[外絮] SAS: Ballmer應強迫Kawhi退役 他太常受傷

看板NBA標題[外絮] SAS: Ballmer應強迫Kawhi退役 他太常受傷作者
時間推噓33 推:59 噓:26 →:64
First Take ESPN的節目
Stephen A Smith


Steve Ballmer in the Los Angeles Clippers should force Kawhi Leonard to
作為洛杉磯快艇隊的老闆,Ballmer應該強迫Kawhi Leonard退役

I'm done. He needs to go home. Okay, so I'm not in any way questioning the
legitimacy of Kawhi Leonard's injury. A matter of fact, I'm fully embracing
it. I've heard very, very alarming stories about his health. You see people
talking about he's walking around limping all the time.
He is not a healthy individual. I'm not questioning his heart.

我受夠了,他需要走人,我毫無懷疑 Kawhi Leonard 的傷勢是否為真之意,

I'm not questioning his courage. I'm not questioning any of that the man's a
two time champion. He's a two time MVP. I said it the other day, and I said,
and I regretted it only because we heard about some stuff that happened with
his family. And I didn't know that was in the news and stuff like that. I
don't wish that and God bless you and your family. And I hope everything endsup well for everybody.

他是兩屆 MVP 得主。我前幾天說了,我後悔說出這些話的原因,只是因為我們

But he is the absolute worst superstar you could possibly have on your team.
He's barely ever there. And on top of it all, he does nothing to market or
promote your franchise. absolutely positively nothing. He got 42 million thisyear, him and Paul, George are making identical dollars to the penny. 42
million in change this year. 45 million in change next year, and then a
player option at 48 million.

美元,他和Paul George一毛不差地拿到相同的薪水。

He couldn't go last year at all. Okay, could go this year when it counted. Inthe past. He couldn't go when it counted. Robbed the Toronto telling them
don't look for me for more than 65 games, didn't even given them 60 games
hasn't given you at least 60 games in the season at least the last 4 years.


Okay. And then the playoffs come and this is a difference between him and a
Paul George or various other people. We see them get hurt. We'll watch Kawhi
drop 38 one game like he did in game one against Phoenix 31 in game 2 to walkoff the court. And then the next thing you know Ty Lue gets to know he ani’t
available today. Oh, on the way, he ain't available next week he ain't
available the next game.

好吧,當季後賽來時,這就是他 & Paul George 與其他人的差別。
我們看到他們受傷了。我們看到Kawhi在單場得到了38分,例如對太陽的第一場比賽中,第二場得到了31分,然後就走下場了。接下來你知道的是 Ty Lue 得知他今天不能上場。在途中得知,他下周不行,下一場比賽也不行。

You don't know why but you hear and you hear and you hear stories? Yes, they
have a medical staff you here by he got his own medical, his own medical
team. But damn it they should be fired. He's never healthy when he counts.


And again, if you're not marketing and promoting the sport, if you're not if
all you're doing is saying I'm gonna grab my lunch pail and play. But 50% of
the time you ain't grabbing your lunch pail to play. It's the worst possible
thing that you have. If the I'm gonna say this. DEVIN BOOKER sensation. KevinDurant is that dude, you know how I feel about him? Kawhi Leonard and Paul
George healthy for the series Clippers win the series.

50%的時間你沒有當個球員去打球。這是你最糟糕的一點。如果我說這個,Devin Booker是個網紅。Kevin Durant就是那個傢伙,你知道我對他的感覺? 如果 Kawhi Leonard
和 Paul George在系列賽中保持健康,快艇隊就贏得了系列賽。

Because I don't like the fact that Monty Williams has relied so much on KevinDurant and DEVIN BOOKER averaged over 43 minutes again, that's not
sustainable to me. I think the Clippers would have won the series if both of
them were healthy. That was not the case. And in the end, I think it's like
listen, you're the second largest market in the United States of America.
You're in Los Angeles man.

因為我不喜歡Monty Williams 太依賴Kevin Durant 和 Devin Booker,他們每場

The Lakers is Laker nation. Laker town you know what's Ballmer and them got
to compete against. You got an elite owner. Laurence Frank is a well
respected executive. Ty Lue considered one of the best coaches in the
business. And this is what you got to rely on as, as a player. It's over for
me. They just like.. we could talk about the game and all of that stuff.

