[外絮] NBA全新推出的灌籃分數(其實有點不新了)

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NBA.com在10月底推出了全新的追蹤數據--Dunk Score



這個是今天最高的Jaden Hardy--101.7分

而上次Jalen Green灌在Cade Cunningham頭上的那球則是本季第二高的111.3分



Dunks provide some of the most electrifying moments in basketball. Whether it’s a gravity-defying leap, an explosive finish through contact, or a
windmill slam that ignites the crowd, there’s nothing quite like a dunk to
get fans out of their seats. But what if there was a way to quantify the
magic behind each slam? With the help of advanced optical tracking systems
and cutting-edge AI, that’s exactly what the NBA Dunk Score sets out to do.

The NBA Dunk Score breaks down every dunk using data-driven metrics resultingin an objective score based on technical excellence, athleticism and
difficulty — without any bias derived from game context or the players

Ready to dive into how this works? Let’s explore the NBA Dunk Score.




Data Overview
The foundation of any model is the data that goes into it. That’s where the
NBA’s optical player tracking systems come in. Using advanced 3D pose
detection models, these systems track 29 points on each player’s body with
sub-centimeter accuracy, generating 3D coordinates for every movement. All ofthis is captured 60 times per second.

所有模型的基礎都是他被餵進去的資料。這也是NBA的球員光學追蹤系統參與的地方。(還記得NBA前幾年新增了鷹眼系統? #1a2VrOV6 (NBA) 這個可能就是應用之一)運用3D姿勢偵測的模型,這些系統追蹤每一位球員身上29個點直至公分以下的準確度並藉此產生每一個動作的3D座標。而這些東西每秒鐘會捕捉60次。

Dunk Score Overview
The NBA Dunk Score is a live model that analyzes over 25 different attributesof a dunk—each calculated directly from the player tracking data—to assign
an objective score. The system is entirely data-driven, meaning the score is
independent of external factors like the dunker’s identity, the game’s
score, or whether it’s a preseason or playoff game. This makes the Dunk
Score a true “technical score,” focused solely on the execution of the dunk


The Dunk Score is broken down into four distinct subscores: Jump, Power,
Style, and Defensive Contest —each highlighting a different aspect of the
dunk. The Jump subscore is all about the athlete’s verticality and
explosiveness in the air. Power captures the raw force of the dunk. Style
measures dunk flashiness, quantifying how much creativity the player adds to
their dunk. Finally, the Defensive Contest subscore adds context by
evaluating how much defensive pressure the dunker faced. Together, these foursubscores provide a deeper, more nuanced breakdown of every dunk. Rather thanjust focusing on the overall score, they give us insight into the different
dimensions of the play.


Base Features Overview
Let’s take a closer look at the key attributes that factor into the Dunk
Score. These metrics, pulled directly from the 3D pose data via a real-time
processing pipeline, are the building blocks of the model. Some features
carry more weight than others, but each one helps break down the technical
aspects of a dunk:


Player Vertical: Based on the mid-hip height when the player’s jumping foot
leaves the ground versus their peak mid-hip height during the jump.


Takeoff Distance: The distance from the hoop at the point of takeoff. If the
player jumps from one foot, it’s measured from the jumping foot’s big toe.
If the player jumps from two feet, it’s measured from the midpoint between
the big toes.


Hang Time: How long the dunker is airborne.


Maximum Ball Height: The peak height of the center of the ball during the


Reach Back Distance: The furthest distance between the player’s head and the
ball as it is pulled back from the hoop.


Ball Speed Through the Rim: How fast the ball is moving as it passes through
the rim.


Total Ball Acceleration: The total acceleration of the ball toward the hoop,
accounting for the force the player applies during the dunk.


Ball Movement: The distance the ball travels over the course of the dunk,
minus the takeoff distance. This captures many flashy motions often performedduring dunks: Windmill, Double Clutch, Behind the back, etc.


Not all features are continuous — some are boolean (true or false) features
that focus on specific stylistic elements, including:


Reverse Dunk 倒灌

360 Dunk 360度灌籃

Through the Legs 胯下換手

Alley-oop and Self-Oop: The score is adjusted based on the length of the
pass, where the ball is caught, and whether the player catches the ball with
one or two hands.


Tip Dunk: Scaled higher based on how aggressively the player contests for therebound versus simply being in the right place for an easy tip-in.


The Impact of Defense
Defensive factors are treated as unweighted bonus points beyond the base
score. This way, the lack of a defender doesn’t penalize a dunk, but great
defense can elevate its difficulty and the overall score. Multiple defenders'contributions are additive, but each defender’s influence diminishes with
every additional body in the mix. Key defensive features include:


Defensive Contest Level: A combined measure of (1) how close the defender’s
body is to the dunker and how directly they are positioned between the dunkerand the hoop, and (2) how close the defender’s hand is to the ball, with
slight weighting towards the ball-hand-rim angle. If the defender is under orbeyond the hoop, they are penalized.


Alignment Score: Measures how directly the dunker and defender are facing
each other, using dot products of their direction vectors and scaled by
distance. A chest-to-chest contest would result in a perfect 1.0 alignment


Collision Score: Measures the intensity of contact between the dunker and thedefender. It evaluates the sum of their velocity components toward each
other, scaled inversely by the distance between them. Two players in very
close proximity moving directly at each other at high speeds would have a
high collision score.


