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By Nathaniel Holloway

Nuggets' Michael Malone Gives Worrisome Aaron Gordon Injury Update


The Denver Nuggets have had a solid start to the season as they currently sitfourth in the Western Conference with a 19-13 record, but their latest injuryreport surrounding one of their key players should be worrisome for the

Nuggets’ head coach, Michael Malone, gave an injury update about Aaron
Gordon on Thursday, and it was not a good one. Gordon has missed the last
three games due to a right calf strain, the same injury that caused him to
miss 10 games earlier in the season.

丹佛金塊隊本賽季開局不錯,目前以 19 勝 13 負的戰績排名西部第四,但他們最近關於其中一位關鍵球員的傷病報告應該讓球隊感到擔憂。

息。戈登因右小腿拉傷缺席了過去三場比賽,同樣的傷勢導致他在賽季初缺席了 10 場比賽。

Malone mentioned that the team is being cautious with Gordon due to his soft
tissue injury. He also mentioned that Gordon will be out the next two games,
which is a back-to-back set against the San Antonio Spurs on Friday and
Saturday, and that there is also no timetable for his return.


With Gordon suffering the same injury that kept him out earlier this season,
this is a bad sign for Denver. The 29-year-old is an important part of their
starting lineup and is arguably the team’s best defender.

So far this season, Gordon is averaging 13.7 points, 5.8 rebounds and 3.1
assists per game while shooting 52.3% from the field and 44.0% from three.
With Denver’s roster outside of Nikola Jokistruggling, they cannot afford
to have Gordon miss a ton of time as they continue to make a push higher in
the West standings.



With Gordon out, expect Russell Westbrook to remain in the starting lineup,
which has worked out well for the Nuggets thus far. Peyton Watson and Julian
Strawther should also see an increase in minutes and could start some games
if Malone decides to tweak the starting lineup.

Despite Denver being fourth in the West, they sit just four games ahead of
the Phoenix Suns for the 11th spot, so losing Gordon for another extended
period could hurt their chances of a high seed in the playoffs.


儘管丹佛金塊隊在西部排名第四,但他們僅比第 11 位的菲尼克斯太陽隊領先 4 個勝場,因此如果戈登再次長時間缺席,可能會損害他們進入季後賽高種子的機會。

Either way, the Nuggets should not rush Gordon back to ensure that he is
healthy once the playoffs begin, since he is a huge part of the team’s




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asd07633 01/04 00:23馬刺明天也讓了弱化版AG 手汗

bac123456 01/04 00:23

conqueror50701/04 00:26每年都是阿肥拼全勤,其他人去住院

qq0526 01/04 00:27又一個拿錢不幹事的了

ym60606 01/04 00:28QAQ

e8e88 01/04 00:28哭啊...

WIGGINS22 01/04 00:28@ZIDENS 出大事了!

newererw 01/04 00:29球隊最好的後衛?是在臭某高薪後衛嗎

KhePri 01/04 00:29後衛?

jack34031 01/04 00:29WIGGINS22: @ZIDENS 出大事了!

MadK17672 01/04 00:30‘’可以說是球隊最好的後衛。‘’這句修一下吧

s2022s 01/04 00:30完了…傷了整隊第二重要的人

※ 編輯: JackSpecial ( 臺灣), 01/04/2025 00:32:48

sunnyyoung 01/04 00:34靠 這麼嚴重

ColdJerry 01/04 00:36我還以為AG是鐵人… 沒想到也開始出現傷病了

Royalweger 01/04 00:36小腿拉傷,怕

conqueror50701/04 00:40他也快30了

benson1212 01/04 00:41只能讓他好好休養了

Weasley40 01/04 00:42推 jack34031 : WIGGINS22: @ZIDENS 出大事了!

OsmanGo 01/04 00:46好險續約了

momo7426 01/04 00:46最後一段翻的意思不太對,應該是”無論如何,金塊

momo7426 01/04 00:46隊不應該急著讓Gordon回歸,以確保他在季後賽開始

momo7426 01/04 00:46時能保持健康,因為他是球隊成功的重要關鍵。“

cross980115 01/04 00:50最後一段怪怪的

jameslin510 01/04 00:51停…拜….