Laker 是湖人的天下。洛杉磯是湖人城,你知道Ballmer和他們得和什麼競爭嗎。
你有一位優秀的老板,Laurence Frank是一位受人尊敬的總裁。Ty Lue被認為是業界最
好的教練之一。而這就是你作為球員所依賴的。 對我來說,這已經結束了。

But the culminating point.. the end result is to me, it should be the end andI say that because I caught I called some league officials this morning and Iwant to know specifically, what can you do to get rid of Kawhi Leonard and
make sure he get his money, you got insurance policy.
You can make it you can you can you can carve it out through the years. Make
sure he gets every penny. Just give him his money and go because you can't
rely on him. You gotta move on. If you're the clippers, you got to move on.

一些聯盟官員,我想確切地知道,你能做什麼來擺脫Kawhi Leonard,並確保他得到他



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EZ78 04/27 01:51...尷尬 我應該要發在你下面的XDDDD

usnavyseal 04/27 01:51XDDDD

usnavyseal 04/27 01:52應該不算op吧

EZ78 04/27 01:52沒阿 我SAS就只有一句話而已

EZ78 04/27 01:53不然沒前後文會很怪

love1500274 04/27 01:53好險我沒翻 不然要連三篇了==

usnavyseal 04/27 01:54哈哈 現在改用chat gpt輔助翻譯超快的

karmel 04/27 01:54強迫退役然後去別隊嗎XD

ishigakis 04/27 01:55怎不先要求西門

Lhmstu 04/27 01:55建議是出售就好了,不能上場的員工,一直體諒有什

Lhmstu 04/27 01:55麼用,又幫不了球隊

horstyle041104/27 01:56SAS

jalsonice 04/27 01:58真臭

minin40 04/27 01:59SAS

tyrone0923 04/27 01:59SAS,不意外

ksuenjjr 04/27 02:03SAS這發言太噁心了

blake1003 04/27 02:03洗勒工三小….

sikadear 04/27 02:07是運彩輸了是不是,有這麼氣喔XD?

love1500274 04/27 02:07

kart 04/27 02:09SAS語不驚人死不休,說強迫退休是過分了,但是Ballm

kart 04/27 02:09er身為老闆的確有可能脫手就是。畢竟健康真的很重要

kart 04/27 02:09,運氣也好實力也罷,重要的就是availability.

Despairile 04/27 02:10他的發言已老闆的角度來說 不能說錯

Despairile 04/27 02:10只不過呢 有西門 我會建議先試試看交易不是先開噴

Despairile 04/27 02:11應該說這次他整個發言也算有流量 爭議就可以更大

rocku112 04/27 02:12說的是很沒良心 但很實在 總不能每年都傷傷停停吧

rocku112 04/27 02:12該斷則斷

ABiao0220 04/27 02:12SAS不意外

rondoya 04/27 02:14你也該退休 整天亂講話放假消息

samuelass 04/27 02:20標題聳動搏版面 認真看內容算中肯啊 老闆角度就是

samuelass 04/27 02:20

sorrry30000 04/27 02:53商業流量也要納入考量不是

MorikonHase 04/27 02:53

yellow528 04/27 02:54雖然可愛的處境對球隊來說很微妙,但他能上場的時

yellow528 04/27 02:54候,打球的內容真的很不錯,以今年第一輪的前兩場

yellow528 04/27 02:54季後賽來說的話

yellow528 04/27 02:56但我私心覺得叫別人退休的媒體蠻沒水準的

torres23 04/27 03:10說退休誇張了,但沒有行銷的點的確很扣分

BronyXrG 04/27 03:31球隊在洛杉磯但可愛又不搞社交

BronyXrG 04/27 03:32不搞社交只剩打球但又傷病

ZEALOTGO 04/27 03:40可愛是要退什麼? 西門那種XX才該退休離開NBA

love1500274 04/27 03:59叫他退休的不只媒體 還有不少鄉民呢

papagenoyi 04/27 03:59我其實認同他的一點是,可愛有醫療團隊,他的醫療

papagenoyi 04/27 03:59團隊要不要被開除...