The model also detects situations where a defender attempts to take a charge
or when the dunker jumps over the defender. In these cases, special logic is
used to focus on 2D body-based features rather than hand-based features.


Overall Scoring Distributions
Below is a histogram representing the overall distribution of the Dunk Score
for all dunks from the 2023-24 NBA season. Most dunks land somewhere in the
20-50 range. It’s a right-skewed distribution, meaning only a select few
make it into the upper echelon.

底下是2023-24 NBA 球季所有灌籃的灌籃得分分布直方圖。大多數灌籃的得分範圍介於
20 到 50 分之間。這是一個右偏分布,意味著只有少數灌籃進入了頂尖行列。

(最右邊那個理論上是Anthony Edwards去年在John Collins頭上灌的那球)



※ PTT 留言評論
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mtbigzan 11/15 16:26今天有一篇Po文說歐肥的灌籃害比賽變難看?!


inschool 11/15 16:26這會用到灌籃大賽上嗎

我猜會 但是評審作為噱頭之一應該還是評分的主要

c27932589 11/15 16:26這個也有Po在官方IG CC被扣那球一直被鞭

PrimeChaoz 11/15 16:26最高9分

YeSerD 11/15 16:27Ja:我準備好刷榜了

turnpoint 11/15 16:29AE很多誇張灌籃,之前灌渡邊那球也很扯

gm79227922 11/15 16:299分

c07strange 11/15 16:30沒有加入WADE的想法我是不認的

seiya1201 11/15 16:31總覺得斑馬灌籃分數會很低 彈跳高度只有一塊豆腐高

Sessyoin 11/15 16:32(其實有點不新了)XD

seiya1201 11/15 16:32伸手墊腳就能灌

他其他Metric應該不會太醜 但肯定是很難勝過AE那種體能怪物

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 11/15/2024 16:35:54

yanion 11/15 16:36只能9分不能再高了

uuuuOPuff 11/15 16:429

syk1104 11/15 16:43最高9分

ColdJerry 11/15 16:46小丑分數大概超低吧…

GOOGOOfish 11/15 16:46施加力量這項沒人贏的了歐肥吧

今天最接近O'Neal大部分型態的可能就這球 只有50分左右

sasewill 11/15 16:47有問過最頂的灌籃評審九尾意見嗎

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 11/15/2024 16:49:32

sana113821 11/15 16:49超過9芬都是AI誤判

sana113821 11/15 16:49 *分

deanisme 11/15 16:54沒哦 施加力量歐肥分數應該不高 因為看的不是灌籃

deanisme 11/15 16:54者施加於球框的力量 而是球往籃框的移動速度 所以

deanisme 11/15 16:54詹皇或vc這種擅長大戰斧在這項的分數才會是最猛的

interestbi 11/15 17:02有辦法查得到歷史的分數嗎

現在還在測試階段 可能暫時只會有當天的吧 但之後應該有機會可以看本季以後的

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 11/15/2024 17:04:16

interestbi 11/15 17:05想說我按了10分鐘Nba Stats真的找不到XD

nanaceking 11/15 17:22他施加力量的分數要是有考慮籃框炸裂或是支架彎曲

nanaceking 11/15 17:23等硬體設備被破壞的狀況,那歐肥的分數才會比較好看

Edison1174 11/15 17:32想看VC生涯那些經典灌籃有幾分

EZ78 11/15 17:33那個有點難 沒有數據 可能只會有本季以後的

chosentwo 11/15 17:34吃飽太閒喔…

e2167471 11/15 17:38VC生錯時代

swatch44 11/15 17:44vc奧運那球應該有200分

YellowTiger 11/15 17:46好想看18年Lebron灌Nukic那球

Notif520 11/15 17:48好奇去年老詹扣PG那球的分數

leo255112 11/15 17:50D.Wade: 9

NotUniqueSol11/15 18:01看來老羌還不能退休 又有新目標了

NankanAvenge11/15 18:09有啥生錯年代的問題 這就只是純娛樂的數據而已

NankanAvenge11/15 18:17不是有那種測顏值的APP 你覺得金城武 金泰亨要測嗎

Marytin 11/15 19:14chet的灌籃超違和

mikechang82911/15 19:14VC : (挖鼻孔)

ymsc30102 11/15 19:22九韋:先過我這關再說

hh123yaya 11/15 19:42vc不知道大概幾分

Gsun 11/15 19:47浪費錢做這個幹嘛 有夠無聊

GimmeTempo 11/15 20:40真的有精彩表演的時候旁邊跑個即時評分還蠻有趣的

GimmeTempo 11/15 20:41像卡拉ok秀評分 全壘打秀初速

karmel 11/15 20:49斑馬灌籃姿勢常常蠻畸形的XD

frank901212 11/15 20:50好酷

asd860079 11/15 21:17以後沒有9分了

gg8n8nd34ss 11/15 21:29灌籃力道最猛是魔獸吧

ewayne 11/16 02:31什麼智障玩意…這分數是能幫助球隊贏球嗎?還是這分

ewayne 11/16 02:31數能讓球隊多賣幾張票?這分數能幫球員談薪水嗎?這

ewayne 11/16 02:31年代誰還衝進去灌籃,三分投死對手不爽嗎?搞這玩意

ewayne 11/16 02:31那要不要也搞一下三分分數,給大家看一下投三分球多

ewayne 11/16 02:31刺激阿

aa7520tw 11/16 09:28渡邊感覺被AE灌完後心態就崩了