[外絮] LBJ:與Bronny打球是生涯最重要的成就

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Lakers' LeBron James: Playing with Bronny Is 'Probably' My Top Accolade in NBA Career


Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James will go down as one of the greatest players of all time, but he doesn't consider his legendary resume on the court to be his greatest achievement.

洛杉磯湖人的明星球員 LeBron James 被譽為史上最偉大的球員之一,但他並不認為自己在球場上的輝煌履歷是他最大的成就。

Despite being a four-time NBA champion, a four-time NBA MVP, a 20-time All-Starand the league's all-time leading scorer, James told Jason and Travis Kelce during an appearance on the New Heights podcast that he believes sharing the court with his son Bronny James outweighs all of that.

儘管 James 是四次 NBA 冠軍、四次 NBA MVP、20 次全明星球員,以及聯盟歷史得分王,但他在接受 Jason 和 Travis Kelce 的《New Heights》播客訪問時表示,能夠和兒子 Bronny James 一同在球場上並肩作戰,比這些榮譽更讓他感到驕傲。

"For me, obviously, when it comes to the titles, that's one separate thing, butto be able to be in this league and play in this league and also being able to do it alongside Bronny right now, that's like one of the biggest accomplishmentsand probably the No. 1 accomplishment I've ever been able to do," James said around the 33:08 mark.

「對我來說,奪冠當然是一回事,但能夠在這個聯盟中打球,並且現在還能與 Bronny 一起出賽,這對我來說是最大的成就之一,也可能是我這輩子最重要的成就。」James 在節目約 33:08 時這樣說道。

The Lakers selected Bronny James with a second-round pick in the 2024 NBA draft. The 20-year-old has appeared in nine games in limited action while also spending some time in the G League.

湖人在 2024 年 NBA 選秀中以第二輪選中了 Bronny James。這位 20 歲的新秀目前在有限的上場時間中參加了九場比賽,同時也在發展聯盟中進行磨練。

Still, the elder James explained that being able to spend time with his son in a professional setting is something that he'll never take for granted.

即便如此,LeBron 認為,能夠在職業環境中和兒子一起共度時光,是一件無比珍貴的事。

"To work with your son, I've heard from a lot of people, not only in sports butI've heard it in business and walks of life, they said it's the greatest thing you could ever, ever have," James said.

「能和自己的兒子一起工作,我聽過很多人說,無論是在體育界還是商業界,這都是人生中最偉大的事情。」James 表示。

"To see him every day grinding, going through the process of trying to become who he wants to become while I am sitting there just watching him and doing the things he wants to do and being able to just take it all in, it helps me to get some of the minutes and hours and years back that I did not have with him becauseI was playing so much and on the road and doing my own thing. So to be able to get some of this time back now, man, it's pretty special."




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