[情報] Isaiah Hartenstein 左小腿肌拉傷

看板NBA標題[情報] Isaiah Hartenstein 左小腿肌拉傷作者
時間推噓43 推:43 噓:0 →:18


Oklahoma City Thunder center Isaiah Hartenstein will miss Thursday's matchup
of the two teams with the NBA's best records because of a left soleus strain,the team announced.

According to the Thunder, Hartenstein suffered the injury during Tuesday's
win over the Philadelphia 76ers and will be reevaluated in approximately one

The 33-6 Thunder face the 34-5 Cleveland Cavaliers on Thursday in Oklahoma
City, a rematch of the Cavaliers' Dec. 8 home win that snapped the Thunder's
15-game winning streak.

It will be the second stretch this season that the Thunder do not have eitherof their 7-footers. Oklahoma City went 3-2 during the span between Chet
Holmgren suffering a fractured pelvis and Hartenstein making his season
debut, which was delayed by a fractured left hand.

Holmgren, who was injured in the first half of Oklahoma City's Nov. 10 loss
to the Golden State Warriors, has begun doing simple basketball activities
such as spot shooting as he gradually ramps up to his return.

Hartenstein, who signed a three-year, $87 million contract last summer in
free agency to join the Thunder, is averaging career highs of 11.8 points,
12.2 rebounds, 4.1 assists and 1.3 blocks.

Oklahoma City has a 22-2 record when Hartenstein plays.



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ts012108 01/16 07:59J DUB又要打C了

ffflllyyy 01/16 07:59

AndyJheng 01/16 08:00雷霆也是夠衰的...

Royalweger 01/16 08:00放推場受傷也太衰了吧

※ 編輯: harrishu ( 臺灣), 01/16/2025 08:01:07

conqueror50701/16 08:01耐戰度不行,雷霆危

coyoteY 01/16 08:01沒差,一樣強爆,季後賽最重要

gp03dan 01/16 08:03雷霆QQ

welynn 01/16 08:03下一場放推囉 騎士雙塔歡迎光臨

zcxvbb736 01/16 08:04看來明天對騎士可以不用想復仇了

jason911152 01/16 08:04明天沒好戲可以看了

shin0924 01/16 08:04加減練陣容

jeremylouee 01/16 08:05繼續五小..

turnpoint 01/16 08:06Chet還要多久才能回來?

XDKab1g0n 01/16 08:06哭啊 難受得不行

m5092626 01/16 08:07真的是幹欸 這還不補人嗎 中鋒輪流躺

XDKab1g0n 01/16 08:07切寶好像是明星賽後才會回來

a26895983 01/16 08:07明天騎士要虐爆雷霆禁區了

joexnozomi 01/16 08:08好好休吧

m5092626 01/16 08:08明天輸30分內算贏

benen 01/16 08:11哭啊

ssshleo 01/16 08:11哭阿

turnpoint 01/16 08:11這樣雷霆的先發就比中華隊還矮了

rbki3 01/16 08:13不是大傷都好說 現在西區獨走 慢慢養傷就好

bheegrl 01/16 08:14還有C可換嗎

turnpoint 01/16 08:15DH、表弟、白邊等待雷霆召喚

JameerNe1son01/16 08:15J-Dub又要扛中鋒了

turnpoint 01/16 08:15不然把雷霆名將Ibaka找回來吧

esdj11 01/16 08:16明天又再度對上騎士無法上場可惜了

jamesgmb712 01/16 08:17十天約卡羅森加減用 哈藤休好再上

blgame 01/16 08:18切寶那個傷勢嚴重程度 我已經默認他這季報銷了

magicchen 01/16 08:18雖然J-Dub打C打得不錯,希望別弄壞了

bheegrl 01/16 08:20同部位的傷77都要月休了

DaBouSer 01/16 08:21要被騎士扁爛ㄌ

joexnozomi 01/16 08:23打七六殘陣受傷好虧

patrickc 01/16 08:25這隻好用捏 雷霆禁區慘

lmf770410 01/16 08:27家裡快沒大人了

TungHan8787 01/16 08:29哭啊

jorden 01/16 08:31

HelloBonj0ur01/16 08:33他在老席那邊的時候也很常受傷嗎?

Larry8212 01/16 08:33JDUB:我又要打中鋒了??

m5092626 01/16 08:34要不明天放推算了 j-dub一直扛中鋒超怕受傷

cool8418 01/16 08:35強是強但院長屬性

ronbaker 01/16 08:35在我尼很健康的 不要再怪老錫了

Rinehot 01/16 08:37Chet說要休息8-10週,不知道進度如何?

mightymouse 01/16 08:39本來覺得有點貴,現在看來很超值

pippen2002 01/16 08:41我王的逆襲?預備

cysticercus 01/16 08:42大膽預測騎士輕敵三分打鐵被虐翻

ADavisBest 01/16 08:49蛤…… 明天放推了-.-

GorgeousRose01/16 08:50Hartenstein本來就痛痛的 配上轟滾…

AndyJheng 01/16 08:52跟11月那個時候比至少現在還有一隻jwill能頂一下啦

AndyJheng 01/16 08:53 雖然還是很慘

daily07 01/16 08:53下一場乾脆輪休好了

ADavisBest 01/16 08:54馬戴上場時間已經儘量控制在30分左右了還傷真的沒

ADavisBest 01/16 08:54辦法

cool8418 01/16 08:57上次騎士加壓之後只有他拋投打的進 這場慘了

NTU5566NTHU 01/16 09:04:那個比SGA矮兩吋的長手怪 你去扛中鋒

saturday556601/16 09:07Jaylin能頂啊

sss157095 01/16 09:19我雷什麼時候能健康…

camby909 01/16 09:29哈騰在老席手下,一年全勤一年小傷休過七場。

alexcone 01/16 09:34Chet昨天已經有在場邊練投了 本季應該是回的來

joexnozomi 01/16 09:40Chet明星賽後