kingroy 04/27 04:03出賽有一半醫療團隊當然不用fire,他很多明顯比賽中

kingroy 04/27 04:03受傷

live147222 04/27 04:13確實 說不定再這樣下去 退休時就要坐輪椅了。

wsd94051 04/27 04:21可以去看sas 模仿了解可愛傷勢的人說的話,不覺得

wsd94051 04/27 04:21他是在亂講話,論點同不同意是另一回事

wsd94051 04/27 04:24我反而覺得jjredick反而比較難說服我,像是去年勇

wsd94051 04/27 04:24士聽牌他說他覺得勇士G6會贏但他認為塞爾會奪冠,

wsd94051 04/27 04:24這人邏輯超怪

cow1211 04/27 04:38隨便打幾場都比一堆全年健康的強 不可能沒人要簽 想

cow1211 04/27 04:38太多

Pinky555 04/27 05:16都傷成這樣...真的沒必要增加傷害了 歐拉也是...

rey0616 04/27 05:41明年龜龜撐季賽 可愛在季後賽出賽

SDGGF 04/27 05:58醫療團隊那段倒是蠻同意的

kingroy 04/27 06:20快艇從BG CP3時代就幾乎都在煩傷兵問題

sylviehsiang04/27 06:21我看不懂他對KD是褒還是貶

hpisok 04/27 06:21暴龍那段一直在跳針60場幹嘛啦XD

twdvdr 04/27 06:42他貶KD貼Booker但兩個都爛

kart 04/27 07:01SAS其實算KD鐵粉,我記得2010年他就節目上說KD最多

kart 04/27 07:02再兩年會超越老詹...當時老詹聲望如日中天

gt12345 04/27 07:04你先退休吧

kart 04/27 07:05當然他衝流量的本事也是一路走來始終如一

abbei 04/27 07:05干你SAS屁事

a123zyx 04/27 07:06就因為出賽不夠多又領高薪就要人退休的邏輯哪裡中肯

a123zyx 04/27 07:06

namtrac 04/27 07:08有自己的醫療團隊卻還是沒出賽機場

namtrac 04/27 07:08幾*

ken720331 04/27 07:08剛好上下呼應

namtrac 04/27 07:11有自己的醫生不代表不會生病

attdave 04/27 07:184200萬美金啊......大家體諒老闆一下

isolaX 04/27 07:20這咖是忘記吃藥喔

kixer2005 04/27 07:23確實啊 又沒講錯

Headache99 04/27 07:31就事論事 還好吧

sunnyyoung 04/27 07:34早該退休了 沒法保持健康又不願配合球團醫療隊

a123zyx 04/27 07:35你可以不要給他頂薪打替補啊 為啥就是退休….

