[外絮] Cuban覺得Giannis的回答得體 與網友開戰

看板NBA標題[外絮] Cuban覺得Giannis的回答得體 與網友開戰作者
時間推噓52 推:60 噓:8 →:59
Twitter–Mark Cuban

Great response @Giannis_An34
This response should be required viewing for every sports media member and
sports journalism teacher and student. Headline seeking questions that look
good in a tweet are what sports media has devolved to far too often.


It’s also on @espnand @tnt to not accept this as state of the art. Of course
not all sportswriters or beat writers fall into this category, And difficult
questions that require difficult answers need to be part of the game.


But gotcha questions are still far more common than insightful questions. Andquestions about actual basketball strategy are rare. How far away are we
from @sportswriterGPT being a better source of post game questions ? It will
be interesting to see where this side of the industry goes

賽後提問使用 @sportswriterGPT 還有很長的距離呢?



If a team is the #1 seed, & lose in 5 games in the first round to the 8 seed
I dont understand why the question is insensitive or unfair. He has a right
to answer it in the manner he did, but could just have easily said were
disappointed but we tip our cap to Miami for beating us


Have you ever been in a media room after a heart breaking series loss ?


You can feel the disappointment. It’s hushed. It’s tense. That’s what
makes the question ridiculously bad. Particularly since he asked the same
question last year. A good reporter uses empathy and understands the
circumstances and realizes there are an unlimited number of ways to ask the
same question that doesn’t put the recipient on the defensive. But that doesn’t happen nearly as often as it used to. And I don’t blame the reporter.
They don’t get rewarded for asking great questions that elicit greet answers
on more than one question.


Their bosses need revenue so everyone can keep their jobs. Giannis asked the
most insightful question when he asked the questioner if he had gotten a
raise this year. Chances are slim in the media industry and most likely he ishappy to ask whatever questions put him in a position to keep his job.

Giannis 問了一個很有深度的問題,他問了記者今年是否加薪了。

網友2回應 Cuban上面的回文

The purpose of asking questions is to gain insight into another person's
mindset/emotions/worldview. Eric's question was fair & reasonable. Giannis'
reply was thoughtful/measured and gave fans a sense of his values. So it's a
great example for journalists and athletes alike.

問問題的目的是為了了解對方心態/ 情感/ 世界觀。

When the response includes something to the effect of “I don’t want to make
this personal “ it’s not your typical question. You know as well as anyone
what types of questions are rewarded in this business and what kind of
responses are promoted. If any reporter doesn’t , they won’t be successful
in their job.



It’s also a good question, it gives insight into what the actual team thinks
of their season, pretty unfair to categorize it as some sort of gotcha type
of thing.


It’s a question looking for a yes no answer that will be used as a headline
“Giannis says the season is a ….” As Giannis said, he asked the same
question last year. Good for Giannis for his response

這是一道是非題 Yes or No,會被製作成標題「Giannis表示本賽季是....」



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h5t6566556 04/28 00:37

h5t6566556 04/28 00:37KI:

kingfsg7326 04/28 00:37D77+字母+Irving幾冠?

loserloser 04/28 00:39KI簽換+添頭換字母?

a3221715 04/28 00:39蒐集歐洲人

yueyi313 04/28 00:39被老八當然要回答媒體問題啊!可以稱讚對手再聊聊

yueyi313 04/28 00:40自己背傷,可惜對手傷兵更多無法這樣講,吞下來再

bigmiker 04/28 00:40打不過ki只好笨拙的咖

yueyi313 04/28 00:40努力練練罰球就好了!記者不問連工作都沒了!

bigmiker 04/28 00:40今天又墊

langeo 04/28 00:4177搭配字母這種擋拆無解的怪物應該是無敵吧

chenborruey 04/28 00:42庫班把薩滿打包整隊換字母好了

chenborruey 04/28 00:4377+字母庫班做夢都會笑

chenborruey 04/28 00:45當年牛也被老8庫班感同身受

sunnyyoung 04/28 00:4677加字母是多麼完美的搭配

loopdiuretic04/28 00:46小牛老闆知道老八的滋味

queen100000 04/28 00:46庫班雖然交易眼光鳥爆,但明事理的

korgh413 04/28 00:51077+字母幾….等等小牛拿毛換字母

langeo 04/28 00:52如果今年小牛神抽斑馬+KI應該有機會換吧

iwgpg1ghc 04/28 00:54記者還沒問他之前說熱火只會在泡泡贏公鹿

iwgpg1ghc 04/28 00:55自己愛嗆聲就別怪人問尖銳問題

ghchen1978 04/28 00:5777外線不穩,字母外線?夾在禁區做撒尿牛丸?

