[外絮] Ham:LBJ專注於球場細節使大家見賢思齊

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時間推噓47 推:48 噓:1 →:22

James didn’t take a shot in the first quarter, his first time not having a
field-goal attempt in the opening 12 minutes since Jan. 20, 2020. He didn’t
feel he needed to the way D’Angelo Russell was shooting the ball en route to
21 first-half points.

LBJ 在第一節完全沒有出手得分,這是自2020年1月20日以來,

他覺得他不需要出手取分,因為上半場 D'Angelo Russell 投籃的手感非常好,得到21分

“Obviously you see the way D-Lo started the game. I think he had our first 11 and then AD chipped in I think seven in that quarter, so it allowed me to
kind of focus on the glass,” James said. “Also, I had a few assists in that
first quarter. Wasn’t how the game was played, but that was just how the game was going. And for me I’m never a force guy. I’ve always been a guy, I let
the game come to me and make my imprint when needed.”

「很顯然的,你可以看到 D-Lo 在比賽開局時的表現,我想他應該得到了球隊的前11分, 同時 AD 也在第一節挹注了7分,這讓我可以更加專注的保護籃板球。」


Still, James was a factor from the start, posting five assists before he tooka shot.

His first points arrived with 8:04 left in the second quarter on two free
throws. His first made basket arrived with 5:22 left in the half on a layup.

然而 LBJ 仍然展現出他的影響力,在他第一次出手投籃前就已經累計有5次助攻。


“Him putting in that effort just to do the little things,” coach Darvin Ham
said. “You see a guy like that in Year 20. ... Obviously first-ballot Hall of Fame, top-five dead or alive ever to play in the NBA. To see him doing the
little things like that, just his screening, him pushing the pace, him finding his teammates, defending, rebounding, it makes it easy to get these other
guys to do it.”

「他付出了巨大的努力去做那些球場上的細節。」總教練 Darvin Ham 如是說。

毫無疑問首輪就會進入名人堂的球員,NBA 歷史上穩居前五位。」


"That's what he's been, and that's who he has to be this time of year. That'swhy he's a champion... Him putting that effort into doing the little things,
it makes it easier for the other guys to do it."


"This is gonna be a battle until the end. You can't rest on your laurels, they're the defending champions for a reason. We're thankful we got this one, butcome Monday we're gonna have a dogfight on our hands."



LeBron on what he has emphasized to his teammates, specifically the younger
ones, between games:

"Stay off the TV and stay off social media. You win a game, everyone is the
best player in the world. You lose a game, everybody is throwing dirt on you."

另外 LeBron 在比賽之間給隊友的訊息,特別是那些年輕球員的耳提面命:




LeBron on his advice to his younger teammates through this run: “Stay off TV
& stay off social media.….And when you watch the other playoff games, watch
them on mute and play music in the background. That’s what I do.”


自己放音樂 XDD


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lafeelbarth 05/07 13:58更激烈的比賽

amsmsk 05/07 13:58周思齊

SmallGG3cm 05/07 13:58全壘打

kevinacc084 05/07 13:58見不賢而內自省

pongbao 05/07 13:59國文真好!

fack3170 05/07 13:59周思齊

plus203ft 05/07 13:59火腿居然懂得四字成語

thmos180 05/07 13:59翻譯:幕後控盤的黑手才是重點

snan0825 05/07 13:59比賽時也要注意會不會有人來踩你一腳

hasroten 05/07 13:59火腿中文真好

icou 05/07 13:59中文不錯

NSYSUheng 05/07 13:59火腿有成語辭典嗎

a2550099 05/07 14:00HAM的中文真好(X

badangel000005/07 14:00The 身先士卒

Notif520 05/07 14:00火腿您中文真好 雖然臨場差了一點 但每一場都能針

a28200266 05/07 14:00火腿中文造詣很高阿

Notif520 05/07 14:00對上一場做出變化真的不錯

bruce79 05/07 14:00火腿中文造詣深厚

taikonkimo 05/07 14:01火腿這場變陣不錯 讓彪哥換守嘴綠且啟用草

Notif520 05/07 14:02彪哥守嘴綠就直接換防對到咖哩 也避免受到移動迷宮

taikonkimo 05/07 14:02這兩個都有起到作用 因為浪花都是和嘴綠擋拆 這樣

taikonkimo 05/07 14:03彪哥直接換防追浪花

Y225 05/07 14:03中文真好

taikonkimo 05/07 14:03草這場有三分有切入 替代tbj 作用很好

※ 編輯: LABOYS ( 臺灣), 05/07/2023 14:06:18

DellSale999 05/07 14:05美國嗯齋

jerrychlin 05/07 14:06下一場是dog fight

liwei504 05/07 14:08火腿真有文學氣息

scorpioleo 05/07 14:08原來是金華火腿

demon616 05/07 14:09為什麼NBA球員教練都這麼會用成語?

Hohenzollern05/07 14:09致勝先師Ham夫子

raidcrash 05/07 14:10因為全世界都說中國話兒(X

marchcharlie05/07 14:12火腿中文真好

kkkkk9 05/07 14:164:1湖人晉級

chick1227 05/07 14:18周思起疑~

kartg123456 05/07 14:18全世界都在學中國話

suileen 05/07 14:20哇操 火腿教練國文真好 還會用成語

thehoodguy 05/07 14:25孔子學院的學生嗎

IAMGRICE 05/07 14:28「每個人都會來踩你一腳。」by 艾連

drias 05/07 14:31火腿以後可以來台灣或中國當職籃教練 XD

CovacsYeh 05/07 14:31見周思齊

queen100000 05/07 14:33確實啊,季後贏一場就吹第一人總冠軍,輸一場就直

queen100000 05/07 14:33接喊重建交易掉,酸民真的比這些球星嚴格太多了

mvpdirk712 05/07 14:33周思齊見任賢齊見賢思齊

queen100000 05/07 14:34最重要的是頂薪也不是這些酸民付的

a22122212 05/07 14:34中文真好

ljk476820 05/07 14:36推文笑死

Dosakia 05/07 14:44Ham總中文真好,懂得引經據典

r491396076 05/07 14:48勇迷不喜歡這篇

Chanlin01 05/07 14:54周思齊

lsslz 05/07 14:56中文造紙真好

chiky 05/07 14:57社群媒體那段說的倒是沒錯 這邊也是這樣 XD

EriCartman 05/07 14:59擲地有聲

ken720331 05/07 15:02周思齊準備好了

ginopun1047705/07 15:03火腿 : 以古為鏡,可以知興替;以人為鏡,可以明得

ginopun1047705/07 15:03

josephpu 05/07 15:06周思齊

threeSecGun 05/07 15:13火腿居然敢說皇帝是前五名

threeSecGun 05/07 15:13真的很大不敬 方丈很小心眼的

vance1024 05/07 15:14都是老鬼

nk10803 05/07 15:25見賢思齊怎麼翻?

Allencash 05/07 15:37收看NBA-》轉緯來=》關靜音=》開音樂

allse1032 05/07 15:38姆斯放音樂時聽的是免費的嗎

donkilu 05/07 15:53火腿國學大師

WIN1105 05/07 16:52見賢思齊怎麼翻走成英文?

WangJerry 05/07 16:54現在只能指揮隊友了

Chtgo 05/07 17:53詹酸最近都不講刷了....滿怪的

dopeman0522 05/07 17:53中文真頂

sinben 05/07 18:09看成周董XD

Magic0312 05/07 20:17就等凱瑞的意思啊

czoo00 05/07 21:25說詹皇只有前五是不是詹酸阿?

ruokcnn 05/07 22:49The賢