[花邊] Pat Riley完整訪談
根據《邁阿密先驅報》記者Barry Jackson和Anthony Chiang的報道,消息人士透露,熱火之前從沒有給巴特勒開出過提前續約合約。
“The players who want to express themselves in a way that is absolutely anti what my beliefs are in representing an organization, whether it’s to grow a bigger brand, to make more money, to go out there and separate themselves a little bit from the pack. There’s nothing you can do about that,” Riley said, without mentioning Butler’s name. “The league wants it. Content is king and I have found that out that trying to keep the media out, the commissioner won’t allow that. Access is what it’s all
萊利表示:「那些想要以完全與我的信念相悖的方式表達自己的球員,不管是為了擴展更大的品牌、賺更多的錢,還是為了稍微與群體區分開來,這些都沒辦法改變。 「聯盟需要這樣的內容。內容為王,我已經發現,不讓媒體接觸是不可能的,聯盟總裁不會允許這種情況發生。接觸才是關鍵。”
“And so players’ personalities today, the younger generation is just different than it was when I grew up. I grew up, and I think most of us my age, at a time when our parents were harder if we had them. If we had what they would call the nuclear family. It was hard, but it was different. There was, even if it was a stone cold house, there was love there. We had a place to go home every night and there were two parents that cared about you, that provided for you. Maybe they didn’t love you like you
wanted them to love you, but it was different. I’m not saying today’s player is not that, but it was harder and we understood that.
「今天球員的個性,年輕一代與我成長的時期差別很大。我成長的時候,我想我們這個年紀的大多數人,都是在父母比較嚴格的家庭中長大的。如果有父母的話,或者我們所謂的'核心家庭'。裡面是冷冰冰的,還是有愛的。 我們每天晚上都有地方回去,有兩個關心你、為你提供一切的父母。說今天的球員就不是那樣的,但那時候更難,我們也理解那樣的生活。
“So I understand this generation of players and how they want to go about living their life and the music they listen to and how they brand themselves and what they wear and how they dress. It might be a little bit more flamboyant than what I want, but that’s who they are and I respect that.”
“There’s a difference,” he said. “Be who you want to be, but in one of the great biblical terms: Render unto Caesar what is his. When the apostles were trying to give all of their money to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, he said: ‘No, pay Caesar what he wants, what he is and then give it to other people.’
但是,萊利隨後對這一點進行了區分,強調了有些行為可能會損害球隊利益。 “這是兩回事,”他說。 「做你自己,但用一個偉大的聖經教義來講:『該給凱撒的,給凱撒。』當使徒們試圖把所有的錢都奉獻給我們的主和救世主耶穌基督時,他說:『不,給凱撒該得的,給他所要的,然後再給別人。
“So as players, they have to render unto the Heat really what is theirs too. And while they go out there and they do these other things, you can’t shortcut it with us. So, I’ve actually explained this to players is that while you’re under contract to us, you do owe us something. Your Collective Bargaining Agreement contract says that, so don’t ever take that lightly. We have a very cooperative group of people. But yes, I feel like I owe and I have to render unto Micky [Arison] as my boss. I don’t
do it in any other way other than with respect and I feel the same way about the players.”
「所以,作為球員,他們也得給予熱火隊他們應該承擔的責任。儘管他們去做其他事情,但在我們這裡,不能走捷徑。所以,我實際上已經向球員們解釋過,既然你們與我們簽了合同,你們就欠我們一些東西。 Arison)作為我的老闆,我也是懷著尊重去履行這個責任的,我對球員們也是如此。
“Jimmy Butler 自幼被父親拋棄
Pat Riley的言行舉止完全是超乎常理
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