asdfzx 04/28 00:57先抽到斑馬才有機會換字母

kixer2005 04/28 00:57這也絕對不是什麼模範回答好嗎 護航真噁心

c871111116 04/28 01:02自己平時也愛嘴秋 自己爛到被老八怪記者問題 呵

cycy771489 04/28 01:04老闆很哈字母哥,怎麼對的起自家明星

etfive217 04/28 01:05沒自家球隊季後賽可看,只好跟網友筆戰的老闆

RusevDay 04/28 01:05神墊被黑八算不算失敗是一回事,沒有續約Brunson+拿

RusevDay 04/28 01:06整包綠葉去換KI搞到進不了季後賽應該算

vinc4320 04/28 01:13庫班想要字母了嗎

queen100000 04/28 01:19感覺庫班只想炮那些因為球星輸球,那要不要直接承

queen100000 04/28 01:19認A>B這種無聊提問,就跟這邊一樣

JaccWu 04/28 01:19記者問問題的確戳人痛處

JaccWu 04/28 01:19但記者也有提問自由

JaccWu 04/28 01:20這時球員應對就很重要啦~

JaccWu 04/28 01:21不同回應可以讓更多人決定挺你或酸你

tasimichael 04/28 01:31太長

wwwaaaer 04/28 01:35感覺熱火故意找公鹿打,他們後勤+教練對於公鹿比較

wwwaaaer 04/28 01:36有一套解

reddevilkc 04/28 01:39怎麼可能挑對手打 小心挑到往生...

dustinhuang 04/28 01:43誰那麼有種故意找奪冠賠率第一的打

nothintolose04/28 01:44同是被老八的過來人經驗?

Qorqios 04/28 01:53ki:我看你是沒見識過神仙級的回答喔

nnkj 04/28 01:54不需要找庫班的碴 因為他的隊伍從有季後賽變成坦隊

dfgdp322 04/28 01:56附加賽根本不可能故意輸挑對手 下一場意外輸掉直接

dfgdp322 04/28 01:56沒得打

JackSmith 04/28 02:10我個人覺得是沒有不禮貌或不得體,但嘴硬是真的

karmel 04/28 02:13我覺得那回答還OK 就真的輕敵

karmel 04/28 02:13論實力公鹿是真的不會輸

will313 04/28 02:22字母投靠077就等於11年腿詹投靠Wade

will313 04/28 02:22只是當初11腿詹0冠

truejoker 04/28 02:30庫班其實不用幫字母戰,他回答的很好

spitwater15 04/28 03:38不太一樣,當時9偉已經是FMVP了,77頂多西決,粗度

spitwater15 04/28 03:39有差

Carters1109 04/28 04:29德佬以前也愛金雞獨立頂人家卵蛋又被老八過啊 幹掉

Carters1109 04/28 04:29個大團加奪冠就白回來了啦

Lovemail556604/28 04:41字母當初有機會來熱火不來

saTUnotSATO 04/28 04:49Kerr當初也嘴硬說73W沒冠軍不算失敗 結果後來組世紀

saTUnotSATO 04/28 04:49大團 所以不失敗? 笑死人

chinhan1216 04/28 04:55球員領個幾千萬鎂 記者還要照顧他們的玻璃心 有夠好

chinhan1216 04/28 04:55

Hard1980 04/28 05:18嘴秋被噓合理 當初球評沒料不懂戰術庫班當面嘴爆

lmf770410 04/28 05:29酸民怎麼樣都有啦

MLbaseball 04/28 05:51字母拿過冠了,不可能走了啦

wsd94051 04/28 06:05你就說會檢討下季會贏回來不就好了講一堆廢話

sexycute 04/28 06:43招募?

