[情報] 雷霆新秀 Ajay Mitchell開刀 休養10-12週

看板NBA標題[情報] 雷霆新秀 Ajay Mitchell開刀 休養10-12週作者
時間推噓25 推:25 噓:0 →:5


Ajay Mitchell Out 10-12 Weeks After Turf Toe Procedure

Oklahoma City Thunder rookie guard Ajay Mitchell will miss the bulk of the
remainder of the regular season. Mitchell underwent a procedure for a turf
toe sprain which will sideline him for at least 10-to-12 weeks.

Despite being signed to a two-way contract, Mitchell has been a consistent
rotation player for the Thunder. The 6-foot-5 guard has averaged 6.4 points,
on 51/43/85 shooting splits. Mitchell played in 34 games for Oklahoma City
before being injured.

雷霆隊新秀後衛 Ajay Mitchell


Mitchell 去年在選秀會上在第二輪第35順位被雷霆隊挑中,後來簽下雙向合約



平均上場 16.5分鐘,繳出 6.4分 2.0籃板 1.7助攻 三分球命中率 43.1%



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TheoEpstein 01/12 16:03看成Ave Mujica

MK47 01/12 16:04母雞卡.......

dada14789 01/12 16:04可惜了 有打出來也獲得重用 希望健康回歸吧

steven183 01/12 16:08王桑看到哪了

r44621 01/12 16:09睦頭人

A00610lol 01/12 16:10NBA祥子是誰

chiawww 01/12 16:11原來不止我看錯

SunnyBrian 01/12 16:13阿北母雞卡

jgps61203 01/12 16:13祥子=邦邦LBJ那差不多LBJ=NBA祥子

ankai 01/12 16:14

star880613 01/12 16:16傑哥QQ

bheegrl 01/12 16:17擅自離團又組團的傢伙

aegisWIsL 01/12 16:18最佳新秀上榜了然後就沒了 QQ

MK47 01/12 16:2010樓的圖很白痴 但我笑不停XDDDD

sezna 01/12 16:21祥子組銀河戰艦

monhen 01/12 16:22我也看錯..

Sessyoin 01/12 16:2810樓笑死

welynn 01/12 16:38板凳主控 寄

wsx89589468 01/12 16:42

pkckpdl 01/12 16:44雷霆一整季都沒有全員到齊過...

tyrone0923 01/12 16:45魔術更慘,主將輪流倒

wjesse1991 01/12 16:53沒差啦,一樣強

JackSpecial 01/12 16:54還好吧 金塊新秀直接報銷的

m5092626 01/12 16:54二陣少一個持球點 唉

lyt5566 01/12 17:03還在母雞卡

asd860079 01/12 17:11阿傑米秋 阿杰米七卡 阿北母雞卡

AndyJheng 01/12 17:14雷霆從選Topic開始這季就不可能到齊了

r781207 01/12 17:41看成母雞卡

toolittle 01/12 17:46QQ

GodMune0608 01/12 17:51我也看成