Re: [情報] Lillard:別人如何看待我對我來說非常重要

看板NBA標題Re: [情報] Lillard:別人如何看待我對我來說非常重要作者
時間推噓26 推:28 噓:2 →:17

How important is a championship to your legacy?

DL: I think it’s very important when you talk about how other people view
me. Of course, people are going to say, “You don’t have a ring.” You see
how people talk to Charles Barkley, and he’s Charles Barkley. He was a great
player. Of course it’s at the top of the list for me to win a championship.
I don’t train and come into seasons thinking about anything more than
wanting to win it this year. Personally, I know my body of work speaks for
itself. I haven’t won a championship, but I’ve won a lot of games. I’ve
had three seasons in my entire career where I wasn’t a winner out of 11
seasons. There were eight seasons where we were winning, and I was performingconsistently at the level I’ve performed at for 11 years. That has to mean
something, especially with how I’ve been as an individual, to go along with
my performance. That has to say something. A championship would mean a lot tome, but in my personal opinion, if I don’t win it, it’s not the end all, be
all to me. I wouldn’t be happy with it, but I think when you talk about
other people’s perception, I think it’s extremely important to my legacy. It
’s extremely important to me, but my opinion of me not winning wouldn’t be
the same as others.

你看看人們是如何對待Charles Barkley的,但他可是Charles Barkley啊。他是一位偉



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hanktone 06/21 22:43小李指的贏家是進季後賽嗎

CHUNGHUA 06/21 22:43感謝翻譯這一題全文 前篇一堆只看片段文章就開酸的

love1500274 06/21 22:45應該是指季後賽

teren 06/21 22:45對有些人來說酸就跟排泄差不多嘛 體諒一下

love1500274 06/21 22:46原本以為是指五成勝率 但後來發現只有7個賽季是五成

evangelew 06/21 22:46前文跟斷章取義差不多阿...

todaies 06/21 22:52翻譯 推

inuyaksa 06/21 22:54闢謠大師 推

RUSH2112 06/21 22:56

dwiee 06/21 22:57推翻譯 感謝!

foolishbi 06/21 23:00

ccccccccccc 06/21 23:31回文闢謠沒人看的

wilson92061006/21 23:36

CarlosArroyo06/21 23:45

CarlosArroyo06/21 23:46那個沾沾自喜說自己是頭號李黑的人呢?討厭他個性

CarlosArroyo06/21 23:46的部分?

kim1214 06/21 23:47不知道為什麼他一直被針對 是說忠誠刺痛了某族群不

kim1214 06/21 23:48能觸碰的那一塊嗎? 忠誠跟要求補強又不衝突

Aether13 06/21 23:54為啥整天都有斷章取義的文阿 想分享資訊是好事 但意

Aether13 06/21 23:54思差很多就是在荼毒版友了

AdamHmc 06/22 00:38感謝翻譯,前篇唯恐天下不亂

Brucetk 06/22 00:45一次第一隊 句點

q9999123 06/22 01:09

joystation 06/22 04:00闢謠出來就無視然後繼續裝聾作啞,比起沒理由直接

joystation 06/22 04:00說討厭誰誰誰,硬要挑毛病酸的人真噁心

LillardTime 06/22 08:44現在酸小李是流量密碼 當然要斷章取義賺個流量啦

ILLwill 06/22 09:30他這個話看起來是泛泛之論的說冠軍重要,但不是吹

ILLwill 06/22 09:30密的意思

Recoverism 06/22 09:42小李有成就 ? www

wc4eva 06/22 10:03樓上有成就? www

Recoverism 06/22 10:15本來就是下下位版Kobe罷了,手感好就可以高得分,

Recoverism 06/22 10:15但就不是可以帶球隊走遠的核心,到了國際馬腳就露

Recoverism 06/22 10:15出來了,慘不忍睹

sampsonlu91906/22 10:25我是說我第一個批小李的,因為他選秀就拿翹拒絕順

sampsonlu91906/22 10:25位比拓荒者低的球隊

sampsonlu91906/22 10:25但一碼歸一碼,我也絕對尊重他在球場的成就

WangJerry 06/22 12:16靠幾場嗨賴溜進75大

whhw 06/22 12:27

Lillard 06/22 12:29打國際賽時就帶傷上陣甚至後來開刀 有些酸酸就無視

KirkSynder 06/22 14:18推 澄清總是吃力不討好 BTW 雖然legacy翻遺產也沒錯

KirkSynder 06/22 14:18 可否考慮用傳承聽起來文雅一點?

asdd19973 06/22 16:03那李大能說明一下 小李有什麼個人成就嗎

asdd19973 06/22 16:04真的好想知道 可是查不到…

Lillard 06/22 20:35小李生涯成就看wiki就有 AND我拓一堆累積紀錄是他的

asdd19973 06/23 00:28啊有什麼值得進75大讓你們捧成這樣的嗎笑死

asdd19973 06/23 00:29一次一隊 四次二隊?

Lillard 06/23 12:16這樣能笑死??是你笑點太低吧 75大又不是波特蘭選的