ilanese 04/27 07:36快艇早該交易掉他了。

ken720331 04/27 07:36如果自己是老闆還想給快艇雙星幾年的時間 請回答

ken720331 04/27 07:37四年過去了要在幾年

angels 04/27 07:38LA復健科醫院院長該換人了吧?AD老是被酸真夠慘的

naruto00700704/27 07:38是機翻的是不是 中文讀起來好不順

MindWork 04/27 07:41雀食 玻璃仔根本毫無用處還超貴

ebv 04/27 07:56就有人要付錢找他打球阿~管人家喔~

namtrac 04/27 07:57覺得論點站老闆方算正確,但是叫人退休大可不必

peter5140 04/27 07:58確實,球衣球鞋沒人想穿他的

baseball138804/27 07:58可愛雷的

doubleee 04/27 08:02你也應該退役一天到晚預測錯誤還時不時腦子有問題

doubleee 04/27 08:02的發言

lancelot902 04/27 08:04交易他換幾個能穩定出場的吧

linyi520 04/27 08:05雀食,血條1/1的神獸

vinc4320 04/27 08:06哈 如果哪天傷病是降臨在那些說中肯的人喜歡的球星

vinc4320 04/27 08:06頭上再被SAS說這種話很想知道那些人還能不能說中肯

vinc4320 04/27 08:06 標準站著說話不腰疼

qwe21 04/27 08:13某隊跟四年出賽率平均不到 40% 的胖子簽下頂薪XD

a11011788 04/27 08:13SAS在講三小

bur3675 04/27 08:16他說的也滿正確的啊。。可愛沒辦法打球時 也沒其他

bur3675 04/27 08:16貢獻

bnn 04/27 08:27他的說法就是可愛要對他的不健康負責(ry

kingianlin 04/27 08:29好奇,可愛以巨星標準來說算有名嗎

Texsogood 04/27 08:29修惹沒人強迫SSA離職嗎

kingianlin 04/27 08:30球衣印象沒有在前15

devilsky 04/27 08:32說實話就是這樣啊,花大錢找他來,結果他到底打了

devilsky 04/27 08:32幾場?受傷很遺憾,但整隊都要陪他沉淪嗎?

Eijidate 04/27 08:39可愛也許應該在季後賽輪休,打太陽的第二場他不該上

Eijidate 04/27 08:40上了一二結果三四五不能上,不如打一三五

tzengagan 04/27 08:47可愛的問題是自己有醫療團隊,對球團都只是告知決定

CycleEnergy 04/27 08:51輪休出新高度

josephl1 04/27 08:52早該退休了

tim0703 04/27 08:56其實蠻中肯的

watwmark 04/27 08:56不管怎樣可愛那傷就這樣了 不可能奇蹟康復

cooldeathx 04/27 08:57中肯,薪水小偷

tim0703 04/27 08:59不說其他的行為,可愛連唯一對球隊的貢,上場打球

tim0703 04/27 08:59都做不到了

p5319 04/27 09:00SAS這是什麼鬼言論

jason0132 04/27 09:07他到底在工三小

apple15518 04/27 09:09整天如果

micbrimac 04/27 09:19啥小

snakebite 04/27 09:24可愛迷快追殺他吧

snakebite 04/27 09:26只是再一年又一年的話,希望不要證明說的是對的

snakebite 04/27 09:27而且接下來快5000萬了呢

FadOut 04/27 09:36ESPN 應該要這咖小滾蛋才對

jeff785chen 04/27 09:36干你屁事啊 人家都拿兩冠了 怎不叫zion退休

LENMAN 04/27 09:44蠻中肯的發言

Puye 04/27 09:46事實阿 不管願不願意每年都受傷 球隊怎麼走下去

ahinetn123 04/27 09:51三小 因為痛痛就要強迫退役?? 是你付錢嗎

nadleeh 04/27 09:59領頂薪養傷,偶爾出來打一下讓球迷爽爽

shortimex 04/27 10:00我先

atpx 04/27 10:00該付的有付,分手對雙方都好

atpx 04/27 10:00一直佔薪資對球隊也不好

may60524 04/27 10:01這咖是PTT酸民是吧

nadleeh 04/27 10:01和PG健康那年也沒奪冠,其他年都輪流或一起躺

akak5504 04/27 10:03噓SAS

star1234 04/27 10:14你他媽你來當老闆阿,整天只他媽會講些幹話

RushMonkey 04/27 10:15醫療團隊那邊我算是蠻認同的

aa52189 04/27 10:19這咖必噓

Rinehot 04/27 10:22分手也要有人肯收啊,現在可愛交易價值是低點吧。

allmygod 04/27 10:23老闆會交易掉吧 強迫退休倒是不可能 換空氣幹嘛

stocktonobrk04/27 10:34認同!年薪4千多萬美金,整年不是無法上場就是打不到

stocktonobrk04/27 10:34幾場,老闆球迷都想哭吧!!!

※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 04/27/2023 10:44:04

PaulOneil1 04/27 12:164啊,可愛從來就不是健康的

speedythief 04/27 12:26可愛當年在多倫多含季後打了80幾場,不得不佩服暴

speedythief 04/27 12:26龍Masai 運氣也夠好

dm03 04/27 13:08Zion表示

virus2007 04/27 13:09有一場沒一場的,打再好都沒用吧。

eycpdp4872 04/27 15:38除了退休有點太直白 就事論事 其他講的蠻好的吧

rudylf 04/27 17:04我覺得說的很狠 但滿實在的 一直受傷真的不行

EricTao 04/28 00:44Sas自己先退休吧 什麼屁話