※ 編輯: JackSpecial ( 臺灣), 01/04/2025 00:54:10

kawai945 01/04 00:54AG保重 看到他老哥坐在場邊一臉想上的感覺

kawai945 01/04 00:54想不到傷勢這麼嚴重

Brucetk 01/04 00:59專扛四五號,身體吃不消也是正常

ankai 01/04 01:07阿肥專武 可惜了

keltt 01/04 01:14金塊也能第四,西區真爛 XD

nottell 01/04 01:22今年好痛痛…

viagraho 01/04 01:27坦白說,龜龜先發完全取代AG的重要性

viagraho 01/04 01:28因為MPJ其實是四號身材

GHowPan 01/04 01:28繼續休很好 強迫馬龍練兵

viagraho 01/04 01:29搞不好休賽季被賣的是AG

sunnyyoung 01/04 01:34沒什麼取代AG這種事 又不是只有五人在打 AG的角色

sunnyyoung 01/04 01:34太重要

conqueror50701/04 01:35金塊需要的是年輕的大腿,要把其中一個主力,解壓縮

conqueror50701/04 01:35成年輕人

Sherlock95 01/04 01:36辣個把LBJ守到惱羞鎖喉的男人

Hettt5655 01/04 01:37防守端上面目前金塊沒人能取代吧

viagraho 01/04 01:43目前聯盟四號位除了LBJ也沒重型坦克了吧,MPJ扛四

viagraho 01/04 01:44號才發揮最大價值,AG換個潛力新秀入白魔dickey,ha

viagraho 01/04 01:45wkins說不定對金塊比較好

FAYeeeeeeee 01/04 01:47湖人以外就魔術 公鹿 鵜鶘 但有兩隊掛傷號

FAYeeeeeeee 01/04 01:48Tatum也算

FAYeeeeeeee 01/04 01:48然後太陽KD

lakb24 01/04 01:51小丑打成這樣結果只排在西區第四

FncRookie00101/04 01:59交易AG比較實在

FncRookie00101/04 02:00但剛續也不知道能不能交易

FncRookie00101/04 02:05AG算對詹防守人 但詹老了重要性也下降

Xenia1050 01/04 02:14雞塊這次真的GG了

Mipan5566 01/04 02:38MPJ去扛四號太久說不定哪天就背傷復發了,他這傷復

Mipan5566 01/04 02:38發好一點整季報銷,最壞職業生涯也有可能斷送的

Mipan5566 01/04 02:38只能祝AG早日康復了

darkyoyo 01/04 02:41希望MPJ好好保護自己啊

GHowPan 01/04 03:07AG的對抗能力 MPJ跟Watson 難補

rayli1224 01/04 03:42養好再上 就當練練花生吧 沒養好就上看看茉莉

rayli1224 01/04 03:43期待回歸 誰不喜歡娃娃臉飛天大男孩呢

jackjoke200701/04 05:12一肥四跑準備上線

jackjoke200701/04 05:12AG絕對不可能取代 再賣他沒人防守了 而且進攻他也是

jackjoke200701/04 05:13jokic 專武

conqueror50701/04 06:14去怪GM亂簽溢價頂薪吧,能做的選擇不多了

f77928 01/04 06:392025怎麼了…

basterds 01/04 07:38AG不健康的話金塊今年冠軍無望

rj486 01/04 07:48連AG都傷真的很不妙

aifighter 01/04 07:56怎麼可能賣AG...想太多

aifighter 01/04 07:57但AG傷了的確MPJ被交易的機率就下降了

OrniG 01/04 08:40小腿拉傷真的要謹慎,可能是阿基里斯快不行的前兆

c27932589 01/04 09:03

Danjor 01/04 09:04私覺得AG到金塊也延後了大傷的時間,跟著小丑皇打養

Danjor 01/04 09:04生球,季後再完全體。

Danjor 01/04 09:05其他人不要又受傷就不錯了

GordnHayward01/04 09:23拉傷至少兩周 最多六周

cama 01/04 10:01AG也是馬龍設定的替補中鋒,都要扛大一號比較辛苦

cloudyst 01/04 10:04不是才剛續約…

Athchen 01/04 10:42金塊誰能取代他? 前陣子受傷期間金塊輸到脫褲

lockeyman 01/04 11:49這麻煩了啊…

CHERRYCOLA 01/04 12:12魔術傳統 AG這樣算小傷而已

hijodedios3601/04 13:22金塊哪有人能取代他 光防守端就沒有了