal complaint filed Wednesday. When he got his
hard drive back a week later, it was found that "roughly 5,700
files were copied that held employment and player contracts, 'as
well as strategic NBA information,'" per Walsh.

根據週三提交的刑事投訴,明尼蘇達州分析部門負責人 Sachin Gupta 上個月
在中心辦公室的工作硬碟被盜。 一週後,當他拿回硬碟時,發現

The hard drive also contained Gupta's tax returns and other
financial information, plus his login and passwords from a
password management app, according to the complaint. Sarkar was
fired after the team learned of the hard drive's disappearance.

根據投訴,硬碟還包含 Gupta 的納稅申報表和其他財務資訊,以及他存在密碼
管理應用程式的登入名和密碼。 Sarkar在團隊得知硬碟消失後被解僱了。

The team said in a statement that it was "aware of these
allegations and will have no further comment as it is an ongoing
legal matter."


Per the complaint, Sarkar told police after his arrest that as a
member of Minnesota's coaching staff, he took Gupta's hard drive
to "put some stuff on it" but forgot to return it. After a search
warrant was executed for Sarkar's apartment near Target Center,
authorities uncovered several hard drives, a computer, three
tablets and multiple USB drives, the complaint stated. Police said
one of the devices "contained all the information from [Gupta's]
hard drive."

走了Gupta的硬碟“在上面放了些東西”,但忘了歸還。 投訴稱,在對塔吉
臺平板電腦和多個USB隨身碟。 警方表示,其中一個裝置“包含來自

"Gupta is concerned that Sarkar is going to disseminate the
proprietary Timberwolves information and his private information,"
one of the court documents stated.


Gupta first joined the Timberwolves in 2019 as an executive vice
president, and he served as interim president of basketball
operations during the 2021-22 season. After Tim Connelly assumed
that role in May 2022, Gupta remained with Minnesota as an
executive vice president under Connelly, leading the analytics

籃球營運臨時總裁。 Tim Connelly 在2022年5月接任該職務後,Gupta繼續
留在球隊擔任 Connelly 的執行副總裁,主管分析部門。



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yyes5210 03/21 08:57Nba水原

leedonsee 03/21 08:57今天很多刑事案件唷

ccmvic 03/21 08:57MLB水原都被開除了這被開除合理

chinhan1216 03/21 08:58有內鬼,停止交易

BryceHarper 03/21 08:59停…

Y1999 03/21 08:59停賽吧...拜託

peter89000 03/21 08:59有內鬼,停止交易

※ 編輯: SkyPlus ( 臺灣), 03/21/2024 09:00:03

a123451121 03/21 09:00水源豚

Xenogamer 03/21 09:01私人資訊是裸照嗎

Siika 03/21 09:022024怎麼了...

e8e88 03/21 09:05nba之不可能的任務

RadioMan 03/21 09:054怎拜停

sana113821 03/21 09:06水原集團

dlcro 03/21 09:06沒空

ClownT 03/21 09:08明尼蘇達一平

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a12349743 03/21 09:14這個小咖不重要,隔壁的比較慘

tim8333 03/21 09:16怎今天美國體育都是這種新聞

MK47 03/21 09:17要搞賭博了 當然會偷資料想辦法去接觸週邊人事吧XD

ABiao0220 03/21 09:19內鬼元年

s29961091 03/21 09:20大谷

akko76815 03/21 09:20哇靠 有內鬼

evangelew 03/21 09:24這目的是什麼?

SCLPAL 03/21 09:28之前誰哪對告哪對偷資料?忘了 尼克暴龍

xbit 03/21 09:33資料賣給誰才是要點吧..要說都沒賣我不信

Cishang 03/21 09:33MLB今天跟核爆沒兩樣...

star880613 03/21 09:33水原豚

SmallGG3cm 03/21 09:37太空人表示:這員工我喜歡

jay60202 03/21 09:37水源街豚

Angel0724 03/21 09:40水原豚

CPBLlincecum03/21 09:54要怎麼知道資料有被複製?

cloki 03/21 09:59有用雲的話會留下log可以查吧

IDL 03/21 10:13老河表示:還好我沒有戰略

SCLPAL 03/21 10:16只能用手抄了(X

MK47 03/21 10:36有log啊 被拷貝、移動、打開都會有紀錄 你們公司沒

MK47 03/21 10:36MIS?入職都會講吧

Miyanishi25 03/21 11:17又一個水原

AaronWang 03/21 11:55一定是阿共的陰謀

aegis80728 03/21 12:04好多水原

IRPT001 03/21 12:45滿滿d槽

melde 03/21 14:19這是甚麼阿 偷戰術喔

cymtrex 03/22 01:35明尼蘇達的一平

iamaq18c 03/22 08:57XDD

h75311418 03/23 11:28真的有內鬼