apple15518 04/28 06:59因為酸民不是字母哥 只會出一張嘴

sam123343 04/28 07:05庫班還是多關心自己球隊吧?..公鹿下季怎樣都還有

sam123343 04/28 07:05機會奪冠

islandant 04/28 07:07好感度+1 來德州吧

number666 04/28 07:12Cuban也是老八傳奇受害者,腥腥相惜吧。

kaede0711 04/28 07:16小牛被老八過所以他能理解吧

pkpkpk3426 04/28 07:22不懂為啥會有人討厭字母哥,他又不是kd ki 迪龍 之

pkpkpk3426 04/28 07:22

robinkidd 04/28 07:23事實上國外鄉民大多覺得回覆得體,連不同領域球星

robinkidd 04/28 07:23Djokovic都轉發

beastlcc12 04/28 07:26酸民就站在制高點批評阿 還要教人怎麼發言最好XD

matico 04/28 07:26確實,外國網友對字母回覆也幾乎都是好評

Monetelliz 04/28 07:35因為字母惹到歐神仙的粉絲。

Monetelliz 04/28 07:35老巴也喜歡字母的回答

ksk0516 04/28 07:40KD KI有傷過誰嗎?

ui 04/28 07:43同意庫班~媒體要賺點閱率一定會誘導式發問蠢問題

ui 04/28 07:44美國職業體育新聞、推特太多八卦、自創新聞了

TDC19685 04/28 07:45字母+77 一場能吐幾碗飯

caesst85149 04/28 07:46獨行俠要字母只能出77,公鹿哪可能接受

qwer007700 04/28 07:58字母的回應就沒什麼問題啊

pages 04/28 08:00等等 干你庫班什麼事

asn789451 04/28 08:03沒問題 罰球繼續爛

ijolin1019 04/28 08:07原po翻譯了這篇 結果寫這種備註….

ntusimmon 04/28 08:07PTT發文的也很會擷取聳動標題餒

abyepi 04/28 08:10字母加77飯不夠吃

raku 04/28 08:10

raku 04/28 08:11笑鼠 一年拿那麼多薪水 受訪是你的義務 打得爛也是

raku 04/28 08:11你的責任

lia910229 04/28 08:14老八傳奇同路人當然要互相取暖

Anyotw 04/28 08:22他講的滿好的啊,但標題真的很懂玩

hunt5566 04/28 08:29字母說的都沒問題

Linmamba 04/28 08:33去翻德佬當年被老八的訪問是更低氣壓的

rl55586 04/28 08:46字母真的回答不錯

horstyle041104/28 08:48字母回的很好吧= =

a103232 04/28 08:52庫班感覺很喜歡歐洲球員

horstyle041104/28 08:52看問答影片的感覺跟被擷取的文字段落差不少

horstyle041104/28 08:55擷取部分回答才有吸引點閱率的價值

h5t6566556 04/28 09:13

h5t6566556 04/28 09:15希臘神墊英勇事蹟一堆 還敢出來洗地哦笑死 昨天打

h5t6566556 04/28 09:15不贏熱火 最後還想開搞開店 死性不改 這種咖嘔嘔嘔

JEON 04/28 09:15不覺得記者問到有什麼問題,被老八而且還只拿下一

JEON 04/28 09:16場,是還有什麼理由好解釋的啦,直接說我們就爛很

JEON 04/28 09:16難嗎?承認失敗而已,這都做不到。

lenz25217 04/28 09:23怎麼可能直接說自己球隊很爛啊...

qooppp 04/28 09:30反正整天崩潰墊的要黑不會找不到機會拉

h5t6566556 04/28 09:33就事實啊怕人說墊也是好笑 說事實等於黑 差滴

h5t6566556 04/28 09:33若要人不知 除非己莫為

h5t6566556 04/28 09:35出招了 還被熱火老八 5場直接送回家 好了啦 嘻嘻

SC30mvp 04/28 09:39你看過哪個球員輸球採訪說我們就爛==

sasakihiroto04/28 09:56講不贏的只能一直拿希臘神殿來跳針ww

h5t6566556 04/28 09:57沒辦法反駁墊是事實 說人跳針 有趣哦 呵

imtifosi 04/28 09:5977跟字母哥互換,大破大立

bilibo 04/28 10:42庫巴:來組三巨頭吧

Redchain 04/28 11:05昨天特斯拉掉坑內,記者問車主「會不會難過?」嗯嗯

Redchain 04/28 11:05,這問題跟體育記者問的一樣,真棒

BardxBaymax 04/28 11:51跳針仔超可憐

Brucetk 04/28 12:43不論世界上有多糟的媒體,都沒有庫班的智障交易來

Brucetk 04/28 12:43的糟

yaguara 04/28 12:59想看字母-77連線

zxcv458162 04/28 17:01不要不懂誰討厭他 一狗票人討厭他

ihx00 04/28 23:49是真的回答的很好,只是很多人無法理解吧