[外絮] LBJ:22歲我可以全場操,40歲就不用這樣

看板NBA標題[外絮] LBJ:22歲我可以全場操,40歲就不用這樣作者
時間推噓43 推:45 噓:2 →:30

LeBron James on why the Lakers’ roster construction allows him to pick his
spots like how he went off in the 4th Q rather than need to aggressively score all game:

"Listen, I could do that at 22, but at almost 40, I don't need to be doing itfor four quarters," James said after adding 14 rebounds and 10 assists,
accounting for the 113th triple-double of his career. "I have the luxury of
having a MVP-caliber player next to me [in Anthony Davis]. AR [Austin Reaves]can get it going in bunches, D-Lo [D'Angelo Russell] can catch fire, Rui [
Hachimura] has been consistent and he can get going and score in bunches as


AR 可以一口氣挹注得分,D-Lo 也能火力全開,八村一直都很穩定,也能多次攻籃取分。

"So, this team is not built for me to have 16-point quarters through all fourquarters. That's not how it's constructed and nor should it be. We're a team
and we all play together."


Indeed, for as hot as James was to start the fourth, it was Davis who finished it by hitting a 3 and tacking on a free throw in the final minute to give L.A. the edge.

"We encourage him, coaches encourage him, we as his teammates encourage him to shoot that 3-ball, and probably the biggest shot of the night is him making
that 3 so it made it easy on me,"

LBJ在第四節手感發燙,但結束比賽的是 AD,


"Just when you think he's slowing down, man, he continues to show the world
why he's the greatest," Davis said of James.



AD今年有什麼不一樣。 八村:窩悶現在有體系了。


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Akoni 10/27 16:10推LEGOAT!

ms0545173 10/27 16:10灌籃得頻率還是很高啊 現在一堆年輕球員都在投外線

sasa789 10/27 16:10火腿:八村在臭我?

nt880245 10/27 16:12先發都誇了一輪

tasiki2002 10/27 16:12樓下羅森林

k7202001 10/27 16:12這季又沒交易到哈登

Notif520 10/27 16:12我不是森林 樓下羅森林

Gilbertsky 10/27 16:12八村講的感覺都是嗜血的媒體想聽的東西

jamescle23 10/27 16:13好色喔

Mezerized 10/27 16:13羅森林下班了?

tn00037166 10/27 16:13八村又在臭

Inori0912 10/27 16:13八村越來越臭了 笑死

Notif520 10/27 16:14八村雖然在日本長大 但完全不像日本人那樣 超愛臭

Notif520 10/27 16:14

jajepound 10/27 16:14八村跟火腿有仇

YouGot5566 10/27 16:14日本人怎麼講話那麼臭

feathery 10/27 16:15八村臭是應該的 他是被火腿搞最慘的一個

Notif520 10/27 16:15肯定跟火腿有仇啊 愛用不用的

jamescle23 10/27 16:16腿粉也有體系啊

Addressg 10/27 16:17八村打的不錯很常被冰因為卡到親兒子王子的時間

jamescle23 10/27 16:17要出征八村了嗎

jokepeace 10/27 16:17八村上季真的可憐 被王子擠到替補

s7904018 10/27 16:18八村:窩英文不好 英文好難

dibblo 10/27 16:20明明八村就很好用,但火腿真的不愛用..

huntersc252510/27 16:20八村超酸哈哈哈

charlieliao 10/27 16:20火腿真的爛

s8800892000 10/27 16:24老了

mouz 10/27 16:24這兩個第四節11/11喔,瘋狂刷數據

s8800892000 10/27 16:25八村每次打得好就凍 然後再上就烙賽

jetloading0010/27 16:26八村被火腿惡搞了兩季,臭一下剛好而已

ymsc30102 10/27 16:27等42歲再來操

fxxkleo0804 10/27 16:27記得火腿之前有嘴過球員 一堆人說在影射八村不是

pf775101 10/27 16:29差最多的就是八村的使用吧 火腿常常莫名冰

perfect6473210/27 16:31無敵老漢

pf775101 10/27 16:31能讓日本人公開這樣酸應該忍很久了

highwayshih 10/27 16:32八村有夠臭

highwayshih 10/27 16:32沒辦法 八村明明就是能穩定上場貢獻個15~20分的人

NotUniqueSol10/27 16:33「我們還需要一個姓James的小子」

highwayshih 10/27 16:33但火腿不管他打多好就是一直亂冰 八村忍他很久了吧

snakepan 10/27 16:35八村真的豪不客氣的狂臭

acebank 10/27 16:39Through teamwork, we were able to carry out the

acebank 10/27 16:39mission.

rush1120 10/27 16:39火腿有夠爛

YellowTiger 10/27 16:43反觀火腿 神奇的負載管理 Lebron都覺得問號

YellowTiger 10/27 16:44火腿最虧欠的就是八村跟Max 乖乖被臭吧

Landius 10/27 16:45去年火腿真的不愛八村啊

qq0526 10/27 16:47八村之前開季的上場時間超零碎的

qq0526 10/27 16:47打很順的時候突然被放下去

a28200266 10/27 16:47八村受不了火腿也正常 當打之年被亂冰

wcc880616 10/27 16:48羅森林說過氣刷子

highwayshih 10/27 16:50就不知道火腿到底是有什麼毛病硬要三衛王子

highwayshih 10/27 16:50都不知道王子是不是他的私生子了

a0987761110 10/27 16:50最有名的就是媒體問為什麼讓王子先發而不是八村

a0987761110 10/27 16:50火腿:先發名單不是人氣競賽 有夠北爛

raven30019 10/27 16:51八村是不是還在不爽上季被叫去底角蹲

Hohenzollern10/27 16:53最主要是湖人陣容維持三個球季 球員的默契配合

Hohenzollern10/27 16:53JJ也比火腿懂得設計戰術

www2967 10/27 16:58火腿你最爛 只有湖黑詹黑才愛火腿

danieljaw 10/27 17:01八村最近好直白XD

alex53001 10/27 17:06八村上季就已經打出小lbj的樣子 結果剛有要起飛就

alex53001 10/27 17:06被火腿按在板凳

ZILY123 10/27 17:08八村不演了 真舒服

DogBe106 10/27 17:09滴漏:咩咩

GleybeTorres10/27 17:21火腿:先發陣容不是用人氣排的

GleybeTorres10/27 17:21就是在酸八村啊

sawalee0811 10/27 17:23八村去年時間都被拿去給王子 是我也超不爽

sawalee0811 10/27 17:24明明八村明顯就比王子更好用

ljk476820 10/27 17:26只上33分鐘 有料

Sessyoin 10/27 17:26好色

g1101104 10/27 17:34這陣容梭哈哈登就總冠了吧

a3221715 10/27 17:3932.34也行 之後真的不行了 體力真的是運動員時間到

a3221715 10/27 17:39了就衰退

LABOYS 10/27 17:40他已經是史上最長青的頂級籃球員了

alittleghost10/27 17:42火腿:8村,黑人兄弟支持一下昧

c22501656 10/27 17:53AD「每當旁人開始覺得他好像應該要衰退了,他總是

c22501656 10/27 17:53繼續展示他還是最厲害的。」

bb031v2k 10/27 17:56薪水也可以不要領這麼多啊